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The Greenhouse Effect. Topic 5.2. The Carbon Cycle. All of this was fine until:. CO 2 Concentrations in the atmosphere:. Black circles are direct measurements of CO 2 . All others are taken from Ice cores. Direct measurements of CO 2. Ice cores.
The Greenhouse Effect Topic5.2
CO2 Concentrations in the atmosphere: Black circles are direct measurements of CO2. All others are taken from Ice cores
Carbon Dioxide concentration is measured from the bubbles trapped in the ice. Temperature is measured by looking at temperature related Isotopic variation in the trapped gases. GTG concentrations
On the earth the greenhouse gases work like the glass. Short wavelengths can pass through the gases but some long wavelengths can’t and get reflected back.
But Remember…….The Greenhouse effect is natural! Without it the Average temperature of the earths surface would be -18oC rather than a balmy 14oC.
The Precautionary Principle • holds that, if the effects of a human-induced change would be very large, perhaps catastrophic, those responsible for the change must prove that it will not do harm before proceeding.
This is the reverse of the normal situation, where those who are concerned about the change would have to prove that it will do harm in order to prevent such changes going ahead.
But some people worry: • 1. What might this do to the world economy? Is wealth balancing health? • 2. Might this stop people doing things that could fix the problem? • 3. Can Poor countries balance development with the need to prove no harm?
Effects of global warming: • More extreme weather
Effects of global warming: Rising Sea levels: Manila 2050?
Countries most affected: Bangladesh – almost the whole country China – Around Shanghai USA – most of Florida Netherlands Maldives Pacific Atoll Nations ……………
Effects of global warming: Disappearing glaciers: Many people depend on Glaciers as a water source - The Ganges starts as a glacier in the Himalayas.
Effects of global warming: Species redistribution: As it gets warmer Mosquitoes will be able to breed all year in more places – further north and at higher altitudes – and as result will carry Malaria and other diseases there too.
Picture Sources: • Slide 1 Microsoft Clip art – greenhouse • Slide 2 http://www.edquest.ca/notesimages/carboncycle.jpg • Slide 3 http://thinkorthwim.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/yutian-pollution.jpg • Slide 4 http://iter.rma.ac.be/en/img/CO2-concenNEW_EN.jpg • Slide 5 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/Mauna_Loa_Carbon_Dioxide.png • Slide 6 http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/student/tinsley1/drilling.jpg • Slide 7 http://www.daviesand.com/Choices/Precautionary_Planning/New_Data/ • Slide 8 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/Methane-2D.svg/568px-Methane-2D.svg.png http://www.flickoff.org/system/files/u8/methane.jpg • Slide 9 http://image20.webshots.com/21/9/71/72/212697172fiSahu_fs.jpg • Slide 10 http://www.hawkinsspeedshop.com/categories/products/images/nos-02001.jpg • Slide 11 http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/climatechange/images/01.gif • Slide 12 http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/tmorris/an_inconvenient_truth/greenhouse_effect.jpg • Slide 13 http://mstecker.com/images/antarctica/antarcticaHP/I39IB1.JPG • Slide 14 http://www.fantasyballjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/balance-scale-unbalanced.jpg • Slide 15 http://www.solcomhouse.com/images/Greenhouect.gif • Slide 16 http://www.ssqq.com/stories/images/saying%20look%20before%20you%20leap.jpg • Slide 19 http://sitemaker.umich.edu/356.dominguez/files/hurricane_katrina_mississippi.jpg http://www.intute.ac.uk/sciences/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ice_storm.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/118/291628090_c818848f82.jpg http://www.anserve.com/images/hurricane-katrina-category-5.jpg http://earthscience.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/tornado.jpg • Slide 20 http://www.ourplanet.org.uk/images/flooded-town.jpg • Slide 21 http://www.chrismadden.co.uk/eco/flood-bridge.gif • Slide 22 http://www.globalwarmingart.com/images/thumb/3/3a/Muir_Glacier.jpg/350px-Muir_Glacier.jpg • Slide 23 http://www.peopleandplanet.net/image.php?id=666 http://www.boston.com/news/globe/west/VT%20MOSQUITO%20VIRUS.jpg