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We have gathered some landscaping makeover secrets to create an eye-catching exterior. For more details, visit here: http://www.astecpaints.com.au/exterior-paint.html
Paint With Pride Landscaping Secrets to Enhance Your Exterior’s Curb Appeal
Much more than just aesthetic elegance A beautiful exterior provides much more than just aesthetic elegance. With landscaping done right, the front of your house can make your abode a head turner and probably the most desired property in the neighbourhood. Landscaping improvements have been proved to add instant wow factor to a property and increase its real estate value. That said, we have gathered some landscaping makeover secrets to create an eye-catching exterior.
A quick glance at fast facts • Research confirms that planting trees in from of your home significantly increases its worth • Studies have also revealed that trees growing within 100 feet of neighbourhood houses affect market prices significantly. • Well-designed landscaping can increase the property value by 10-15%.
Cohesive exterior paint It’s no secret that a fresh coat of exterior paint can instantly boost the aesthetic appeal of a house. A well-throughout colour scheme will not only enhance the architectural detail of your façade but also add a sense of vibrancy to your landscaping.
Interesting walkaways Instead of naturally creating a path of dead grass by trampling across the garden, create fascinating walkaways and pathways using natural flagstone, brick, stepping and crushed stones.
Year-round exterior appeal Design your landscape with year-round aesthetic interest in your mind. Not only does incorporating evergreen shrubs ad plants in your landscape make for a scenic view but it also allows you to protect privacy of your home and save on your energy bills all year long. Whether you want to pull off a quick landscaping makeover or prepare your home for sale, the abovementioned information will help you improve your landscape as well as façade for better. Go ahead, make your house stand out!
Get in Touch.. Paint With Pride • AstecPaintsAustralasiaPty Ltd • Address: Head Office - 22 - 24 Pinn Street, St. Marys, S.A. 5042 • Post: Post Office Box 321, Melrose Park, S.A. 5039 • Phone: (08) 8297 2000 • Website:http://www.astecpaints.com.au • Email: enquiries@astecpaints.com.au