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Chapter 12: ADO.NET and ASP.NET

Chapter 12: ADO.NET and ASP.NET. Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition. Database Terminology Lesson A Objectives. Define the terms used when talking about databases Explain the purpose of the DataAdapter, Connection, and DataSet objects Explain the role of the provider

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Chapter 12: ADO.NET and ASP.NET

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  1. Chapter 12: ADO.NET and ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  2. Database TerminologyLesson A Objectives • Define the terms used when talking about databases • Explain the purpose of the DataAdapter, Connection, and DataSet objects • Explain the role of the provider • Create and configure an OleDbDataAdapter object Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  3. Database TerminologyLesson A Objectives (continued) • Write SQL SELECT statements • Create a dataset • Display a dataset in a DataGrid control Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  4. Database Terminology (continued) • Database: organized collection of related information stored in a file on a disk • Relational database: database that stores information in tables • Each column represents a field • Each row represents a record Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  5. Database Terminology (continued) • Table: a group of related records • Each record in a table pertains to the same topic, and each contains the same type of information • Relational database contains one or more tables • Primary key: a field that uniquely identifies each record in a table Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  6. Database Terminology (continued) Figure 12-3: Example of a two-table relational database Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  7. Database Terminology (continued) • In Figure 12-3: • The first table is called the parent table • The second table is called the child table • In the parent table, the Number field is the primary key • In the child table, the Number field is called the foreign key Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  8. ADO.NET • To connect an application to a database, Visual Basic .NET uses ADO.NET • With ADO.NET, the connection between an application and a database is a temporary one • Use three ADO.NET objects and a provider to access a database from a Visual Basic .NET application • DataAdapter, Connection, and DataSet Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  9. ADO.NET (continued) Figure 12-4: Illustration of the relationships among an application, the ADO.NET objects, a provider, and a database Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  10. Creating and Configuring a DataAdapter Object • The DataAdapter object is the link between the application and the Connection object • DataAdapter object contacts the Connection object whenever the application needs to read data from or write data to a database Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  11. Creating and Configuring a DataAdapter Object (continued) Figure 12-6: Procedure for creating and configuring a DataAdapter object for a Microsoft Access database Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  12. Creating and Configuring a DataAdapter Object (continued) Figure 12-6: Procedure for creating and configuring a DataAdapter object for a Microsoft Access database (continued) Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  13. SQL • SQL (Structured Query Language): a set of commands to access and manipulate the data stored in many database management systems • SQL commands perform database tasks such as storing, retrieving, updating, deleting, and sorting Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  14. SQL (continued) • SELECT statement allows you to: • Specify the fields and records you want to view • Control the order in which the fields and records appear when displayed Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  15. SQL (continued) Figure 12-13: Syntax and examples of the SELECT statement Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  16. SQL (continued) Figure 12-13: Syntax and examples of the SELECT statement (continued) Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  17. Using the Query Builder to Enter a SELECT Statement • When you click the Next > button on the Choose a Query Type screen, the Generate the SQL statements screen appears • You can enter the SELECT statement yourself, or you can have the Query Builder enter it for you • To use the Query Builder, click the Query Builder button • The Query Builder and Add Table dialog boxes open Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  18. Using the Query Builder to Enter a SELECT Statement (continued) Figure 12-15: Query Builder and Add Table dialog boxes Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  19. Using the Query Builder to Enter a SELECT Statement (continued) Figure 12-18: SELECT statement entered in the Generate the SQL statements screen Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  20. Creating a Dataset • A dataset contains the data you want to access from the database, as specified in the SELECT statement associated with the DataAdapter object • XML (Extensible Markup Language): a text-based language used to store and share data between applications and across networks and the Internet • An XML schema definition file defines the tables and fields that make up the dataset Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  21. Creating a Dataset (continued) Figure 12-21: Procedure for creating a dataset Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  22. Using the Fill Method • Use the DataAdapter object’s Fill method to fill a dataset with data while an application is running Figure 12-25: Syntax and an example of the Fill method Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  23. Binding the DataSet Object to a DataGrid Control • View the data contained in a dataset by connecting its DataSet object to one or more controls in the interface • Binding: Connecting a DataSet object to a control • Bound controls: the connected controls • Bind a control using one or more properties listed in the Properties window Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  24. Binding the DataSet Object to a DataGrid Control (continued) Figure 12-26: Procedure for binding a DataSet object to a DataGrid control Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  25. Binding the DataSet Object to a DataGrid Control (continued) • When bound to a DataSet object, the DataGrid control displays the data from the dataset in a row and column format • Each field in the dataset appears in a column in the DataGrid control • Each record in the dataset appears in a row in the DataGrid control Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  26. Reconfiguring the DataAdapter Object Figure 12-30: Procedure for reconfiguring an existing DataAdapter object Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  27. More on Binding ControlsLesson B Objectives • Display a dataset in various controls in an interface • Position the record pointer in a dataset Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  28. Binding the DataSet Object to a Label Control or a Text Box Figure 12-33: Procedure for binding a DataSet object to a label control or text box Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  29. Coding the Cartwright Industries Application • Carl Simons, the sales manager at Cartwright Industries, records the item number, name, and price of each product the company sells in a database named Items.mdb • Items.mdb database • Contains one table named tblItems • The Number and Name fields contain text, and the Price field contains numbers Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  30. Coding the Cartwright Industries Application (continued) Figure 12-37: Items.mdb database opened in Microsoft Access Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  31. Coding the Cartwright Industries Application (continued) Figure 12-39: TOE chart for the Cartwright Industries application Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  32. Creating Web Applications Using ASP.NETLesson C Objectives • Define the terms used when talking about the Web • Create a Web application • Add controls to a Web form • Start a Web application Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  33. Creating Web Applications Using ASP.NET Lesson C Objectives (continued) • Use the validator controls • Include a list box on a Web form • Determine whether a postback has occurred • Include a DataGrid control on a Web form Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  34. Web Terminology • The Internet is the world’s largest computer network, connecting millions of computers located all around the world • World Wide Web (WWW or the Web) • Part of the Internet • Consists of documents called Web pages that are stored on Web servers Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  35. Web Terminology (continued) • Web server: computer that contains software that “serves up” Web pages in response to requests from clients • A client is a computer that requests information from a Web server • The information is requested and subsequently viewed through the use of a program called a Web browser (or simply, a browser) Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  36. Web Terminology (continued) Figure 12-49: Illustration of the relationship between a client, a browser, and a Web server Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  37. Web Terminology (continued) • Static Web page: document whose purpose is merely to display information to the viewer • Dynamic Web page is interactive; it can accept information from the user and also retrieve information for the user • Every Web page has a unique address called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that indicates its location on the Web Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  38. Creating Web Applications • Use a Web form to create a Web page in Visual Basic .NET • Create (or design) the Web page in the Web Form Designer window Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  39. Creating Web Applications (continued) Figure 12-52: Procedure for creating a Web application Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  40. Adding Controls to a Web Form • Use the tools contained in the Toolbox window to add controls to a Web form • The tools for a Web form are located on the Web Forms tab in the toolbox • Can add a control to a Web form by simply dragging the corresponding tool from the Web Forms tab to the form Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  41. Using the Web Validator Tools • These tools allow you to validate user input Figure 12-65: The Web validator tools Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  42. Including a List Box on a Web Form • Use the ListBox tool on the Web Forms tab to add a list box to a Web form • Can use a list box on a Web form to display a list of choices from which the user can select one or more choices Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  43. Including a List Box on a Web Form (continued) • A postback refers to the client requesting data from the server, and the server responding • Each time a postback occurs, the Web page is redisplayed on the client’s screen • Can use the Web form’s IsPostBack property to determine if the Web form is being displayed for the first time or as a result of a postback Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  44. Including a DataGrid Control on a Web Form • DataGrid control displays the data from a dataset in a row and column format • Each field in the dataset appears in a column in the DataGrid control, and each record appears in a row • The DataGrid control’s DataBind method is used to bind the control to the dataset Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  45. Including a DataGrid Control on a Web Form (continued) Figure 12-72: Web form for the Fairview application Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  46. Including a DataGrid Control on a Web Form (continued) • DataGrid control provides many properties to control the appearance of its output • DataGrid control provides an Auto Format dialog box that allows selection from a list of predefined formats, or schemes, for displaying data Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  47. Summary • To access a database from a Visual Basic .NET application, use the DataAdapter, Connection, and DataSet objects • Use SQL SELECT to specify the fields and records to view, and to control the order in which the fields and records appear when displayed • Use the Fill method to fill a dataset with data while an application is running Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  48. Summary (continued) • To bind a DataSet object to a DataGrid control • Set DataGrid control’s DataSource property to the name of the DataSet object • Set DataMember property to the name of a table • To bind a DataSet object to a list box • Set the list box’s DataSource property to the name of the DataSet object • Set its DisplayMember property to the name of the table and field Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

  49. Summary (continued) • To add a control to a Web form, use the tools on the Web Forms tab in the toolbox • To validate user input on a Web page, use one or more Web validator tools • To determine whether a postback has occurred, use the Web form’s IsPostBack property • To bind a Web DataGrid control to a dataset, use the DataBind method Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

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