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Synthetic geometry. The human abstraction. Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito. From Euclidean Geometry to Non-Euclidean G eometry. Euclidean geometry is one of the earliest geometry concepts known to man.
Synthetic geometry The human abstraction Tu ne cede malissed contra audentiorito
From Euclidean Geometry to Non-Euclidean Geometry Euclidean geometry is one of the earliest geometry concepts known to man. It works best when applied to 2D plains/objects. However when applied to 3D surfaces, 3D macro objects it becomes less functional thus Non-Euclidean geometry came to being. Ipsascientiapotestasest Euclid
Gauss,Bolyaiand Lobachevski Theaxiomatic study of Euclidean geometry in the 19th Century led to the discovery of non-Euclidean geometries withdifferent axioms. Gauss, Bolyai and LobachevskiindependentlydiscoveredHyperbolic Geometry, in which the Euclidean axiom of parallelism is replaced by an alternative. Gauss Bolyai Lobachevski Autviaminveniamautfaciam
Hyperbolic Geometry Elliptic Geometry Veritasvosliberabit
Poincaré Poincaré soon discovered the first physical geometric model of hyperbolic geometry, in a form known as thePoincaré disc. Dimidiumfacti qui coepithabet
Poincaré disc Docendodiscimus
Icosahedron honeycomb Poincaré disc Adde parvumparvo magnusacervuserit
Aftermath of the creation of Non-Euclidean geometry Faber estquisquefortunaesuae
Even though the discovery didn’t benefit the people of the 19th century immediately nowadays Non-Euclidean/Axiomatic Geometry is inseparable from our daily lives. It is absolutely essential for scientists. Many of the science models are created in 3 dimensions (3D) so the classical Euclidean geometry is just not enough for an accurate model. Nulli secundus /nulli secunda
Gravity Electromagnetism Per aspera ad astra!
The weak nuclear force And the strong nuclear force Credequod habes, et habes
The shown above is referred to as Fundamental interaction or The 4 forces of nature. They are the 4 absolute laws of the universe and their Accurate representation in physical and mathematical models is Heavily dependent on Axiomatic Geometry! All terrestrial and celestial events can be represented with Axiomatic Geometry! Credo utintelligam
Created by HristiyanKolev Class12-a year 2011 SOU Jeleznik, Stara Zagora www.jeleznik.org Material source: http://www.wikipedia.org/ http://www.wolframalpha.com/ Pictures: http://wall.alphacoders.com/http://devianart.org/http://www.google.com/ Dum spiro spero, Dum spiro scio
+ Tune cede malissed contra audentioritoYield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them all + IpsascientiapotestasestKnowledge itself is power. + AutviaminveniamautfaciamI'll either find a way or make one + VeritasvosliberabitThe truth shall set you free + Dimidiumfacti qui coepithabetHe conquers twice who in the hour of conquest conquers himself.
+ DocendodiscimusTeach in order to learn (we learn by teaching) + AddeparvumparvomagnusacervuseritAdd a little to a little and there will be a great heap + Faber estquisquefortunaesuaeevery man is an architect of his own fortune + Nulli secundus /nulli secundaSecond to none + Per aspera ad astra! Through difficulties to the stars!
+ Credequod habes, et habesBelieve that you have it, and you do. + Credo utintelligamI believe so that I may understand + Credo quia absurdum estI believe it because it is absurd + Nihilobstat nothing stands in the way + De fumo in flammamOut of the smoke into the flame + Dum spirospero. Dum spiroscio.While I breathe, I dream. While I breath, I learn.