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Differentiating the Endeavor Brand. Spring 2008. The Power of a Strong Brand. Differentiates from the gold standard Connects for emotional resonance Accelerates Growth. To distinguish a brand from competitors, leading PR firms identify & develop:. The Brand Footprint.
Differentiating the Endeavor Brand Spring 2008
The Power of a Strong Brand • Differentiates from the gold standard • Connects for emotional resonance • Accelerates Growth To distinguish a brand from competitors, leading PR firms identify & develop: The Brand Footprint • 3 qualities the brand stands for (means…) • 3 dominant personality traits (is…)
The Brand Footprint The Power of the Mastercard Brand
The Brand Footprint The Power of the Mastercard Brand Everything That Counts Real Life The Best Way to Pay Purposeful Genuine Resourceful Means… Means… Means… Is… Is… Is…
The Brand Footprint The Power of the Visa Brand Everywhere The high life The credit card Sociable Stylish On-the-Go Means… Means… Means… Is… Is… Is…
The Brand Footprint The Power of the Apple Brand mac pc
The Brand Footprint The Power of the Apple Brand Creativity Top-notch design Think different Iconoclastic Cutting Edge User Friendly Means… Means… Means… Is… Is… Is…
The Brand Footprint The Power of the IBM Brand Dependability Traditional gold standard Business solutions Business-like Precise Serious Means… Means… Means… Is… Is… Is…
The Brand Footprint The Power of the McDonald’s Brand
The Brand Footprint The Power of the McDonald’s Brand Family fun Good food Great value Happy Wholesome Generous Means… Means… Means… Is… Is… Is…
The Brand Footprint The Power of the Burger King’s Brand Youth Big food Customized meals Gregarious Boisterous Fun Means… Means… Means… Is… Is… Is…
Creating a High Impact Brand for Endeavor • Easy to understand • A sexy sell Empowering Endeavor board members, staff, GAB, and Entrepreneurs to serve as proud ambassadors
Creating a High Impact Brand for EndeavorEngage framework established by PR gurus • Connects • Target: high-profile philanthropists, emerging world government and business leaders, high-impact entrepreneurs
Creating a High Impact Brand for EndeavorEngage framework established by PR gurus • Accelerates growth • By 2015, Endeavor will be in 25 emerging markets Turkey New York Jordan Egpyt Mexico India Colombia Brazil South Africa Argentina Chile Uruguay
Microfinance is Undeniably Hot - Gold Standard • Microfinance pioneer, Muhamad Yunus won 2006 Nobel Peace Prize • Since its IPO in March, 2007, the microfinance bank, Compartamos has had a 40% return on equity and grew to 840,000 customers last year • Microfinance loans increased from $4B in 2001 to $25B in 2006 • By 2015 microcredit aims to reach 175 million families with loans • Microfinance has attracted endorsement from stars including Natalie Portman, Brad Pitt, & Bono
Large Institutional Investors and High-profile Philanthropists are Increasing Investments “Microfinance has already shown that enabling the poor to empower themselves economically can be good business…our hope is that the microfinance industry can better meet the demand for financial services among the world’s poor.” - Pierre Omidyar, Tufts University Microfinance Fund
Creating a High Impact Brand for Endeavor Microfinance is easy for people to understand and feel good about
Creating a High Impact Brand for Endeavor Today, everyone can be a microlender www.kiva.org
Microfinance Footprint Micro loans Street level entrepreneur Poverty alleviation Means… Means… Means… Personal Hopeful Big-hearted Is… Is… Is…
While microfinance fulfills an important need, it is proving to be most effective with individuals below the poverty line. Increasingly, it is not seen as an efficient way to fuel economic growth.
The Power of the Endeavor Brand differentiates • “Microloans make poor borrowers better off. But, on their own, they often don’t do much to make poor countries richer. • What poor countries need most then, is not more microbusinesses. They need more small-medium-sized enterprises, the kind that are bigger than a fruit stand but smaller than a Fortune 1000 company.” • - James Surowieki, What Microfinance Lacks, The New Yorker
Today, many experts are rallying around a different anti-poverty model:High-Impact Entrepreneurship
“Too often we have anti-poverty debates, but not pro-entrepreneurship debates. The inspirational power of a local business success story is incalculable: There is no greater motivator for the poor than looking at one of their own who makes it big and saying: ‘if she can do it, I can do it.’” • - Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, version 3.0
Endeavor has created a new kind of anti-poverty model which seeks out, supports, and mentors entrepreneurs with the biggest ideas - the ones who are capable of employing hundreds, even thousands of people. Differentiatedbecause it is not micro in any way - not in vision, ambition, impact or results. Endeavor has created an entirely new anti-poverty category: High-Impact Entrepreneurship
“The Endeavor activists are what I would call “Mentor Capitalists.” Endeavor was formed for the purpose of promoting entrepreneurship and helping young entrepreneurs in emerging markets, beginning in Latin America, link up with more seasoned entrepreneurs so that they could grow mid-size businesses into bigger businesses that could employ more people- the best anti-poverty program of all.” • - Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, version 3.0
“Endeavor has done a really great job in identifying entrepreneurs around the world, who have great ideas but maybe don’t have all the access to the opportunities to make them happen.” • - Michael Dell
While Endeavor Entrepreneurs employ many, their greatest impact doesn’t come from the jobs, wages, revenue, and disposable income their businesses generate. It comes, instead, from a fundamental cultural change. Through the success of their businesses they become role-models who inspire others to THINK BIG and take risks. As this ripple effect spreads it has the power to transform an entire country.
“If you believe that economies and societies benefit from an active entrepreneurial community, then Endeavor plays an enormously important role.” • - William Sahlman, Harvard Business School Professor
“With Endeavor’s help, emerging-market entrepreneurs around the world are turning their big ideas into a reality, scaling their businesses and inspiring younger generations of entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs.” • - James D. Wolfensohn, The World Bank, Former President
Endeavor Footprint High-impact entrepreneurs High-quality employment Dramatic economic growth Means… Means… Means… Inspiring Successful Smart Is… Is… Is…
Microfinance Footprint Micro loans Street level entrepreneurs Poverty alleviation Means… Means… Means… Personal Hopeful Big-hearted Is… Is… Is…
Endeavor offers a different - and more effective - solution not just from microfinance, but from every other anti-poverty and economic growth model
High-Impact Change Venture Capitalists SME- Support Space Google.org Omidyar Network Soros Foundation IFC Bottom of the Pyramid Solutions Gates Foundation Technoserve Acumen Ashoka Microfinance Institutions Grameen Accion Kiva.org Compartamos
The Power of the Endeavor Brand As the world’s biggest problems take on increasing importance and urgency, those in a position to make a difference are getting involved like never before. These “World-changers” - philanthropists, emerging world government and business leaders, high-impact entrepreneurs are demanding different, high-impact solutions. Our job is to convince them that Endeavor is the answer
The Power of the Endeavor BrandImpact • Through 2007 Endeavor screened more than 17,500 emerging-market entrepreneurs, selecting only 333 • Endeavor’s 220 companies pay on average 10x the national minimum • Over 90,000 high-value jobs have been generated by Endeavor entrepreneurs; 263 people are employed on average by Endeavor companies • In 2007 alone Endeavor Entrepreneurs generated nearly $2.5 billion in revenues • Over 450 additional companies were started with direct help of Endeavor Entrepreneurs
The Power of the Endeavor BrandImpact That means… • Through 2007 Endeavor Entrepreneurs created more than 90,000 jobs - more than Kraft Foods and Microsoft • By 2010, Endeavor companies will have generated more revenue than Tata Motors • By 2015, Endeavor companies will have more employees than McDonald’s and Siemens, the 9th & 10th largest corporations in the world • By 2015, Endeavor companies will have generated as much revenue as Google did in 2007
Endeavor is just getting started • By 2015, Endeavor will be operating in 25 emerging market countries • High- Impact Predictions: • By 2015, Endeavor will be supporting over 1000 High-Impact Entrepreneurs • These entrepreneurs will have generated over $16 billion worldwide • The Endeavor Entrepreneurs will have created more than 400,000 high-value jobs
“There is only one Arab company that developed a world-class business strong enough to get itself listed on the NASDAQ, and that was Aramex. Every Jordanian, every Arab, should know and take pride in the Aramex story, the way every American knows the Apple and Microsoft and Dell stories. It is the example worth a thousand theories…Give me just one hundred more examples like Aramex, and I will start to give you a different context.” • - Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, version 3.0 Fadi Ghandour, founder & CEO of Aramex, just became a founding board member of Endeavor Jordan. And wants to take Endeavor to the whole Middle East.
The emerging world is ready for a bold, new idea World-changers are ready for a bold, new idea The High-Impact entrepreneur is that idea: Bold, new, transcendent And it belongs to Endeavor