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Future Gazing Search Engines רואים את הנולד: מנועי חיפוש צופי עתיד

Future Gazing Search Engines רואים את הנולד: מנועי חיפוש צופי עתיד. Ariel J. Frank Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University, Israel. ariel@cs.biu.ac.il. Contents. Past, Present, … Google Suggest/Trends/Insights Flight delay and fare casting Sentiment Analysis based search.

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Future Gazing Search Engines רואים את הנולד: מנועי חיפוש צופי עתיד

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  1. Future Gazing Search Enginesרואים את הנולד: מנועי חיפוש צופי עתיד Ariel J. Frank Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University, Israel ariel@cs.biu.ac.il A.Frank

  2. Contents • Past, Present, … • Google Suggest/Trends/Insights • Flight delay and fare casting • Sentiment Analysis based search A.Frank

  3. Rrrewind • What if you missed checking what was hot on social media yesterday? • Rrrewind is a site that let you go back in time and see what was popular. • It archives top social media topics from numerous social networks: • Delicious, Digg, Hacker News, Reddit, Hulu, Yahoo videos, YouTube, Dribble, Flickr, Amazon, and Yahoo Buzz. • Provides original links to contents. • “A Wayback Machine for Social Media“ (Lifehacker) A.Frank

  4. Rrrewind A.Frank

  5. Tweetbeat (Kosmix) • Lets you know what people are talking about in social networks as it is happening. • Uses Kosmix’s advanced semantic technology to identify the meaning of social media updates (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) in real-time and categorize them instantly. • This sophisticated categorization system is based on the web’s largest taxonomy that enables Tweetbeat to understand relationships, influence of contributors, and trends so that it finds relevant updates without relying on hashtags/keywords. • It then uses a relevance meter and a real-time influence score to determine what content to show, and what to filter out. A.Frank

  6. Tweetbeat (Kosmix) A.Frank

  7. Tweetbeat (Kosmix) A.Frank

  8. Future Gazing Search (Engines)? A.Frank

  9. Contents • Past, Present, … • Google Suggest/Trends/Insights • Flight delay and fare casting • Sentiment Analysis based search A.Frank

  10. Google Suggest A.Frank

  11. Google Suggest A.Frank

  12. Google Instant A.Frank

  13. Google Instant A.Frank

  14. Google Trends A.Frank

  15. Google Trends A.Frank

  16. Google Flu Trends • Tool released by Google researchers, in 2008, for predicting how many people were getting sick with the flu in different places around the world. • Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data to estimate current flu activity around the world in near real-time. • At the time, the tool could predict the likely number of cases in parts of the United States 10 days before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) could. A.Frank

  17. Google Flu Trends A.Frank

  18. Google Flu Trends United States: Influenza-like illness (ILI) data provided publicly by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. A.Frank

  19. Google Books Ngram Viewer • Usage of words and phrases in book publications has developed over the years and it reflects a lot about the progression of societies. • Provides visual view usage of words and phrases in books over a period of time. • With Google transforming every book that they can get their hands on into digital format in their Google Books database, it is now a lot easier to conduct these types of search/studies. • It is a search tool that allows you to see the development of how words have been used in books over the years as displayed in a visual graph. A.Frank

  20. Google Books Ngram Viewer A.Frank

  21. Google Insights for Search A.Frank

  22. Google Insights for Search A.Frank

  23. TrendsBuzz A.Frank

  24. Contents • Past, Present, … • Google Suggest/Trends/Insights • Flight delay and fare casting • Sentiment Analysis based search A.Frank

  25. Delaycast • Helps you obtain reasonable estimates of the flight delays you may experience. • “On-time prediction engine” – estimates are based on factors such as the airline, flight origin and destination, developing trends, holidays, date and time of the flight and so on. • Flight delay predictions are produced by the models and thus aren’t 100% accurate. Nevertheless, the additional insight provided beyond the airlines schedules should come in handy for most of the travelers. A.Frank

  26. Delaycast A.Frank

  27. Delaycast A.Frank

  28. Farecast (Bing Travel) A.Frank

  29. Farecast (Bing Travel) A.Frank

  30. Farecast (Bing Travel) A.Frank

  31. Farecast (Bing Travel) A.Frank

  32. Contents • Past, Present, … • Google Suggest/Trends/Insights • Flight delay and fare casting • Sentiment Analysis based search A.Frank

  33. Sentiment Analysis (Opinion Mining) • Refers to a broad area of data analysis, natural language processing, computational linguistics and text mining. • Sentiments or emotions get expressed through ideas, opinions, criticisms, and sarcasm. It is measured against what’s positive, what’s negative, and what remains neutral. • The attitude of an author may be their judgment or evaluation, their affective state (i.e., the emotional state of the author when composing) or the intended emotional communication (i.e., the emotional effect the author wishes to have on the reader). • Sentiment Analysis is exceptionally challenging as computers are very poor at understanding irony, subtext, implicit context and all kinds of other linguistic constructs that a human easily comprehends. A.Frank

  34. What does the Internet think? A.Frank

  35. The Stock Sonar • Continuously scans the traditional and social media, bringing up timely insights to the attention so as to be able to see the earliest ripples before the wave hits. • It provides a one-glance quantified assessment of the financial, news and social media sentiment relevant to stock market analysis. • Enables rapid, timely and informed trading decisions based on real-time and historical media sentiment on specific companies and sectors. • The Stock Sonar leverages advanced information extraction technologies developed by its parent company, Digital Trowel. A.Frank

  36. The Stock Sonar A.Frank

  37. The Stock Sonar A.Frank

  38. Recorded Future • A comprehensive source of past, planned, and predicted future (speculative events) on the web. • “Temporal and predictive analytics engine“ – extracts time and event information from the web and provides a service for tracking and predicting future trends. • Statistical analysis of data is used to help predicting future trends to give us insight into what will most probably happen. • Through analyzing past events and their frequency it can be determined if and when they will reoccur. A.Frank

  39. Recorded Future A.Frank

  40. Recorded Future A.Frank

  41. Recorded Future A.Frank

  42. Recorded Future A.Frank

  43. Recorded Future A.Frank

  44. Recorded Future A.Frank http://blog.recordedfuture.com/tag/predictions/

  45. Recorded Future Bartz and Yahoo - 6 Month Negative Sentiment A.Frank http://blog.recordedfuture.com/tag/predictions/

  46. Recorded Future Bartz and Yahoo - 6 Month Positive Sentiment A.Frank http://blog.recordedfuture.com/tag/predictions/

  47. Recorded Future A.Frank

  48. Recorded Future A.Frank

  49. Recorded Future A.Frank

  50. Recorded Future A.Frank

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