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Launch and Test Range System Modernization and Future Planning

This update provides an overview of the operational requirements document analysis, future range planning project, and ballistic missile range safety technology system. The update also discusses the responsive launch traffic control operational requirements document analysis and the impact of funding on meeting the requirements. It highlights the roadmap for the future range integrated product team and the plans for sustainment and next-generation range development.

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Launch and Test Range System Modernization and Future Planning

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  1. Launch and Test Range Activities Update May 2006 Lt Col Tim Brown HQ AFSPC/DA5F

  2. Overview • Operational Requirements Document (ORD) Analysis • Future Range Integrated Product Team (FRIPT) • Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System • Future Range Planning Project (FRPP) • Responsive Launch Traffic Control (RLTC)

  3. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) Analysis • 2003 ORD is the primary requirements repository for the modernization of the Launch and Test Range System (LTRS) • ORD was written to facilitate spiral development of the LTRS in an incremental fashion • Original timelines for meeting incremental ORD requirements have been affected by lack of sufficient funding • ORD analysis effort initiated to get a bearing on where HQ AFSPC and SMC are with respect to: • Meeting ORD requirements • Validating the sense of what requirements are being met by modernization efforts • Formulating a future plan to address and meet ORD requirements

  4. Today Near-Term Mid-Term Far-Term FY11 FY05 FY18 (revised to FY23) Sustainment Next-GenerationRange Current Range • Mid-Term Guidance • Keep ranges fully mission capable • Provide interim support to limited responsive launch • Maintain complementary to far-term architecture RSA IIA SLRSC LTRS Ops Responsive Launch Traffic Control(RLTC) Acquisition RLTC Ops AoA Future Range IPT (FRIPT) • 14 AF/CC request (then Lt Gen Hamel) for range vision • 45 SW/CC (then Brig Gen Pavlovich) request for mid-term roadmap

  5. FRIPT Roadmap FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 ORD Increments Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment x RSA IIASLRSC Development Two 2-year options extend SLRSC beyond FY06 Sustain as necessary to meet needs of range users & operators Legacy Systems Complete by end of FY12 if done in parallel; by end of 2014 if done serially Radars—ROSA Integrated Priorities List Worst Actors OM&S projects in Range Out Year Plan to meet the remainder of the LTRS ORD requirements GOAL: REDUCE O&M COSTS AS A RESULT OF WORKING OFF DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT ITEMS Instrumentation Modernization Telemetry system upgrades REDUCE NEED FOR REDUNDANT RANGE ASSETS IN FAVOR OF NEW, MORE RELIABLE SYSTEMS Command system upgrades Optics system upgrades 1. Gather user needs & technology opportunities 2. Cooperatively assess & prioritize to select technologies to demonstrate Range Technology Demo Program 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. Demonstrate utility of technology for range capability 4. Decide whether to incorporate into ranges Integrate/Operate NewRange Systems to Address Needs REDUCE O&M COSTS BY REPLACING SYSTEMS WITH MORE EFFICIENT APPROACHES GALT Range Develop/demonstrate Certify on ER & WR

  6. FRIPT Report Conclusions • Sustainment must be the first priority for the ranges in the FY08 POM • Costly redundancy is used to compensate for degrading reliability • Instrumentation modernization must be defined and defendable for the FY08 POM • Range user needs are generally being met and future needs are not well defined • Responsive range requirements are currently being defined; ranges can currently meet the scenarios as identified today • SPO is addressing most ORD requirements though most are not yet currently met • Range technologies have been identified by range user community as potential solutions to certain needs

  7. Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) • HQ AFSPC is considering the integration and employment of the BMRST system as a potential asset for use in the Launch and Test Range System (LTRS) architecture • BMRST has potential for meeting telemetry and command destruct requirements from the LTRS Operational Requirements Document • BMRST was examined via an Integrated Product Team venue with splinter groups researching and reporting on four areas: • Requirements, Concept of Employment, Test/Certification, and Logistics • AFSPC has tasked 14 AF for it’s operational perspective and analysis and SMC for it’s cost effectiveness and overall system suitability analysis • Analysis results will be presented to AFSPC/CC for a decision on integrating BMRST into the operational LTRS architecture

  8. GPS Satellite Constellation Ground System Tracks Two Independent Data Sources: INS, GPS, & GPS-INS LV Telemetered Inertial Guidance Vehicle Position & Status Telemetry Two Mobile 14.1 ft Diameter S-Band Tracking Antennas Omni-Directional UHF Command Destruct Antennas Command Center Receivers/Transmitters Data Processing GPS Reference Range Safety Display Command Destruct BMRST Operational View The Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System, with spiral development upgrades, provides telemetry tracking and command destruct system capability in stand-alone or integrated modes of operation

  9. Future Range Planning Project • Brand new effort catalyzed by the Future Range IPT results and led by SMC/LRR to develop a long-term acquisition plan for the Launch and Test Range System • Charter currently under development—intent is to: • Develop a cohesive modernization architecture and executable implementation plan • Kickoff underway late May 06 • Effort to yield POM inputs for FY10 POM

  10. Range Launch Traffic Control (RLTC) • RLTC Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) • Approved at Air Force level on 16 March 2006 • Preparing for Joint validation this summer • RLTC Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) • Study plan under development • Still hope to get funding • Launch vehicle autonomy critical for near-term interim capability • Satellite data relay • On-board tracking such as GPS metric tracking • Autonomous flight termination • Integrated systems health management (ISHM) • Adaptive guidance and control

  11. Summary • Operational Requirements Document (ORD) Analysis • Future Range Integrated Product Team (FRIPT) • Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System • Future Range Planning Project (FRPP) • Responsive Launch Traffic Control (RLTC)

  12. Backups

  13. ORD Analysis • HQ AFSPC/A5FG assessed all 139 LTRS ORD Increment 1 Threshold Requirements in light of Met, Partially Met, and Unmet Capabilities

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