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THE USE OF POLLING TECHNOLOGY AND ITS EFFECT ON LEARNING 電子投票表決工具在教學上的應用與創新. 孫之元 (Jerry Sun) 國立交通大學 教育研究所 數位學習組 http://elearning-lab.nctu.edu.tw. Outline. Cone of Distraction Clickers and Web-based Polling USC’s PollEverywhere Pilot Polling Technology Study Phase II
THE USE OF POLLING TECHNOLOGY AND ITS EFFECT ON LEARNING電子投票表決工具在教學上的應用與創新 孫之元 (Jerry Sun) 國立交通大學 教育研究所 數位學習組 http://elearning-lab.nctu.edu.tw
Outline • Cone of Distraction • Clickers and Web-based Polling • USC’s PollEverywhere Pilot • Polling Technology Study Phase II • Polling Technology Study Phase III • Other E-Learning Tools • The Future of E-Learning
Clickers Defined • Dedicated classroom devices used by students who "vote" by entering their responses. • Attendance • Concept questions used to gauge student understanding of key themes • Summative assessments that might count as test or quiz grades
A Brief History of Polling • Emerges from CCS’s, Classroom Communication Systems (90’s) • Infrared IR Clicker Systems (early 00's) IR = TV remote Affordable, but limited by shorter range and need for line of sight • RF Clicker Systems (middle 00's) RF = garage opener More reliable reception, longer range, not limited to line of sight • Web-Based Clicker (now) Web device
Use technology: “clickers” Formative assessment Summative assessment Pros Easy to use Well-received by students Cons Students need to remember to bring them “Was my answer received?” $$ A little tricky getting the scores Meeting the challenge
Five classes TurningPoint (clickers) PollEverywhere Survey students about their levels of engagement Measure the effect of PE on JiTT Pilot Study in Spring 2010
Web- or SMS-Based Polling • Alternative technology for web-based polling to complement and/or replace the existing USC polling/clicker standard TurningTechnologies. • Eliminate the need for a dedicated polling device (clicker), resulting in a potential saving for students. • Provide students flexibility in responding to polls (Web- and SMS-based polling). • Provide instructors flexibility in conducting polls (in- and out-of-class polling). • Contribute to assessing the technology demands by applying the evaluation results to other Web 2.0 technologies. • Provide useful information to PollEverywhere, facilitating the process of designing an education specific version to meet the needs of USC academic community.
JiTL/PoTL Study: Phase II • Examined the effects of "Plenty of Time Learning" (PoTL) on student self-efficacy, anxiety, engagement, and academic performance in comparison to "Just in Time Learning" (JiTL). • Focused on examining the role of pre-class polling on self-efficacy and anxiety in a population of freshmen students enrolled in a learning strategies course. Enhancing motivation-related behavior via in-class polling for this student population is particularly important because of its implications on their level of academic performance.
E-Learning Tools • Blogs • Wikis • Podcasts • E-portfolios • Social Networking • Social Bookmarking • Photo Sharing • Second Life • Online Forums • Video messaging • E-books • Instant Messaging • Skype • Games • Mashups • Mobile Learning • RSS Feeds • YouTube • Audiographics
The Use of Polling Technology and its Effect on Learning電子投票表決工具在教學上的應用與創新 Thank You! Questions and Comments? 孫之元 (Jerry Sun) 國立交通大學 教育研究所 數位學習組 http://elearning-lab.nctu.edu.tw