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VALUE ADDITION IN FLORICULTURE. DR. D.K.GUPTA IIIM JAMMU. What is value addition To increase the profit value and consumer attraction of an commodity. This can be done by changes in genetics and by value added processing after harvesting.
What is value addition • To increase the profit value and consumer attraction of an commodity. • This can be done by changes in genetics and by value added processing after harvesting. • This requires more time, labour and skill than ordinarily seen in farming operations
Identify a product that utililise local resource and fulfill demanding gap in the market. • Although a value-addition increase cost of production, but careful planning of marketing strategy significantly increases the net profit. • A value- added marketing approach should be to expand the market. • Value addition gives high returns to the grower and more acceptable quality to the domestic and export market.
Why use value addition in Floriculture? • Unstable prices in the market • Changing consumer preferences • Make more money by cutting out the middleman • Utilization of the waste item to make some useful product
Concerns with value addition in Floriculture • Marketing of value-added product is critical • If you can’t sell it, you won’t make money • ComplicatingLegal and business restrictions • Do homework before jumping in any business • Consultation of the experts in the field
CHALLENGES • Technology for value added Products • Knowledge for standards to be followed • Availability of varieties as per market preferences • Synergy is must in the plan, and approach of various agencies at various levels in different functional areas i.e., research, finance, quality assurance & certification
WAYS FOR VALUE-ADDITION • Value can be added by • Grower ( selection of seeds, fields and care of the crop ) • Processor ( selection of harvesting time, storage and transportation system, utilization of waste to get some additional products) • Retailer • Give your customers a reason to buy your products • Benefit is generally reaped by the one who adds the value to the goods.
Plant is propagated by the seeds Flowers are used to make garlands, to decorate the religious places and buildings and also used in wedding and other ceremonies • The commercial cultivation of flowers has become big business in India. Flowers are in great demand for decoration and as sources of essential oil. • In several states they are grown commercially in fields and have been claimed to be more profitable than any other crop. • Flowers are delicate and have a short shelf life. • Value-Addition • The flowers is to be refrigerated and improved mode of transportation is needed to increase the shelf life. • Waxing of flowers with paraffin wax can also be used to increase its shelf life.
The marigold flowers are generally thrown out as wastages after their use as garlands and decorative purposes. • These flowers can be collected and can be processed on an important industrial scale as a source of high value colorants (xanthophylls) for application in the food industry • Crude flower extract is used mainly as an ingredient of poultry feed to promote the coloration of chicken skin and egg yolk • Marigold extracts can be used as “nutraceuticals” and is an ingredient in many products commercialized by nutritional companies.
Other uses of Marigold • As an ointment, Marigold is an excellent cosmetic remedy for repairing minor damage to the skin. • Merely looking at the Marigold plant can improve the eyesight and lighten the mood. • Marigold is effective for the treatment of skin problems, ulceration , piles etc., • .
The cream of marigold flowers is used to treat eczema, scars, cracked skin, rashes, inflammation and viral infections. • The petals of flower are used to make an eye wash. • Both homoeopathy and conventional medicine utilize marigold as a healing ointment for cuts. • Marigold has antiseptic, anti fungal and stimulant properties. • The flower can be made into a tea to heal irritating and painful mouth ulcers and stomach ulcers.
Area Under Flower Production in India State Area (ha.) Karnataka 19,161 Tamil Nadu 14,194 West Bengal 12,285 Andhra Pradesh 5,933 Maharashtra 3,356 Rajasthan 1,985 Delhi 1,878 Haryana 1,540 Madhya Pardesh 1,270 Uttar Pardesh 1,000 Others 2,166 Total 64,768
Tagetes oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks and flowers, picked when the seeds are just starting to form. • The main chemical components are tagetone, limonene, valeric acid and ocimene . • The oil is anti-infectious, anti-spasmodic, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, insecticide and sedative. Tagetes oil can be useful for treating the respiratory system,. • Yield % from flowers • Solvent Steam distillation SCFE Xanthophylls Extraction • 2.6-3.0 1.5 4.7-5.0 0.89-1.00 • Prices • Xanthophylls = Rs 1759- 45450/Kg (Lutein contents 5-95%) • Essential oil = Rs 33900/Kg