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Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf B. Kämpfer Indian Summer School 2011

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf B. Kämpfer Indian Summer School 2011 Extreme Matter in the Universe (part 1). www questions. when where what t ~10^-6 s everywhere hadronization small

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Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf B. Kämpfer Indian Summer School 2011

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  1. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf B. Kämpfer Indian Summer School 2011 Extreme Matter in the Universe (part 1)

  2. www questions • when where what • t ~10^-6 s everywhere hadronization small • t ~ 10^2 s everywhere nucleosynthesis large • neutrino decoupl. • e+ e- annihilation • 3) now neutron stars cbm large • 4) now CERN hadronization small • 5) 2018 AD FAIR CBM large after Big Bang

  3. UrQMD + GEANT4 What is Extreme? (i) hot: T ~ 100 MeV ~ 10^12 K RX J185635-3754 (ii) dense: rho ~ 10^15 g/cm^3 ~ 5 rho_0 (iii) fast: dt < 10 fm/c ~ 30 ys = 30x10^-24 s

  4. Numerology in nuclei

  5. What are our Questions? universe hadronization universe nucleosynthesis neutron stars LHC, RHIC FAIR CBM 1 2 3 4 5 T x x x rho x x dt x x 2) = rather normal, but interesting playground hot dense short QCD  hadrons (structure + interactions) phase diagram of SIM deconfined SIM = sQGP = ?

  6. Phase Diagram of SIM T T CEP CEP Nf = 3 Nf = 3 mix n T Nf = 3 Barz et al., PLB 1987

  7. T or n phase diagram of water

  8. Gauge Theories w/o SSB Abelian (QED) non-Abelian (QCD) 1 Landau pole UV slavery 1/137 asymp. freedom 0 E E sQCD pQCD non-trivial vacuum: condensates not neccessarily weak-coupling: alpha too large

  9. Columbia plot Wuppertal-Bp plot O(4) vs. Ising

  10. Hadron Resonance Gas Wuppertal-Bp T < Tc: hadrons  Dashen-Ma-Bernstein theorem

  11. Gluon Gas: Nf = 0 QCD trace anomaly: e – 3p = 0

  12. Trace Anomaly/Interaction Measure Bielefeld lattice QCD: Tc puzzle quasi-particle model: adjustment to lattice QCD results  susceptibilities, transport coeff.

  13. Bielefeld-Swansea data neglect strong interaction QPM c0 lQCD D=1.15 c2 c6 c4

  14. Tools: (1) Fluid Dynamics long-wavelength modes  T(x), mu(x), u(x) and their gradients currents 1st law of thermodyn. 1) 2nd law of thermodynamics: 2) conserved charges: 3) EoM: Euler/Navier-Stokes curvilinear coordinates/Riemann space-time:

  15. t x • = control eq. (seldom constructive eq.) • = local charge conservation • = 4 eqs. for 4 components of constitutive eqs.: perfect fluid dissipation What is flow? Choice of 4-velocity (3 independent components) • Eckart: flow of net charge • LL: flow of energy LL condition:

  16. even when neglecting dissipative effects: EoS is needed p(e,n) or p(T,mu) or s(e,n) or ... first-principle calculations (lattice QCD, large-T expans.) phenomenology, measurements V, E, N_i: extensives  e, n_i T, mu_i: intensives entropy density s, pressure p ... applicability of hydro: container > gradients large enough

  17. Tools (2): Thermodynamics Gibbs-Duham: Euler: susceptibilities: Taylor expansion (Bielefeld):

  18. Example: Cosmic Confinement perfect fluid + cosmological principle homogeneity + isotropy in 3D  Robertson-Walker metric (coordinates) Einstein eqs.  expanding universe (matter cools and becomes dilute) E S R(t1) E S comoving volume R(t2)

  19. Friedmann eqs. EoS

  20. p T Bag Model EoS: too simple p Gibbs criteria for phase equilibrium (maximum entropy) qg pi 1st order pt (nucleation, bubbles etc.) p_qg = p_pi T_qg = T_pi mu_qg=mu_pi -p = free energy T Tc T e,s mix Tc T 10 t

  21. Cosmic Swing (1): SIM from small mu to large mu hadronization

  22. Driving the Cosmic Swing: eta mystery: 5year WMAP CDM God given init. cond. or via baryogenesis (sphalerons) specific entropy conserved: T > Tc: relativistic quarks carry baryon number T < Tc: non-relativistic nucleons carry baryon number T ~ 45 MeV: annhilation of baryons, excess (~ eta) remains why is baryon excess so small OR why is entropy so large?

  23. disapparence of anti-matter (1) B B

  24. Densities Boltzmann approx.: high/low temperature approx.:

  25. g q q q 1000 fm 5 m 1 fm 100000 fm 1 fm 1 fm -10 T = 2.3 x 10 MeV Stretching of Distances T = 170 MeV B B B Dark Matter In nuclei & neutron stars On average On Earth

  26. Relics of Cosmic Confinement? after 30 years research: none • cosmic confinement is too slow • gradual matter conversion in qg  h cross over • if confinement would be 1st order pt: • bubble growth, supercooling, inhomogeneities • - uncertainty: neutrino degeneracy Jenkowski, BK, Z. Phys. 1990

  27. Primordial Nucleosynthesis the first three minutes four fundamental forces in concert: - gravity  expansion of universe - electromagnetic  e+ e- annihilation - weak  neutrino decoupling - strong/nuclear  cooking the leight elements: specific abundances for given cosmic expansion + reaction rates charge neutrality:

  28. e-, e+ e-, e+ e- e- - e+ e- - e+ e+

  29. e-

  30. e- e+ Big Bang e+ e- Annihilation t ~ 0.3 s: neutrino decoupling t ~ 15 s, T ~ 3 x 10^9 K: e+ e- annhilation disappearance of last antimatter in universe only excess electrons survive „reheating“ of photons, nucleons Kolb-Turner

  31. e+ e- Nano Droplets Yaresko, Munshi, BK, Phys. Plasma 2010 Munshi, BK, PRA 2009 first estimates: Shen, Meyer-ter-Vehn, PRE 65

  32. The Universe as Reactor Friedmann: T(t) from only destruction after BNN D: baryometer 4He: chronometer

  33. Primordial Nuclear Network Dominant Channels (strong int./QCD): 2. D, 4. 3He, 8. T, 6. 4He, 7. 7Li

  34. Be 7 12 Li 7 10 11 9 3 He 4 He 7 8 6 4 3 2 p D T 5 1 n Nollett-Burles

  35. Rate Equations for 2  2 Processes rates (T) Init. Conds.: earlier equilibrium values integrate up to freeze-out add decays T(t)

  36. Evolution of Abundances D mass fraction Be

  37. Cosmic Concordance? new physics beyond Standard Model? Xdimensions, more neutrinos, axions, SUSY particles, G(t), ...

  38. Neutron Life Time nearly all n are in 4He: Y(4He) depends on and also on (other abundances are robust) 904 886.7 869 fastBBN

  39. Number of Light Neutrinos 2.5 3 3.5

  40. Cosmic Interim Summary Cosmic Confinement/Hadronization T > Tc = 170 MeV, t < 10^-6 s: mu small, q + g T < Tc, t > 10^-6 s: hadrons emerge and decay, no relics T ~ 40 MeV: nucleons annihilate (up to the excess) no relics Primordial Nucleosynthesis concides with neutrino decoupling and e+ e- annihilation abundancies of light nuclei are sensitive to expansion history = relics

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