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Talking Walls:

Talking Walls:. Fitting software into a constructivist model Jeanne Pfeifer Susan O’Hara. Talking Walls www.edmark.com www.csus.edu/indiv/p/pfeiferj.

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  1. Talking Walls: Fitting software into a constructivist model Jeanne Pfeifer Susan O’Hara

  2. Talking Wallswww.edmark.comwww.csus.edu/indiv/p/pfeiferj A treasury of fine lessons on multiculturalism, world issues, and history….a jubilant celebration of diversity in today’s world culture imparting optimism in the human journey

  3. Talking Walls: Unit Plan • Students read Talking Walls and Talking Walls: The Stories Continuein teams, choose stories • Explore software appropriate to the stories • Each team will devise symbols related to their stories and enter symbol on a classroom world map and timeline • Students categorize stories in different ways and begin to focus on differences and similarities across cultural perspectives • Communicate with students in other parts of the world to ask about walls in their community • Students explore the meanings of customs, traditions, and values • Students go out into their own community to find and take pictures of walls (digital or scan) • Students build a web based wall of their community

  4. What Walls? • Talking Walls: • Great Wall of China • Aborigine Paintings • Lascaux Cave Paintings • Wailing Wall (Jerusalem) • Mahabalipuram’s Cliff • carvings (India) • Decorated walls of • Ka’aba (Mecca) • Green Granite Walls • (Zimbabwe) • Cuzco Wall (Peru) • Taos Pueblo • Diego Rivera Murals • Limestone Walls of • Canadian Museum of • Civilization • Vietnam Veterans • Memorial Wall • Nelson Mandela’s • Prison Walls • Berlin Wall

  5. Talking Walls: The Stories Continue • Friendship, Maine • Murals at Bonampak • (Mexico) • Hadrian’s Wall (G.B.) • Wall of Remembrance • (Holocaust) • Ndebele (South Africa) • Levee Wall (Mississippi) • Chinese Immigrant Wall • (Angel Island) • Anti-Graffiti Network • (Philadelphia) • Peace Wall, Moscow • Walled City, Morocco • Prayer wheel Walls • (Tibet and India) • Wat Po Temple • (Thailand) • Divali Wall paintings • (India) • Dog Wall (Tokyo) • Peace lines (Belfast) • Pable Neruda’s Fence • (Chile)

  6. Classroom Map of the World Students will create symbols representing the Talking Walls and place them appropriately on the world map

  7. Categorize different “walls”: (time) 15000BC 961 BC 1400 2001 1AD 138 AD Cuzco Peru Nelson Mandela Great Wall Lascaux Wailing Wall Mahabalipuram’s Wall Peace Wall Berlin Wall Hadrian’s Wall Holocaust Wall CP

  8. Cultural Identity Cuzco Wall Ndebele Wall Political Nelson Mandela Peace Wall Berlin Wall Holocaust Wall Religious Cuzco Wall Peace Wall Artistic Story Telling Inside Out Nelson Mandela Cuzco Wall Peace Wall Educational Other Categories? Other Ways of Categorizing

  9. Cultural Perspectives Students will examine both the timeline and categories • What are the cultural perspectives embedded in the various walls? • What specific values do these seem to represent? • What are some of the positive and negative impacts of the manifestation of these values? • What seem to be some lasting/common values across cultures? • Are there specific values represented during different time periods? • What is fascinating about differences in cultures? • How can we value and respect multiple perspectives and learn from them?

  10. Walls Around the World • Using email students will communicate with other children around the world • They will describe what they have been exploring with Talking Walls • Students will ask: • What walls are important in your community? • Will you send a description and some pictures or drawings of these walls? • Students will make symbols for new walls and add to classroom World Map

  11. What Purposes do Customs and Traditions Serve any Culture? • How do customs and traditions differ from routines? • Name a routine that you have • Describe traditions from your culture • Describe customs from your culture • Have any of these changed over time and why? • What types of customs and traditions from your culture did you see in any of the stories? • How are customs and traditions passed down from generation to generation? • How do customs and traditions reflect the values people hold?

  12. Our Community Wall • Students will explore and photograph walls in their own community and/or school • Students will scan pictures or use digital cameras • Students will build a virtual, hyperlinked wall, which tells the story of their own community • Students will present their personal Talking Walls in a multimedia presentation.

  13. Topics for Discussion • What kinds of Talking Walls do you think students might focus on? • What components of this unit infused the technology into a constructivist learning environment? • What other ideas do you have for using software in a constructivist way? • Can all software be adapted for use in constructivist learning environments?

  14. Talking Wallswww.edmark.comwww.csus.edu/indiv/p/pfeiferj A treasury of fine lessons on multiculturalism, world issues, and history….a jubilant celebration of diversity in today’s world culture imparting optimism in the human journey

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