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United States Interest in SW Asia

United States Interest in SW Asia. SS7H2: The student will analyze the continuity and change in SW Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21 st century. Political and Economic Interests. Vast supplies of oil are found in this area critical to the United States’ energy supplies

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United States Interest in SW Asia

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  1. United States Interest in SW Asia SS7H2: The student will analyze the continuity and change in SW Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21st century

  2. Political and Economic Interests • Vast supplies of oil are found in this area critical to the United States’ energy supplies • The United States support of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948

  3. Persian Gulf War • August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to control Kuwait’s oil supplies • Saddam Hussein (leader of Iraq) claimed Kuwait was taking more oil than they were allowed from shared oil fields • Hussein also claimed that Kuwait should have been part of Iraq when the Ottoman Empire was broken up after WW I

  4. Persian Gulf War • United Nations sent military forces to liberate Kuwait from Iraq’s invasion • U. S. sent troops to protect our oil supply • 39 countries joined in the effort and within 3 months (February 1991) Iraqi accepted a truce and withdrew • Also known as Operation Desert Storm

  5. Afghanistan • 2001 after 9/11 U. S. began a military operation aimed at capturing the people responsible • Osama bin-Laden from Saudi Arabia was the leader of Al-Qaeda the terrorists who were responsible • The U. S. believed that the radical Muslim government of Afghanistan (Taliban) allowed Al-Qaeda to hide in the mountains

  6. Afghanistan • U. S. launched attacks in Afghanistan in October 2001 in hopes of capturing bin-Laden • Afghanistan’s government collapsed • U. S. is still in Afghanistan attempting to help the Afghan people reorganize their government

  7. Operation Iraqi Freedom • 2003 U. S. invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein was developing nuclear weapons and helping al-Quaeda • Hussein’s government fell quickly because many Iraqi’s felt he was a cruel leader • U. S. troops have remained trying to stop the fighting between different ethnic and religious groups who are trying to take over as the new government is being established

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