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Abortion:. Pro-choice view. History of Abortion. There are two types: Induced abortion Spontaneous abortion Induced is referred to as just plain abortion and spontaneous is usually called a miscarriage. Can be induced by medications or surgically. The Controversy of Abortion.

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  1. Abortion: Pro-choice view

  2. History of Abortion • There are two types: • Induced abortion • Spontaneous abortion • Induced is referred to as just plain abortion and spontaneous is usually called a miscarriage. • Can be induced by medications or surgically.

  3. The Controversy of Abortion • One of the most controversial topics not only nationwide, but worldwide as well. • In the controversy of abortion you are either pro-life or pro choice. • Pro-life people believe abortion is murder, whereas people who are pro-choice believe a woman should be able to choose if she wants to carry a baby to term or not.

  4. Thesis Statement • Keeping abortion legal is the right thing to do because a woman will be able to choose what happens to her body, unplanned or unwanted pregnancies can be ended, and the number of teen moms can be reduced.

  5. The Woman’s Body • Abortion is an exceptionally personal choice that should be made by the pregnant woman herself. • Abortion is a woman’s health issue, implying that women should be able have control over their own bodies; it should not be a legal issue. • A mother has the right to do what is best for her born and unborn children.

  6. Unplanned/Unwanted Pregnancies • Unwanted pregnancies lead to unwanted children who sometimes become subjects of child abuse. • In the year 2000, there were at least six million unwanted pregnancies. • Planned babies turn out better because they are wanted and a woman is not overwhelmed with more children than she can handle.

  7. Teen Moms • Abortion gives teenagers the choice to decide if they want to be a mom instead of finishing high school or college. • Abortion can help teenagers get rid of an untimely pregnancy and stop them from ruining their lives. • Abortion makes it so teenage girls can finish school and earn a trade instead of sitting home and raising a baby.

  8. Keep in mind…. • Being pro-choice does not mean you are pro-abortion, it means you think that a woman should be able to do what she wants.

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