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Office of the Chief Architect / Capital Construction Programs Public Buildings Service G eneral Services Administration

Office of the Chief Architect / Capital Construction Programs Public Buildings Service G eneral Services Administration. Opportunities in Commissioning Martin Weiland, P.E. Opportunities in Commissioning G eneral Services Administration. What does GSA mean by “Commissioning”?

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Office of the Chief Architect / Capital Construction Programs Public Buildings Service G eneral Services Administration

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  1. Office of the Chief Architect / Capital Construction ProgramsPublic Buildings ServiceGeneral Services Administration Opportunities in Commissioning Martin Weiland, P.E.

  2. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What does GSA mean by “Commissioning”? • GSA has adopted the definition of the National Conference on Building Commissioning (NCBC): • “Systematic process of assuring by verification and documentation, from the design phase to a minimum of one year after construction, that all facility systems perform interactively in accordance with the design documentation and intent, and in accordance with the owner’s operational needs, including preparation of operation personnel”

  3. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What does GSA mean by “Commissioning”? • GSA has adopted the definition of the National Conference on Building Commissioning (NCBC): • “Systematic process of assuringby verification and documentation, from the design phase to a minimum of one year after construction, that all facility systems perform interactively in accordance with the design documentation and intent, and in accordance with the owner’s operational needs, including preparation of operation personnel”

  4. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Other Definitions for Commissioning? • ASHRAE Guideline 0: A quality-focused process for enhancing the delivery of a project. The process focuses on verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner's Project Requirements. The Commissioning Process begins at project inception (during the pre-design phase) and continues for the life of the facility through the occupancy and operation phase.

  5. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Other Definitions for Commissioning? • ASHRAE Guideline 0: A quality-focused process for enhancingthe delivery of a project. The process focuses on verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner's Project Requirements. The Commissioning Process begins at project inception (during the pre-design phase) and continues for the life of the facility through the occupancy and operation phase.

  6. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Other Definitions for Commissioning? • AIA: A systematic process of ensuring that all building systems perform interactively according to the contract documents, the design intent, and the building’s operational needs.

  7. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Other Definitions for Commissioning? • AIA: A systematic process ofensuring that all building systems performinteractivelyaccording to the contract documents, the design intent, and the building’s operational needs.

  8. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is GSA’s Policy on Commissioning? PBS DIRECTIVE FOR ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS, PBS DIRECTORS, PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS, PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT FROM: F. JOSEPH MORAVEC, COMMISSIONER SUBJECT:Release of The Building Commissioning Guide Summary. Each Prospectus level project team -whether on new construction, major repair and alteration, or modernization -shall use “Total Building Commissioning” practices beginning with the project planning phase, and concluding at one year after tenant occupancy.

  9. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is GSA’s Policy on Commissioning? PBS DIRECTIVE FOR ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS, PBS DIRECTORS, PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS, PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT FROM: F. JOSEPH MORAVEC, COMMISSIONER SUBJECT: Release of The Building Commissioning Guide Summary. Each Prospectus level projectteam -whether on new construction, major repair and alteration, or modernization -shall use “Total Building Commissioning” practices beginning with the project planning phase, and concluding at one year after tenant occupancy.

  10. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Old Scope of Commissioning: • HVAC Systems and Equipment • Startup, Testing, and Turnover Total Building Commissioning • Defines all project performance goals (Programming) • Proactively supports project goals during design (QA) • Validates performance in construction (QC) • Revisits performance goals after tenant occupancy (POE)

  11. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Where Does Commissioning Come From? • Nautical: Ships commissioned for Active Service • Architecture: Ancient Roman Architects and their Arches

  12. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Why Does GSA Commission? • Design Excellence buildings are complex • Our tenants include judges, congresspeople, heads of federal agencies, and others who we would rather not disappoint • In all buildings, O&M and utility costs are closely linked to FFO • In all buildings, tenant labor costs far exceed rent, O&M, and utilities, so productivity is crucial for tenant satisfaction

  13. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  14. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration The Building Commissioning Guide

  15. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  16. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  17. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  18. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  19. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  20. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  21. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  22. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  23. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Our Definitive Policy Document:

  24. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is Recommissioning? • According to the GSA Building Commissioning Guide, Recommissioning shall generally include: • • Establishing that original basis of design and operation is still appropriate for use, occupancy, tenant agencies and GSA goals, and modify the operations/controls sequencing as appropriate for optimum operations • • Reviewing and benchmarking key systems operations/performance against the Basis of Design • • Evaluating envelope tightness/pressurization by infrared or other methods • • Performing energy analysis • • Recommending repairs/modifications to optimize building performance

  25. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is Recommissioning? • According to the GSA Building Commissioning Guide, Recommissioning shall generally include: • • Establishing that original basis of design and operation is still appropriate for use, occupancy, tenant agencies and GSA goals, and modify the operations/controls sequencing as appropriate for optimum operations • • Reviewing and benchmarking key systems operations/performanceagainst the Basis of Design • • Evaluating envelope tightness/pressurization by infrared or other methods • • Performing energy analysis • • Recommending repairs/modifications to optimize building performance

  26. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is the Difference between Total Building Commissioning and Recommissioning? • Total Building Commissioning starts at planning stage and continues through design and construction to post-occupancy • Recommissioning is done while the building is occupied. It starts with validation of program, continues through validation of building performance and recommendations for systems and operations changes, and may end with post-occupancy evaluations. Ideally, it should be done every 3-5 years.

  27. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Why does GSA Recommission? • Some buildings have never been properly commissioned • Buildings are a moving target • Space usage changes • Equipment changes • Systems change • Original design intent is usually no longer completely valid

  28. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Why does GSA Recommission? • O & M is imperfect • Inadequate budgets • Incomplete or erroneous understanding of design intent and how to run the systems • Training of personnel • Incomplete documentation on building • Retrofits, and no single plan of how to run the systems as modified • Systems are too complex for operators

  29. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Why does GSA Recommission? • Objectives Change • Expectations of building performance • Intensity of space usage • Energy efficiency • Financial performance • IEQ

  30. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Recommissioning of Donohue Federal Building & Courthouse, Worcester, MA Project Background • 105,000 GSF 6 story FB & CH in Worcester CBD • 1932 granite structure is eligible for National Register • Last renovated 1995 • Decreasing FFO due to increasing energy costs • ME Group/CxGBS is Recommissioning agent • Major energy savings potential by better controlling ventilation and winter economizer operations • Tenant issues such as “mystery smell”

  31. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Recommissioning of Courthouse White Plains, NY Project Background • 150,000 GSF CH on edge of White Plains CBD • Steel and Masonry structure completed 1995 • Declining FFO due to utility and O&M costs • Many MEP and Controls projects w/o a single design intent • Setty and Assts./E-Cubed is Recommissioning Agent • Savings potential in ventilation control • The limits of excellent O&M

  32. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Recommissioning of Courthouse Laredo, TX Project Background • 153,000 GSF 4 Story Courthouse in Laredo CBD • Steel and Limestone structure completed 2004 • Extraordinary Customer Satisfaction in incomparable space • GC fired during construction, latent quality issues? • Chillers going bad after 4 years • Air never balanced right, controls unsatisfactory? • Mold in courtroom – air balance, poor construction? • Savings potential in utilizing controls, reducing ventilation

  33. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Recommissioning of Federal Building/Courthouses Youngstown, OH

  34. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is the status of GSA Commissioning IDIQ contracts? • Commissioning and Expert Professional Services FedBizOpps Announcement on June 30, 2005 • 75firms submitted proposals, 48 responsive, 27 unresponsive • 16 firms short-listed and interviewed • 7 firms selected • Three small business consultants • Four unlimited size consultants • Contracts awarded Sept. 29, 2006 with POP ending Sept. 28, 2011 • One base year with four renewal option years • Max $3M/YR for Small Business, $6M/YR for Large Business

  35. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Who are the current GSA Commissioning IDIQ contractors?

  36. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is the status of GSA Commissioning IDIQ contracts? • Next FedBizOpps announcement probably in mid 2010 • www.fedbizopps.gov

  37. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Who do GSA’s Commissioning Agents Work For? • GSA • CMa

  38. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Where are all these GSA’s Commissioning Projects? • About 200 active projects throughout the United States • Cx required for all projects – Early Planning through Construction and into post-occupancy

  39. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration What is GSA’s Commissioning Budget? • Regions • GSA’s commissioning practice is expected to cost approximately 0.5% of the construction budget for federal buildings and border stations • About $12.5 Billion in active construction projects • Office of the Chief Architect/Capital Construction Programs • $300,000 for pilot ReCx in FY 2007 • Asking $750,000 for ReCx in FY 2008

  40. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration New Drivers for GSA Cx and ReCx • EPACT 2005 • Design buildings to be 30% more efficient than a reference ASHRAE Std. 90.1 building, if life cycle cost effective • Executive Order 13423 • Reduce energy consumption for the entire portfolio by 3% per year (referenced to 2003) for 10 years • No excuses • More stringent legislation in the pipeline!

  41. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration • Resources • www.gsa.gov/commissioning • www.wbdg.org/commissioning • http://pbsportal.pbs.gsa.gov:7777/portal/page?_pageid=79,290711&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL • www.gsa.gov/smbusforecast • www.ccr.gov • GSA PBS “The Building Commissioning Guide” available today in paper copy • Contact me at martin.weiland@gsa.gov

  42. Opportunities in CommissioningGeneral Services Administration Questions?

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