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Evangelist George Kum Ning Founder of Mega Revival Outreach

Your being on this website is not an accident neither is it a mistake as you may think, God divinely made this happen and I know it is for good for He is a good God; His thoughts towards you are for good, to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). 

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Evangelist George Kum Ning Founder of Mega Revival Outreach

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  1. Your being on this website is not an accident neither is it a mistake as you may think, Goddivinely made this happen and I know it is for good for He is a good God; His thoughtstowards you are for good, to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  I pray that youwill have an encounter with Him as you go through this website. Heavenly father I ask you toreveal yourself to your child now in a life changing way in Jesus’ name I pray amen. On Sunday the 24th of October, 2010 during the worship session at The River at Istanbul Iwas with the worship team singing as a back up when the presence of the Lord took over:people were worshiping, some were even weeping. I could hardly stand as I looked up withmy hands lifted, the Lord opened my eyes and I saw a river gush out in Istanbul, Turkey.It resembled the dams of hydroelectric plants flowing in many lanes, some lanes flowed intoan ocean, while a small portion had flowed into a creek. The Lord said to me: my son, the lanes that flow into the ocean are the nations and yes a small part of the river flowed into thecreek, remained there and dried up. But He said “you are one of the lanes that flowed intothe ocean, that is the nations and I am sending you carry this fire of revival, pass it to othersso they can light up villages, towns, cities and nations.” I wept and wept, I told God aboutmy incapabilities and short-comings, but He said: “my son it is your heart I saw and choseyou for this commission, I will confirm my word with signs and wonders.” Prior to thatencounter I had been invited to preach in Spain and I was waiting on the lord; after worship Itold my wife about the encounter and said yes to the trip. I went to Spain and God confirmed his word with signs and wonders as He promised. Sincethen God has taken me to many nations, opening doors for me to go in and preach thisgoodnews with signs following me. By His grace I have been to Brazil in South America,Nigeria in Africa, some European countries and Turkey were we are based now to talk of Hislove for mankind. The Lord wrapped up with these words: Ask for The nations and I will givethem to you as your inheritance; the ends of the earth as your possessions. That was how Mega Revival Outreach was born. Right from the time He delivered thismandate till now, a sure proof of His hand has been our portion. We thank you HeavenlyFather, we thank you Lord Jesus and submit to your Lordship, we than Evangelist George KumNing Founder of Mega Revival Outreach k you Holy Spirit takecomplete control, continue to lead and we will continue to follow your leading. Evangelist George KumNing Founder of Mega Revival Outreach

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