6 Reasons to Laugh this Halloween
This Halloween Iu2019d much rather be laughing than screaming when I watch a movie. Instead of having to decide between a comedy or a horror film, why not enjoy both? Watch a horror-comedy! Now donu2019t worry, there are plenty of movies out there to scare you. Youu2019ve got your Chucky films, gore-fest stuff, the found footage flicks and your straight up freaky killer films. Just get onto your streaming service and Iu2019m sure theyu2019re not far off. Before you do, just make sure you check out the best internet deals and packages in your area. Because nothing is scarier than paying more for your internet than you absolutely need to. Right? For those out there who donu2019t enjoy the jump scares, blood spraying profusely from an artery, or that creepy guy who just likes killing people- youu2019re in luck. There are plenty of horror spoof movies out there. Like the Wayan Brothersu2019 with their Scary Movie series and A Haunted House films. Then there are the movies with horror creatures in them that are put into odd situations, like Warm Bodies. These are humorous twists on standard comedy setups. What Iu2019m talking about are the movies that mock the clichu00e9s of the classic horror films. There are spoofs, which are over-the-top in their humor. And then there are these types of films which aim to tell an actual story with a humorous take on the u201cscary movie format.u201d Trust me, they are well worth your time.
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