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Learn about the foundation qualities that set education administrator programs apart, including a broad curriculum, high expectations for all students, a conducive school climate, and ongoing assessment and parent/community involvement.
Excellence is Never an Accident Write down your questions and if we are unable to answer them during this session, e-mail paggiem@alsde.edu Presented by Paggie McSpadden, Education Administrator
GOOD PROGRAM FOUNDATION • Professional administrators and teachers • A broad curriculum available to all students. • A philosophy that says all students can learn if taught, coupled with high expectations for ALL students. • A school climate that is conducive to learning. A good school is safe, clean, caring, and well-organized. • An ongoing assessment system that supports good instruction. • A high level of parent and community involvement and support.
Qualities That Set Programs Apart • Focusing instruction around students’ interests, learning styles, and aptitudes through a variety of small learning community approaches. • An unrelenting commitment by administrators and teachers to excellence for all students with a particular emphasis on literacy across the curriculum. • A laser-like focus on data at the classroom level to make daily instructional decisions for individual students.
Qualities That Set Programs Apart • An extraordinary commitment of resources and attention to 9th grade students. • High-quality curriculum and instruction that focuses on rigor, relevance, relations, and reflective thought. • Solid and dedicated leadership. • Sustained and supported professional development Adapted from International Center for Leadership in Education
K N O W L E D G E Evaluation 6 C Assimilation D Adaptation Synthesis 5 Analysis 4 Application 3 B Application A Acquisition Comprehension 2 Awareness 1 1 2 3 4 5 Knowledge Apply in discipline Apply across disciplines Apply topredictable real-world situations Apply tounpredictable real-world situations A P P L I C A T I O N Adapted from W. Daggett RIGOR/RELEVANCE FRAMEWORK
Rigor, Relevance, Relationships Foundation
INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE • Believing in continuous improvement • Becoming a part of something significant • Doing important work, contribute, and be appreciated • Relating to other people whom they trust and respect • Making a difference • Discovering a purpose that provides meaning and purpose in life Everybody’s vision for individual excellence is different, hence the word “individual.”
Individual Excellence Rigor, Relevance, Relationships Foundation
Equip all students with the necessary skills to be prepared for society and tomorrow’s workforce and reach their individual excellence. CHALLENGE
BUSINESS/INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION A quality-oriented accountability system for the improvement and enhancement of Career/Technical Education. • Measures a good foundation • Demonstrates a commitment by Career/Tech • Enhances the Career/Tech image • Reflects achievement • Establishes Career/Tech credentials • Improves career opportunities • Improves skill and knowledge • Promotes program improvement
BIC GENERAL INFORMATION • BIC standards were developed in 1998 by business/industry persons and educators. • BIC was certified by International Organization of Standardization (ISO) in 2003. • BIC quality factors and checklist items are reviewed/revised annually by business/industry persons and educators. • Career/Tech courses of study are developed by business/industry persons and educators.
BIC GENERAL INFORMATION • BIC reviews are conducted annually. A local administrator annually monitors all programs not reviewed by an on-site review team and reports the compliance status to the SDE. • All programs shall remain in compliance with BIC standards at all times. • Every five years an on-site BIC review is conducted by business/industry persons and educators who meet the SDE’s prescribed criteria and facilitated by State Department of Education (SDE) specialist and administrator (On-site review team).
STEPS Set On-site Review Date 1 2 Read 3 Pre-Review Audits 4 Documentation 5 Prepare for On-site Review 6 On-Site Review
Set On-Site BIC Review Date STEP • On-site team reviews must be scheduled according to the initial review date of each individual program I the system as established in BIC Phase I. (5-year cycle) • BIC review dates must be set no later than October 31 of each year, by Local Career/Tech Administrators and SDE facilitators. • Reviews take place between October 1 and March 31. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Read the BIC Standards/Quality Factors Checklist STEP • Standards • Quality factors • Checklist • Documentation • N/A (Non-Applicable to this program) 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 • People only learn through two things. One is reading and the other is association with smart people. • -- Will Rogers
Immediately after the review date has been set, fax required certifications as indicated by the Alabama Department of Education Subject and Personnel Codeto your SDE facilitator. This information applies only to those teachers and CTE administrators/ assistant administrators of programs being reviewed for BIC or AGC during the current instructional year.
Only documentation listed can be used. Do not add additional documentation.
Read the Resource Documents for Clarification STEP • Resource documents: • Definitions and Abbreviations Document • Administrative Code for Career/Technical Education • Methods of Administration Manual • Handbook Final Draft (Advisory Committee Handbook) • Handbook for CTE Local Partnering • BIC Sections www.alsde.edu, Sections, Career/Technical Education, Publications 1 2 3 4 5 6 • To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. • -- Edmund Burke
Pre-Review Audits STEP • Daily Schedule-on line (SDE facilitator) • Records review (C/T Administrator) • Planned course work for each student to complete his/her secondary path in C/TE. • Completed interest inventory for each student enrolled in the program for the current year. • Safety assessments showing 100% proficiency achieved. • C/T Implementation Plan for student’s that receive accommodations and/or modifications. 1 3 2 3 4 5 6
Pre-Review Audits STEP • Records review (C/T Administrator) continued • Cooperative Education Records (Coop Coordinators only) • Student Application for Enrollment in cooperative education • R-1 • Training Agreement • Wage and Hour Sheet • Training Plan • Training Station Monthly Visitation Doc. • Business/Awareness hours review (C/T Administrator) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Complete and fax to SDE facilitator no less than two weeks prior to on-site BIC, Section 2B first page and Section 6 first page, if applicable.
For information related to Technical Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Agriscience, contact: Bethany Clem bclem@alsde.edu 334.242.9112 Gwen Crawford gwenc@alsde.edu 334.242.9112 or For information related to Business/Marketing Education contact: Carolyn King cking01@alsde.edu 334.242.9109 Paggie McSpadden paggiem@alsde.edu 334.242.9109 or
Documentation STEP • Collect required documentation to meet all quality factors in Sections 2/A (C/TE Teacher’s) and Section, 3 (C/TE Curriculum Section) • Verify that all required documentation is available in a manageable format. • Verify that each checklist items on the BIC Standards/Quality Factors Checklist in Sections 2/A and 3 can be marked “Yes”. 1 2 4 3 4 5 6
Documentation STEP Sections 2/A (C/TE Teacher’s) • Student Organization • Program of work • Copy of check that demonstrates payment of membership dues • Affiliation verification document 1 2 3 4 5 6
Documentation STEP Sections 2/A (C/TE Teacher’s) continued • Advisory Committee • Written guidelines for the operation of the advisory committee • Current year’s program of work • Roster of members • Minutes from two meetings • Budget Preparation • Program’s Annual Budget 1 2 3 4 5 6
Documentation STEP Section 3 (C/TE Curriculum) Lesson Plans • Course syllabus • One for each course listed on teacher’s Daily Schedule • Lesson Plans • Plans containing each Course of Study content standards for each course listed on each teacher’s Daily Schedule • Plans must cover the full instruction year unless this is a new course offering. • New course offerings require lesson plans to current date plus and additional two weeks. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Components a-h must be on each lesson plan. Components i-s are scattered throughout the lesson plans in each course. Reflection
Prepare for On-Site Review STEP • Verify that each checklist items on the BIC Standards/Quality Factors Checklist in Sections 4 (Teacher Interview and 7 (Observation) can be marked “Yes” or “Answer satisfies reviewer”. • Select highly qualified team members • Meets SDE prescribed criteria prior to scheduled review date. • Provide team with BIC Checklist and procedures • Obtain time commitment from team members 1 2 3 5 4 5 6
Prepare for On-Site Review STEP • Determine room location (All programs being reviewed on the same day must be in the same room.) • Table (large enough for three people to work at with notebooks) and chairs • Provide team members with room location and directions • Notify counselor(s) of review date and procedures. Provide BIC Checklist, Section 5 (Counselor Interview) • Hospitality (Optional) • Provide drinks and light snack • Provide lunch or directions for local eateries 1 2 3 4 5 6
Team(s) will assemble at the appointed time and place. (Team(s) that are not complete within 30 minutes of the scheduled review tie will cause the review to be cancelled.) All teams for the scheduled review day should meet at the same location in the same room. All notebooks and/or folders should be in that room. The counselor and teacher must be available for an interview. (A substitute is not needed.) The SDE state specialist or administrator will instruct the team and facilitate the review. The business/industry team(s) will review the notebook containing documentation for Section 2A and 2B. BIC On-site Review STEP 1 2 3 6 4 5 6
The educator(s) will review the curriculum notebooks using Section 3 and Section 6, if applicable. The business/industry team(s) will interview the teacher(s) using Sec. 4 and counselor(s) using Sec. 5. The business/industry team will observe the classroom and laboratory and verify that the checklist items in Section 7 are met. Each on-site review concludes with an exit conference conducted by the Department facilitator. An LEA representative and all team members must be present for the conference. Team members, administrators, and teacher have the opportunity to complete an anonymous Survey Form and return it to the Department. BIC On-site Review STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6
After an on-site review, a letter indicating program certification status is mailed to the superintendent and copied to the career technical administrator, along with certificates and decals for each teacher in programs that certified. Programs with deficiencies are not recommended for certification. To determine program quality factor deficiencies, how the deficiencies are cleared, and who is responsible for deficiency clearance, refer to the Review Recap that is presented to the LEA representative during the exit review. Refer to the Methods of Administration Manual and your SDE facilitator for more detailed information. BIC On-site Review STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6