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Learn about the structure, duties, and responsibilities of the Salesian Lay Volunteer Organization (SALVO) program within the Salesians of Don Bosco-Philippine South Province, intended to facilitate volunteer work and promote the welfare of young people.
Fast Info COMMISSION ON MISSIONS TEAM Bro. Carlo Bacalla, sdb Fr. Felino Albesa, sdb. Fr. John Cardinal, sdb Salesians of Don Bosco-Philippine South Province (FIS) Province of Mary Help of Christians TEAM SALVO – Local Coordinators DB Balamban – Fr. F. Rotor, sdb. DB Maa – Fr. J. Cardinal, sdb. . DB Borongan – Fr. R. Garcia, sdb. DB Mati – Fr. A. Banogon, sdb DB Dumaguete – Fr. J. Dublois, sdb DB Pasil – Ms. Dahlia Ardona DB Dumangas – Fr. G. Militante, sdb. DB Pakistan – Fr. M. Ruiz, sdb. DB Lawaan – Fr. R. Vilbar, sdb DBTC Punta – Fr. R. Espiritu, sdb. DB Liloan – Fr. J. Paradiang, sdb DB Talamban – Bro. E. Villordon, sdb. DB Lourdes – Fr. W. Dianon, sdb DB Victorias – Fr. B. Butanas, sdb. DB Mambucal – Ms. Leclec Tamparon
The Memorandum of Agreement • The SALVO MOA spells out the duties and responsibilities of the offices and individuals involved in the Volunteer Program of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco-Philippine South Province (FIS). • It serves as a framework of action for all concerned within the period of engagement Salesians of Don Bosco-Philippine South Province (FIS) Province of Mary Help of Christians
Refers to the Volunteers matching of needs and skills/expertise Receives, deliberates, approves and disapproves Volunteer Communicates to relevant individuals/offices Ensures the proper execution and performance of the Volunteer Program Assigns volunteers Updates sending centers of the performance of the volunteers Provides housing arrangements Duties of SALVO Ensures the work and services of Volunteers in accordance to what is agreed upon. Facilitates immigration papers of Volunteers during engagement period Issues Volunteer ID, Certificate & other related documents
Duties of the Salesian House (Volunteer Site) Provides Volunteer free board and lodging or facilitates housing arrangements outside the Salesian Community Ensures the work and services of the Volunteer are in accordance with those agreed upon Provides the Volunteer a direct Supervisor/In-Charge for direct communication, monitoring, and feedback Reviews the report drawn by the Volunteer & evaluates her/his performance Enables the Volunteer to attend to trainings or activities for his/her personal & professional growth
Duties of the Volunteer Performs with due care the work assigned to him/her & observes parameters set of the work assigned Volunteers are not allowed to drive, as a general rule Observes the regulations in the Volunteer Site including instructions relating to professional discretion May be allowed to do extra work outside the Volunteer Site Volunteer must secure waiver if he/she go outside the Volunteer Site during day-offs or vacations Openly communicates any problems or difficulties encountered with the Supervisor Complies with the orders and instructions given by the Supervisor or In-Charge Shows the young people good example by becoming a Role Model to them Collaborates with the Salesians and undertakes tasks given extraordinarily to promote the welfare of the young people’s mind and heart Observes the number of hours required by the work as well as the number of days for vacation Regularly communicates with the Sending Center he/she is connected with Understands that any violation in the terms and conditions of this MOA or commission of serious misconduct detrimental to the program and or the volunteer site is ground for revocation of his/her volunteer work Makes oneself available for the training and or similar opportunities offered to him/her
With the Young all the Time Anytime
Salesians of Don Bosco Philippine South Province 2008 August Cebu, Philippines
COMMISSION ON MISSIONS PD 129 The chair person of the Commission on Missions promotes the lay volunteer program as an important component of the movement for committed animators and youth leaders and coordinates with the different provincial commissions in all the aspects of missionary animation. The members are appointed by the Provincial
SCOPE AND NATURE OF WORK • Missionary Animation of the FIS Province • Salesian Lay Volunteer Organization (SALVO)
Missionary Animation of the FIS Province MISSIONARY ANIMATION – Refers directly to the growth of the mission of the Church, and in particular at the task of first evangelization and new evangelization. It also refers to the new missionary approach of the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. (1st Asia-Australia Missionary Animation Meeting in Bangalore, India)
Salesian Lay Volunteer Organization (SALVO) VOLUNTEER is a person growing towards a vision of life as a gift, as a vocation, and therefore towards the acquisition of an interior disposition for service; a person in a permanent state of formation towards full human and Christian maturity. SALESIAN LAY VOLUNTEER is a lay person, a man or a woman, a young person or an adult, single or married, who having come of age, and after an appropriate preparation, places at the disinterested sevice of the young and the working class, especially those who are poor and “at risk,” their professional expertise or other personal gifts and ability, in line with the Salesian charism and mission, in an explicit and continuing commitment. a. Local Volunteers b. Foreign Volunteers (with PDO)
PRIORITY OBJECTIVES • Re-kindle the Missionary Spirit in the hearts of the FIS Salesians • Enkindle the Missionary Spirit in the hearts of Lay Mission Partners and Youth in our Salesian Centers • Organize a strong the Salesian Lay Volunteer Movemen (SALVO) • Organize and Coordinate programs of Foreign Volunteer Organizations / NGOs working in FIS Province
Re-kindle the Missionary Spirit in the hearts of the FIS Salesians STRATEGIES 1.1 Re-introduce literatures on Salesian Missionaries 1.2 Information drive on Missionary areas in the Philippines (Lumads, Muslims, etc) and in Pakistan 1.3 Provide opportunities for all SDBs to have an exposure in Mission work LINES OF ACTION 1.1.1 Use in Spiritual Readings the Lives of Salesian Missionaries / Activities of Filipino Missionaries 1.1.2 Yearly Symposia on the Missions 1.2.1 Re-print information documents on the Lumads, Muslims, etc 1.2.2 Conduct Symposia on the actual life situation of the Lumads, Muslims, etc. 1.3.1 Organize 3-6 months Mission experience
Enkindle the Missionary Spirit in the hearts of Lay Mission Partners and Youth in our Salesian Centers STRATEGIES 2.1 Provide opportunities for advocacies inline with missionary work 2.2 Information drive on Missionary areas in the Philippines (Lumads, Muslims, etc) and in Pakistan LINES OF ACTION 2.1.1 Celebrate Mission week in the Salesian centers 2.1.2 Organize out-reach / immersion programs 2.2.1 Organize talks and symposia on the Missions 2.2.2 Prepare, gather, and show Videos on the Missions
Organize a strong the Salesian Lay Volunteer Movemen (SALVO) STRATEGIES 3.1 Prepare qualified Salesian Missionaries and Lay Volunteers 3.2 Organize an Information drive on the Salesian Lay Volunteer Movement 3.3 Develop a good formation program for Salesian Missionaries and Lay Volunteers 3.4 Establish strong Linkages with different Local and Foreign Volunteer Organizations 3.5 Make proper coordination of the Volunteer Program in the FIS Province LINES OF ACTION 3.3.1 Prepare formation Manual on Missionary/Volunteer work 3.2.1 Schedule periodic talks and promotion of Volunteer work 3.4.2 Benchmark formation / training programs of existing Volunteer Organizations 3.4.1 Identify Local and Foreign Volunteer Organizations 3.4.1 Design a good monitoring and evaluation system 3.4.2 Sending off of Volunteers
Organize and Coordinate programs of Foreign Volunteer Organizations / NGOs working in FIS Province STRATEGIES 4.1 Establish strong Linkage with different Salesian Centers / NGOs for proper Program implementation 4.2 Coordinate the program of the Foreign Volunteers with the host Salesian Centers 4.3 Design a clear policy in dealing with Foreign Organizations / NGOs working in the FIS Province. 4.4 Develop concrete program of Activities for Foreign Volunteers / NGOs working in the FIS Province LINES OF ACTION 4.1.1 Benchmark training programs of existing Volunteer Organizations 4.2.1 Determine the exact needs of the Salesian Centers for proper matching of Volunteer and Salesian Center 4.3.1 Make a standard Policy, MOA, with Foreign Volunteers / NGOs working in the FIS Province 4.4.1Set up a good monitoring and evaluation system
Activities 6-Year Plan (2005-2011)
YEAR 1: 2005-2006 • Re-visit the FIS Provincial Chapter 5 Document / Directory and look into the Situation, Objectives, and Lines of Action. • Set the Direction of the Commission on Missions in line with the Provincial Chapter Directives. • Identify FIS SDBs and Lay Missionaries past and present in view of Revitalizing their missionary spirit. • Giving Recognition to the FIS SDBs and Lay Missionaries past and present during the Missionary send-off. • Missionary Send off of Fr. Pacada, Fr. Alvarando, Cleric Bacolod • Identify Coordinators of Missionary Animation in every Salesian Center • Coordinate Celebration of the Mission Month in all the Salesian Centers in the FIS Province • Organize/Facilitate Missionary Talks / Symposia in every Salesian Center • Make Unified Documentations on Missionary Animation for the FIS Province • Disseminate Documents and Materials for Missionary Animation in all Salesian Centers
YEAR 2: 2006-2007 • Consolidate Commission on Missions Team • Designate a Lay Assistant to the Commission on Missions Coordinator who will form part of the MA team • Identify various Local and International Volunteer Organizations • Initiate contacts with various Volunteer Organizations • Establish FIS Local Volunteer group • Organize a better system of Coordination with Salesian Foreign Volunteer Organizations sending Volunteers to the FIS Province • Establish a standard policy regarding Foreign Volunteers working in the FIS Province • Present the Document on Volunteer Movement to the SDBs • Present the Document on Salesian Volunteer Movement to the Members of the Salesian Family and Salesian Youth Organizations • Promote the Local Volunteer movement in the FIS Province
YEAR 3: 2007-2008 • Present the Salesian Lay Volunteer Movement to the different Salesian Centers of the FIS Province • Recruit Local Salesian Lay Volunteers • Mentalize the Salesian Communities with the Salesian Lay Volunteer Movement • Identify the needs of every Salesian Centers in relation to Lay Volunteers • Establish a better system of Coordination with the Rectors and the Salesian Communities regarding the SALVO • Identity Members of Salesian Family who can host Local/Foreign Lay Volunteers • Identify Possible places for accommodation of Lay/Foreign Lay Volunteers • Organize a better system of recruitment of Local Lay Volunteers • Establish policies for the Local Lay Volunteers
YEAR 4: 2008-2009 • Consolidate Commission on Missions Team at the Local and Provincial level • Coordinate properly the celebration of the Mission Month at the Local and Provincial level • Review the needs of each Salesian Centers for Lay Volunteers in coordination with the Rectors and Local Missionary Animation Coordinators • Promote Local Volunteers in all the Salesian Centers • Launch the LOCAL SALESIAN LAY VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT in the FIS Province during the Mission Week • Design a Formation Program for Lay Volunteers in the FIS Province • Coordinate with the various Salesian Centers abroad regarding recruitment and preparation of Local Lay Volunteers from the FIS Province • Study the possibilities for immersion with the LUMADS, MUSLIMS, and other Indigenous Filipinos • Prepare a handbook for Missionary Animation / Lay volunteer in the FIS Province • Collect stories, Profiles, and Biographies of past and present SDBs and Lay Missionaries and Volunteers • Establish a standard system for Evaluation and Assessment of Foreign and Local Lay Volunteers in the FIS Province • Establish strong linkages and networking with Foreign Salesian and Non-Salesian Volunteer Organizations • Make an annual Evaluation and Assessment of the Commission on Missions
YEAR 5: 2009-2010 • Review the structure of the SALVO within the FIS Province’s Organization • Review/Revise FIS Handbook for Missionary Animation / Lay Volunteer Movement • Revise Recruitment, Promotion, and Formation program for Lay Volunteers • Establish a better Financial Sustainability plan for the SALVO • Strengthen Linkages of SALVO with Local and Foreign Volunteer Organizations for financial sustainability • Study the possibilities of sending Local Volunteers to Foreign Missions • Establish contacts with Foreign Organization / Provinces who are interested to get FIS Lay Volunteers • Prepare Local Lay Volunteers for Foreign Volunteer work • Design a good monitoring system with FIS Lay Volunteers in Out-of-Town/Foreign Missions • Vocation promotion among SALVO members • Make an Annual Evaluation and Assessment of the Commission on Missions
YEAR 6: 2010-2011 • Evaluate the Missionary Animation of the FIS Province • Evaluate SALVO volunteer program at Local and International Level • Design program for Financial and Manpower sustainability of SALVO • Study possibilities of Linkages with Local/Foreign Volunteer Organizations and NGOs in relation to sustainability plans for the SALVO • Vocation Promotion among SALVO members • Annual Evaluation and Assessment
EVALUATION • There is need to appoint new members of the Commission on Missions Team. • SALVO needs to coordinate better with the sending centers as regards the selection and preparation of foreign volunteers coming to FIS Province. • Need for proper orientation and verification of proper motivation for foreign volunteers coming to work in the FIS Province. • There were positive and negative experiences with foreign volunteers who had worked and are working in the FIS Province. • SALVO has established a better policy regarding foreign volunteers. • There is need to establish better coordination between the Commission on Missions Coordinator and the Local Missionary Animation Coordinators of every Salesian house. • The SDBs are more informed about the SALESIAN LAY VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. • There is need to inform the members of the various Salesian Groups of the FIS Province on the VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. • There is need to clarify the points of coordination between the Commission on Missions coordinator and the other commissions. • There is need for a permanent staff to the Commission on Missions and the SALVO in particular.