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Possession. There are two ways to show possession in French. . #1 ‘s. In French, the use of ‘s to show possession does not exist. Instead, they say the ___________ of _________________.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Possession There are two ways to show possession in French.

  2. #1 ‘s In French, the use of ‘s to show possession does not exist. Instead, they say the ___________ of _________________. So, to say, “my grandfather’s uncle,” you would say “the uncle of my grandfather.” In French, “L’oncle de mon grand-père.”

  3. Translate and Check My cousin’s (f) dog Le chien de ma cousine My brother’s wife La femme de mon frère My nephew’s French book Le livre de français de monneveu

  4. #2 Possessive Pronouns Posessive pronouns are a new kind of noun marker. They are used to show posession. As with all noun markers, they must agree in GENDER and in NUMBER with the noun they modify. There are 6 sets of 3.

  5. Translate and Check My car Ma voiture Your aunt Ta tante His cat Son chat Our chocolate Notre chocolat

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