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Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Of India For the year ended 31 March 2000 Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work.
Report of theComptroller and Auditor GeneralOf IndiaFor the year ended31 March 2000Removal of Garbage and Sanitation WorkGovernment of National Capital Territory ofDelhi
Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work • Section 261 of NDMC (New Delhi Municipal Council) Act 1994 envisages garbage removal by the NDMC so as to provide neat and clean environment and aesthetic look to the area within its jurisdiction. The garbage generated every day is collected from 404 masonry dustbins and 540 iron trolleys located/established in colonies under 14 circles of the NDMC.
Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work • The garbage is lifted by refuse compactors/tipper trucks and sent either to compost plant, Okhla for production of manure or to the dumping ground of MCD both located at about 15 kms distance. Besides, the NDMC also ensures sanitation under its jurisdiction.
Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work • Health Department of the NDMC supervises the collection and disposal of garbage. It is headed by Medical Officer of Health, who is assisted by Chief Medical Officer, North and South. There are two workshops under the charge of Executive Engineer (Automobiles) for repairs and maintenance of vehicles, and one Compost Plant under the charge of Chief Engineer (Electrical).
Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work • Scope of Audit • Audit test checked the record maintained in two workshops, compost plant and in ten circles of the NDMC out of 14 representing 71 per cent of total circles during the period 1995-96 to 1999-2000, with a view to examining whether the lifting of garbage in the NDMC area was done efficiently and economically.
Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work-Estimates and expenditure
Removal of Garbage and Sanitation Work • Disposal of Garbage • The garbage generation in the NDMC area ranged from 221 MT per day to 334 MT per day during the five year period. As against this, the capacity for garbage removal using trucks owned by the NDMC alone ranged from 240 to 432 MT per day. Year-wise details are given in the table below :
Garbage Disposal • Thus the NDMC possessed sufficient number of trucks to transport the garbage assuming that one truck made only one trip a day during the five years covered in review with the exception of year 1999-2000. In fact, even with one trip per day norm the NDMC acquired larger fleet size than actually required.
Garbage Disposal • In spite of sufficient fleet capacity the NDMC hired private vehicles during 1997-98 to 1999-2000 for lifting of garbage. The details of trips made by the NDMC vehicles and private vehicles, garbage lifted etc. during the last five years ended March 2000 are given below :
Hiring of private trucks was avoidable and NDMC could have saved Rs. 2.14 crore during the 3 years.
Compost Plant • The NDMC set up a Compost Plant in February 1985 at a cost of Rs.1.92 crore with installed capacity of processing of 200 MT of garbage per day in three shifts. The project report on compost plant dated November 1977 envisaged handling of 60000 MT of garbage per annum by taking 300 effective days in a year.
Compost Plant • Further it was envisaged that Compost production would be 50 per cent of the input i.e.30000 MT per annum. • The table below indicates the quantum of garbage handled and manure generated during 1995-96 to 1999-2000 as against the projected quantity.
Compost Plant • On account of the two factors mentioned above i.e. inadequate capacity utilization and inefficient production, the NDMC lost potential revenue of Rs.7.71 crore. The reasons given in the log book were, failure of electricity, repair and maintenance of plant etc. The reasons given are not tenable in view of (i) gross under utilisation of capacity of the plant and (ii) the days for repair and maintenance of plant had already been taken into consideration while working out the installed capacity of 300 days.
Compost Plant • Further, the NDMC had to pay dumping and leveling charges to MCD in whose sanitary land fill the garbage is dumped at Rs.248,which was revised to Rs.388 per trip during 1999-2000. The number of trips for dumping the garbage during the last five years was 65728. Thus, the NDMC incurred avoidable expenditure of Rs.1.87 crore as dumping and leveling charges due to under-utilization of compost plant.
Compost Plant • The NDMC stated in January 2001 that the compost plant had been running in single shift right from its inception and the city garbage did not even contain 50 per cent of organic waste to generate maximum manure. • NDMC’s reply is not tenable as the actual generation of manure ranged from 32 per cent to 57 per cent of the garbage
Delay in award of contracts-loss of Rs. 20.12 lakh • The NDMC made avoidable delays in finalizing three contracts for cleaning, sweeping, scavenging and maintenance of toilet blocks. The delays ranged from 10 to 16 months and during the period the work continued to be awarded to the existing contractors. Since the works to the new contractor were awarded at much low costs ranging from Rs.0.19 to Rs.0.38 lakh against earlier costs of contract ranging from Rs.0.45 to Rs.1.37 lakh per month, the NDMC by finalising the tenders at the earliest could have avoided extra expenditure of Rs.20.12 lakh.