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Center of Electrochemical Energy Systems (CEES) in WVU

This article explores the challenges and advancements in using solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) for coal syngas utilization. It covers topics such as impurity tolerance, contamination, anode materials, interconnect corrosion, cathode performance, and the potential for concurrent power and chemical generation. The article also highlights the research and development efforts of the Center of Electrochemical Energy Systems (CEES) at West Virginia University.

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Center of Electrochemical Energy Systems (CEES) in WVU

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  1. Xingbo Liu West Virginia University September 23, 2013 Center of Electrochemical Energy Systems (CEES) in WVU

  2. High Efficiency • Fuel Flexibility & Impurity Tolerance • Internal Reforming Capability

  3. SOFC in Integrated Gasification Fuel-cell Combined Cycle (IGFC) System

  4. SOFC and Coal Syngas • Syngas: Product of coal gasification • Typical Compositions: 30% H2, 26% H2O, 23% CO, 21% CO2. Intentionally control the water concentration to prevent carbon deposition (coking) on the anode surface. • Contaminants: H2S, HCl, PH3, AsH3, Hg, Sb, Zn, Cd, Se, HCl etc. They may react and destroy the cell anode. J.P. Trembly, R.S. Gemmen, D.J. Bayless Journal of Power Sources 163 (2007) 986–996 • In coal syngas PH3 concentration is typically 1-10 ppm. Mingyang Gong, Xingbo Liu*, Jason Trembly, Christopher Johnson: “Sulfur-tolerant anode materials for solid oxide fuel cell application”, Journal of Power Sources 168 (2007) 289-298

  5. Challenges in Coal-Based SOFC Systems • Anode • Impurity Effects on Ni-YSZ Anode (P, S, Cl, etc.) • Impurity Tolerant Anodes • Interconnect • Corrosion of Metallic Interconnect in Coal Syngas • Electrochemical Deposition of (Mn,Co) spinel coatings • Cathode • Improving Performance by Infiltration • Fundamental Parameters Characterization • ORR Modeling in Infiltrated Cathode

  6. Utilizing Shale Gas with SOFC • High Efficiency • Concurrent Generation of Power and Chemicals 6

  7. Launch of CEES

  8. First MW Na-S Battery in US, near Charleston, WV 50 m Wind Map in WV Energy Storage – A Game Changer • Fossil–Renewable“Hybrid”Grid • Peak Shaving, Power Quality • Community Energy Storage • Smart Grid AES Laurel Mountain Project near Elkins, WV

  9. Electrolyte Cathode Layer-by-Layer – Li Protective Layer Cell Modeling - Celik ab initio/Tight Binding - Lewis TEM - Song Manufacturing - Liu Anode Electrolyte Development - Liu Ionic liquid Synthesis - Shi + Cathode plate Cathode Seal ring Copper wool Gasket Anode: Sodium Anode plate NaSICON/glass electrolyte Planar Sodium-Batteries

  10. Summary • CEES is doing R&D on high temperature electrochemical systems for energy conversion and storage • Solid Oxide Fuel Cells • Sodium Batteries for Stationary Energy Storage • Etc. • The advantages of these systems are • Highly efficient • Multi-functional • Reduce Carbon footprint and other pollutions • Workforce development • Business Development and Job Creation in WV

  11. Acknowledgement Funding Sources • DoE - EPSCoR, SECA, SBIR, NETL-RUA, OE • WV HEPC-RCG Collaborators • WVU - Ismail Celik, Bruce Kang, Nick Wu, Xueyan Song, Ed Sabolsky (MAE); John Zondlo (ChE); Harry Finklea, Mike Shi (Chemistry), James Lewis (Physics), Bingyun Li (HSC), Patricia Lee (Law), Trina Wafle, Kathleen Cullen, Dick Bajura, Carl Irwin (NRCCE) • National Labs – NETL (Kirk Gerdes etc.), PNNL (Vince Sprenkle etc.) • Industrial Partners • International Collaboration – AIST- Japan

  12. Contact Information Dr. Xingbo Liu (刘兴博) Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering & Mineral Resources West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506-6106 Tel. (304) 293-3339 Email: xingbo.liu@mail.wvu.edu


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