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Apple has recently launched Search Ads in<br>iTunes store, intimidating several app owners<br>of anticipated fall in overall rankings for the<br>same keywords. A number of iPhone app<br>development companies in USA are<br>unanimous that the new update will indeed<br>negatively affect the visibility.
How to Exploit Apple Search Ads to Boost Your App Success?
Apple has recently launched Search Ads in iTunes store, intimidating several app owners of anticipated fall in overall rankings for the same keywords. A number of iPhone app development companies in USA are unanimous that the new update will indeed negatively affect the visibility. However, if you move your thoughts from the negatives to the positives, you will realize that from the perspective of data-driven ASO experts, it’s actually a good news.
If you employ the right strategy, put in efforts to research a bit deeper, you can exploit this update and reinforce your top position in search results. Here’s how: 1. Research and Prepare Your Own Keyword List You can create your master keyword list basically from two ways, by utilizing the Apple's recommended keywords and by putting yourself in user's place and then search and analyze what keywords are ranking well.
Google keyword planner is another great tool. Your next step will be to compile all the gathered keywords into one spreadsheet. 2. Prioritize Your Keywords Apple will be ranking the search terms according to their popularity ranging between 5 to 100 i.e. the keyword with 100 popularity ranking will be on the top.
Now, it's the time to return to the comprehensive list of the keywords you've gathered and to put yourself into user's shoes once again. Analyze each keyword from a user's perspective as well as how well they are ranking in the iTunes search results. Perform a deep analysis and assign a relevance score to each keyword and prioritize them.
3. Put Your Keywords to Work and Measure the Outcomes Apple weighs the title above everything and in that 30 character space, you can do your magic. Being an iPhone app development service, we did actually insert our highly relevant keywords in place and measured slightest of the fluctuation in ranking. We did well. Again, it's no rocket science to haul your app's name to the pinnacle of the search Ads list. All you need to do is to employ the 3
aforementioned tips and carry out a thorough research. Resource>>https://www.evernote.com/shar d/s625/sh/302af256-c004-4345-a5df-8d6c0 8fd295b/cd5d4cc4ad2ac2a11515088052afc f26