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ESIReims. E cole nationale S upérieure d’ I ngénieurs de R eims (ex ESIEC) The Engineering School from the University of Reims 2 majors: - Packaging engineering - Energy engineering State engineering school fees 200 students / year Open day: February 17, 2018. Reims.
ESIReims Ecole nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Reims (ex ESIEC) The Engineering School from the University of Reims 2 majors: - Packaging engineering - Energy engineering State engineering school fees 200 students / year Open day:February 17, 2018
Reims Dynamic city at the heart of the East region Home of the most prestigious Champagne houses, Reims offers thriving experiences in all its cultural, sports, economic, academic activities, and so many more. 45 minutes from Paris by TGV (high-speed train)
ESIReims Conditions of admissions 60% HND (DUT) 25% Intensive foundation degree (CPGE) 15% Bachelor’s degree Conditions of admissions for intensive foundation degrees (CPGE): • MP, PC, PSI, PT branches: Polytech competitive exam • Advance registration: www.scei-concours.fr • For other branches: BCPST, ATS…: Eligibility to an admission exam certificate compulsory, then admission based on application file and interview Conditions of admissions for HND and Bachelor’s degrees: • Application file and brochure to be downloaded: www.esireims.fr (Admission section) • Application file to be sent to Service Admission ESIReims before May 15 • Interviews: From June 1st to June 15th • Results: From July 1st to July 7th
ESIReims engineer syllabus Core curriculum courses for the two majors (30%): • Science courses • Management, Eco-Design, Marketing, Negotiation techniques… • English (TOEIC– B2 level required), Second foreign language (optional) Majors courses: - Packaging engineering: Materials, Mechanization, Logistics, Printing techniques, Interactions, Design, Eco-Design, Sustainable Development... - Energy: Thermal transfers, Industrial energy, Exchangers, Climate engineering, Renewable energies, Energy diagnosis… Internships: students will have spent one year in companies after graduation 3 months at the end of their 1st year 5 months at the end of their 2nd year 4 monthsat the end of their 3rd year (graduation project) International perspectives: internships abroad, gap years, Erasmus exchanges, Summer school !
Packaging engineering major – ESIReims The ESIReims Packaging engineer is a Project Manager specialized in Packaging
Do you any product that has not been packaged? Main packaging functions: • Ranked 8th in French industries (same ranking as aerospace industry) • 110,000 positions • 850 schools • + € 25 billion(turnover) To preserve To protect Packaging To transport To inform
Who is a Packaging engineer? He or she is a Project Manager, with good communication and teamwork skills: Marketing Production Suppliers ESIReims Engineer Purchasing Dpt Designer Logistics Quality
JobsPackaging engineering major Jobs: R&D Packaging Engineer, Packaging Designer, Supply Chain Engineer, Eco-Packaging Engineer, Packaging Quality Engineer, Purchasing/Sales/Marketing Engineer… Some companies which hired our students: • LVMH, MHCS, GIVENCHY, G.H. MUMM et Cie,.. • SMURFIT KAPPA, AUTAJON, DIM, JINDAL,… • DANONE, UNILEVER, LACTALIS, NESTLE, KRAFT FOOD,.. • PSA, 3M, KNAUF, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, DECATHLON, BOLLORE, CARREFOUR, BAYER SAS, PROCTER,… • SANOFI, HENKEL, COTY, BACCARAT…
Occupational integrationPackaging major Top-level multidisciplinary training close to industrial realities • Average time to find a job: 2 months • Average starting salary: €35,000 (gross) • 30% of graduates take their first job abroad • Continuation of studies: from R&D to management, from purchasing departments to marketing...
SUMMER SCHOOL 1st International Summer School in Packaging Reims – France Have you ever seen a product that is not packaged ? ESIReims, the only engineering school in packaging in Europe • Reims, 6 June - 24 June • Application deadline: 15 March • The session is worth 6 ECTS or 4 US credits. • ESIReims, the only engineering school in packaging in Europe What can I study? Introduction to the fantastic world of packaging • Materials, • Interaction, • Active and smart materials, • Packaging machinery, • Printing technology, • Packaging physics, • Life cycle analysis, • Computer aided design… Contact : Pr. Emmanuel GUILLON, ESIReims, emmanuel.guillon@univ-reims.fr www.univ-reims.fr/summerschool-packaging
Energy engineering major – ESIReims Training from thermal properties of materials and systems to energy diagnoses of buildings and industries The ESIReims Energy engineer is a Project Manager specialized in Energy engineering and Thermal engineering
Who is an Energy engineer? He or she is an Project Manager Engineer, Site Manager Engineer, Task Manager Engineer, Business Manager Engineer... Energy business sectors: • Energy production and distribution • Energy saving certificates, renewable energies, sustainable development • Energy transport Heat networks, structural design... • Building • Heat balances, home automation... • Control - Expertise • HQE, THQE, RT 2012 certification labels… • Industry • Resource management, carbon footprint, waste processing…
Who is a Thermal engineer? He or she is an Fluid Engineer, Design Engineer, Product Engineer, R&D Engineer, Calculations and Digital Simulations Engineer... Thermal business sectors: • Aeronautics: Propulsion, flows, turbomachinery… • Automotive: Combustion engines,climate change… • Food-processing industry: Dehydration, drying, industrial cooling… • Metallurgy: Thermal cycles, high temperatures… • Furnaces and burners: Tunnel furnaces, brazing, welding… • Ceramics and Plastics industry: Injection molding, polymers, thermoforming...
JobsEnergy engineering major Jobs: Energy Business Managers, Energy Site Managers, Thermal Calculations Engineers, Thermal R&D Engineers, Energy Efficiency Manager... Some companies which hired our students… • E.D.F, ENGIE(Cofely, Axima,), • Véolia environnement (Dalkia), • ERDF, Bureau VERITAS, • Qualiconsult, B.E.T,ADEME / C.S.T.B • Airbus, Altran, Astrium, CNES, • Cristal Union, Europe Service Industrie, • Arcelor, Industeel, Fives Stein, Weishaupt, • Saint-Gobain, BSN,Snecma, Thales,…
Occupational integrationEnergy engineering major A training in Energy and Thermal engineering close to industrial realities! Graduation occupational integration: 53 % Energy Engineers – 37 % Thermal Engineers –10% others • Average time to find a job: 2 months • Average starting salary: €32,000 (gross) • Continuation of studies: 12% of PhD...
DUVAP • University degree in Packaging Sales / Purchasing, intended for jobs seekers and employees having a 2-year Higher Education diploma • 900 hours in 6 months (from October to April) including 500 hours within a company. This continuing education training meets national recruitment needs. • Targeted jobs: Packaging Technical sales representatives, Packaging Purchasers and/or Sales representatives, Packaging Technicians, Buyers, Packaging Assistants... Information, program et estimates : Stéphanie Odof, in charge of Continuing Education stephanie.odof@univ-reims.fr
In-company training program More than 20 programs intended for industrialists - 1 day to several days/weeks courses: Packaging introduction - book of specification, Packaging certification and qualification protocol, Materials (wood-paper-cardboard), industrial design, metal materials, Corrosion and metal protection, plastic materials, interactions, Glues and adhesives, printing techniques - colorimetry, Plastic packaging recycling and the environment, Design: the visible face of packaging Biosourced and biodegradable plastic materials, Smart packaging, techniques and machines, barcodes Energy and Thermography, Metrology... - Contracted and customizable programs - From September to July.Sessions ouvertes toute l’année de septembre à juillet. - Estimate on request Stéphanie Odof, in charge of Continuing Education stephanie.odof@univ-reims.fr
ESIReimsalso participates in Design contests every year • National and international contests: • PIDA: Packaging Impact Design Awards • Awarded “Oscars de l’Emballage” • Student Design Challenge Contest in the United States • National Design projects: • Example: F.R.I.P.E / EMMAUS with containers to collect second-hand clothes in companies...
ESIReims also participates in dynamic community projects! 4L Trophy
International ALUMNInetworksand industrial partnerships... • AMPAC: Packaging Alumni network (with more than 1,000 graduate members all around the world) • ATHER: Energy Alumni network... • 2017 Gala sponsor:
Open DayFebruary 17, 2018 ESIReims 3 esplanade Roland Garros 51100 Reims www.esireims.fr @ESIReims