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29 questions focusing on: What you say about Meetings Membership recruitment & retention Community activities & impact Leadership,, personal growth and development- needs & opportunities
29 questions focusing on: What you say about Meetings Membership recruitment & retention Community activities & impact Leadership,, personal growth and development- needs & opportunities No print copies. The entire survey summary (46 pages) with this commentary will be emailed to the survey participants and it will be posted on the MD5M-10 website. Contact your Zone Chair, club secretary or president if you think you are not on the list. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
District 5M-10 membership: 1180 Surveys sent to: 473 email addresses (40%) Respondents: 106 (31% of 473) Reliability: Accurate overall within +/- 10% for the district but it may be different by individual question for your club. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #1: Time of meetings? The Messages: No obvious discontent Conclusions: None Recommendations: Quick check? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #2: Feelings about meetings? The Messages: General acceptance, some exceptions, overall little/no enthusiasm; club officers could benefit from training in “How to run a meeting”; make fun, informative programming a priority Conclusions: victims of “The same old – same old?”, “It’s always been that way”, “We’re happy as we are, why change? Recommendations:In a volunteer organization good leaders can only go where followers want to go. Good programs and/or efficient, planned business agendas + fun = good meetings . Involve the members in defining needs, future plans, ask for ideas; make more effective use of board of directors and project committee meetings after the key decisions are made by general members MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #3: What works best to recruit new members? The Messages: Ask – 16%, Invite to meeting/event -21%, don’t know – 10%, personal contact 7%, 46% spread over 30 other choices < 4% Conclusions: No clear ideas or agreed approach; recruitment is NOT “top of the mind”; no sense of urgency Recommendations: Each club must discuss and implement a clearly understood and agreed approach – think outside the box!! For some clubs, it is “Renew or die!” MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #4: Describe at least one way to recruit members that would be new to your club The Messages: Don’t know -40%; Advertise – 18%; 22 other choices 1 to 4% Conclusions: Membership health/numbers NOT “top of mind”; urgency lacking; consequences of failing to renew/grow not thought through re: personal loss, community loss; rewards of membership not thought through re: personal/community gain Recommendations: General meeting discussion regarding loss/rewards, “brainstorming”new and different approaches, set a clear and achievable growth target within a fixed time frame (e.g. 6-8 weeks “blitz”, fun competition, teams, with weekly reviews) MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #5: What were the greatest barriers to your club’s past efforts to recruit members? The Messages: Don’t know/unknown (14%); Age differences (9%), failure to ask (8%); have members forgot the fun and the pride in their achievements when first a Lion? Conclusions: Is it time to ask, “Does the community need MORE/something different from Lions that addresses today’s needs?” What personal rewards should both new and longstanding members expect from being a Lion and who has to do what to deliver on those expectations? Recommendations: Set up a special time to involve all members plus members of the public in answering the above? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #6: What club activities have been cancelled or risked “burnout” or suffered from a lack of support? The Messages: For 55% - not an issue, mostly fundraisers; boredom due to lack of challenge or excitement, repetition; responses indicate that members see the “work” outweighing the benefit = lpw motivation, apathy Conclusions: When I look in a mirror, do I feel proud to be a Lion and proud of what we do? Do we publicly salute “heros”, recognize consistent supporters, those who go “above and beyond? Recommendations: Is it time to take on NEW projects (not necessarily BIG) that will make a BIG difference,? Establish member recognition plans (Melvin Jones Fellowship, Helen Keller Award, Presidential medals, etc.)? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #7: Aside from death, what are the main reason members drop out of Lions? The Messages: 19% don’t know/unknown; time commitments (17%);age (8%); Loss of interest (10%); personality conflicts (6%); financial (6%); retiring/relocating Conclusions: We fail to ask, “What is missing that would put these complaints in the proper perspective?” Is it personal satisfaction, fellowship, making a difference, helping those who can’t help themselves”, etc.? Recommendations: How do we displace apathy with ambition, energy, pride and excitements? Is it time to rethink the needs, ways and means to make “We Serve” more personally meaningful, more reflective of 2013 and the years ahead? Do we need non-Lions to help us answer the question? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #8: What would you recommend to reduce the “quit” rate in your club so you end up with a net gain in members? The Messages: 41% don’t know; mentor program (6%); make meetings more fun (5%) engage members (5%); involve all members (6%); others 2%< Conclusions: Do we need better meeting programs, more exciting projects, seek member inputs, more fun? Recommendations: Ask members to comment on “What would increase your satisfaction from being a Lion? What does our community need from Lions that Lions can address?All ideas are welcome. All criticisms an opportunity to learn. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #9: What “fellowship” or social activities does your club regularly organize either as a regular or special event? The Messages: Christmas party (15%); don’t know (11%); socials & dinners (25%); picnics, fish-fries, annual wind ups (15%); many others Conclusions: Does fun and fellowship with new and longstanding friends occur only when “organized” or is it part of everything you do as a Lion? Recommendations: You do not have to be solemn to be serious. There is a difference between a fun, worthwhile activity with friends doing something worthwhile and “WORK” MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #10: What does your club do to involve members, families, friends, and prospective members? The Messages: 59% don’t know/unknown; picnics, barbecues, dinners 20%; social events 7%; help with club activities (15%) Conclusions: What will cause you to join in and make the greatest effort to succeed? Is it when your opinion is asked, heard and discussed (though maybe not acted on) or when another’s idea is decided, without your input and leaving you no choice? Recommendations: Host an evening in which you ask members and community representatives to identify and discuss community needs that could fit with Lions; ask for feedback concerning what is it about Lions that attracts them and what turns them off.“Service is our name and fun is our game” MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #11: If your club had more members, what new, significant community needs/other needs could/should your club address that it now can’t do? The Messages: 40% don’t know/unknown; of the other 53 suggestions none got more than 2% support Conclusions: Nothing new and no specifics in the suggestions; apathy outweighs ambition? Clubs/districts are failing to discuss how “We Serve” should be addressed in their own community and around the world in the 21st Century Recommendations: Rapid and unexpected change is creating new, more complex challenges to maintaining a desired quality of life; is your Lions club still relevant and, if not, what, if anything, needs to change to avoid irrelevancy? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #12: Does your club have a “buddy system” (mentor/sponsor responsibility system) to follow up on new member attendance? The Messages: 57.5% “No”, (15%) don’t know, only 27.5% “Yes” Conclusions: One possible answer to the “drop out” issue ? Recommendations: Is it only the sponsor’s responsibility? Monitoring individual attendance and constructively addressing shortfalls is equally important as financial records, controls and a treasurer’s report. Should it be a high priority, mandatory, routine practice for every club? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #13: Does your club regularly and faithfully follow up on member absences leading to corrective action? The Messages: 31% “Yes”, 50% “No”, 19% “don’t know”; if monitored it is not clear if attention is focused on attending meetings or on the member’s active participation in the club’s work/fundraising/etc. projects? Conclusions: See question #12 (apathy, drop outs) Recommendations: Does mailing a “We miss you card” have the same power as a personal visit or telephone call? Perhaps measuring overall involvement and participation in projects might be more important than attending a meeting? While “perfect attendance” is recognized, perhaps more emphasis needs to be placed on formally recognizing and presenting awards based on overall contribution to all aspects of Lionism. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #14: Do you routinely feel welcomed as a friend in your club? The Messages: 97.3% said “Yes” Conclusions: That is very good! Or, does this reflect an “old boys” club? Recommendations: Is it appropriate to find out if recent drop outs or low participators in club activities feel the same way? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #15: Do most members routinely feel welcomed as a friend in your club? The Messages: 94.7% “Yes” Conclusions: See question #14 Recommendations: See question #14 check with low- and non-attenders MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #16: Do you believe that your club is widely recognized for making a BIG DIFFERENCE (positive) in the quality of life in your community? The Messages: Yes (69%), No (15%), Don’t know (16%) Conclusions: The comments generally reflect the good will and positive support that Lions receive from the community despite general public ignorance of what Lions clubs actually do - no one cited any BIG difference. Recommendations: Clubs might benefit from identifying the community’s significant (not necessarily BIG) needs and/or concerns – test to see if any fit within what Lions should take on, either alone as a club or leading a larger, cooperative community effort. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #17: Name leadership/membership activities that your club regularly undertakes and rate their degree of excellence from poor to excellent The Messages: 70% don’t know; zone meetings (4%), orientation Over 50% of those who did respond rated the quality as “poor”. Officer training only cited by 2 respondents Conclusions: Clubs need to address the need for and importance of providing opportunities for leadership and membership training programs at the Zone and individual club level. Recommendations: Should the Global Leadership Team (GLT) develop and offer leadership/membership training including “training of trainers” opportunities at the Zone and individual club level? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #18: Does your club conduct orientation sessions for new members? The Messages: No 50%; don’t know 13%; Yes 37% (1-in-3) Conclusions: Is this another clue to “drop outs”, poor participation, barrier to recruitment? Recommendations: Lions Clubs International offers excellent print and video resources, check with those clubs that do run regular programs. Your club has a proud history – tell your story. Seek input regarding future needs/activities from the new members, be seen recording them and include them in a report to the next General meeting (proof they were heard, “seeds” for older members) MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #19: Are current members expected to attend (orientation) as a demonstration of support for new recruits (and as a “refresher”)? The Messages: Yes- 37%, No – 37%, don’t know – 26% Conclusions: When “yes” it usually refers to orientation occuring at a regular club meeting, otherwise it is left to the sponsor Recommendations: Is a well-informed Lion, new or older, more likely to be a better Lion over a longer period of time? What will build teamwork, create meaningful fellowship? What will best maintain a club’s vitality and ambition? Impact on drop outs? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #20: Are your orientation sessions “fun”, well-attended, without being boring? The Messages: NO – 53%, don’t know 24%, YES 23% Conclusions: A reason for early quits, low participation? Since this is when the club “closes the sale” on membership, recruitment and retention, is this the best way to go? Recommendations: When we look around at the world, things seem pretty serious, beyond our individual ability to influence. It’s easy to give up. Lions, by nature are PROUD, so modesty is NOT in order! We can prove that, by working together, we CAN (and DO) change the world. And, we have FUN while doing it. If any club activity calls for excellence, this is it. Should this be a primary function of a club’s board of directors and the membership chairman/committee? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #21: Does your club conduct or join with other clubs in organized Officer Training activities at least once per year? The Messages:NO – 52%, don’t know – 24%, YES – 24% Conclusions: Leaders are trained, not born. Volunteer organizations require more effective leadership because they can’t rely on power and authority – only good will. In the long term, volunteers will only do what they believe is important, have helped to shape, and what they choose and want to do. Recommendations: Skill and knowledge training for current and prospective club officers (preferably most/all members) will help those who do volunteer to take on officer positions and it will create more support, cooperation and understanding in the other members MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #22: Does your club regularly attend the Midwinter Convention? The Messages: Yes – 71% Conclusions: Consistent comments indicate that while the club is represented, the number from each club is very few and/or the same people each year. Recommendations: History = the more attendees, the healthier, happier and more effective the club. Participants are involved in decisions about the “government” of the district &new program initiatives, learn about life in Lions beyond the club level and are reminded that, worldwide, Lions are a tremendous force for good. Speakers tell exciting, rewarding stories that legitimately increase each person’s pride in and satisfaction from being a Lion. Lifetime friendships are forged. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #23: Do you see your Lions’ membership as a “passport” to personal growth, the development of leadership and membership skills, and the contribution these might make to your personal , family and work life? The Messages: 69% YES Conclusions: There are different opinions about the need/value of leadership training at the club level. Some appreciate the impact on their lives gained from being active leaders in Lions Recommendations: Your club might want to encourage a discussion about how the lives of individual members and the health of the club might be improved if effective leadership development opportunities were offered at the club/Zone level. Do you have any members who would like to be trained to deliver training? Identify what three programs might be of most benefit and contact the GLTeam coordinator for help. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #24: Have you served on the District 5M-10 cabinet as an officer or program representative in the past 5 years? The Messages: 24% YES; only represents 25 persons, many have served for much more than five years Conclusions: Is low turnover a good or bad thing? Has past practices “disconnected” the general membership? As a result, are ambitious Lions led to seek leadership roles elsewhere? Is the district at risk of pursuing “stale” strategies? Does the district encourage understudy or successor involvement? Does it deliberately try to “grow” its future leaders? Recommendations: Is it time to discuss “term limits” for the members of cabinet as is the case for some of the foundations associated with Lions? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #25: Have you been sponsored to/attended a Multiple 5M Leadership Institute? The Messages: Yes – 17% (16 persons actually attended) Conclusions: Very positive experience Recommendations: Generally an unused opportunity in the past. Past participants have gone on to be effective Lion leaders, often benefitting in their private lives. Clubs should budget to sponsor at least one member to attend on a “first come-first served” basis in competition for one of the 6 allocated places. A great investment! MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #26: Have you attended a U.S.A./Canada Leadership Forum? The Messages: Yes – 20% (21 persons) Conclusions: Many are repeat attendees, very positive responses Recommendations:Leaders are “grown”, not born. Clubs should strongly consider budgeting annually to send at least one member to the Forum. MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #27: Have you attended an International Convention in the past 5 years? The Messages: 16% yes (17 persons) Conclusions: A positive experience Recommendations: Many clubs in MD5M budget to send or assist an incoming or outgoing president to attend. Worthy of consideration? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #28: What leadership development areas/programs, if offered at/in your club might be of most value to you? The Messages: 73% unknown, other choices (25) < 2% Conclusions: This aspect of Lionism, one of the main reasons Melvin Jones formed the first Lions Club, is generally not seen as a something Lions should do, despite the huge challenges involved in running an entirely VOLUNTEER organization Recommendations: If having the skills and knowledge of effective leadership would help you in you work life, your home life and your life as a Lion, do you think leadership training and development should be an important part of what your club has to offer? MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012
The Question #29: What leadership/skill training, if offered in your club or Zone, would be of most value to you in your personal or business life or your role as a Lions\s’ member? The Messages: Choices <40% >20%: managing a project, strategic planning, chairing a meeting, social networking, presentation skills, public speaking, budgeting and financial reporting, conflict resolution, Internet research, basic parliamentary procedure Conclusions: There is a considerable need to offer the desired training at the club/Zone level Recommendations: The Global Leadership Teams needs to source or develop training programs that can be offered at the club/Zone level in a practical and affordable fashion, perhaps associated with a “Training of Trainers” program to be offered at the 5M-10 or the MD5M level MD5M-10 Membership Survey 2012