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Why Weatherization?. Low-income families often choose between heat and other necessities 33.8 million households nationally eligible for Weatherization services. Over 215,000 WV households (30%) eligible for Weatherization. West Virginia’s Low-Income Energy Burden.
Why Weatherization? • Low-income families often choose between heat and other necessities • 33.8 million households nationally eligible for Weatherization services • Over 215,000 WV households (30%) eligible for Weatherization.
West Virginia’s Low-Income Energy Burden • Middle income households spend app. 5% of their annual income on home energy • For low-income West Virginians, home energy is a crippling financial burden • 56,000 West Virginia households with income below 50% of the Federal Poverty Level pay 51.5% of their annual income simply for their home energy bills
What is the Weatherization Assistance Program? • U.S. Department of Energy provides core funding • Follows DOE rules and regulations • WV DHHR also provides funding through LIHEAP • Total Federal funding for the WV WAP has averaged around $6 million the last few years
What is the Weatherization Assistance Program? • WV GOEO has partnerships with States largest utilities to enhance program services to customers of those companies • Electric partnerships with Allegheny Power and American Electric Power • Gas partnership with Mountaineer Gas and Dominion Hope • Total utility funding app. $750,000 for 2007
What is the Weatherization Assistance Program? • WAP started in late 1970’s • Provides energy efficiency measures installed by trained crews • Has developed advanced diagnostic techniques and computerized energy audits to provide most cost effective measures
What is the Weatherization Assistance Program? • In West Virginia – • DOE contracts with Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity to operate the program • GOEO contracts with 12 community action agencies to operate the program on a local level in all 55 counties • Will weatherize app. 1200 homes in 2007 • Must be below 150% of Federal Poverty Level to qualify • App. 3000 households on statewide waiting list
What is the Weatherization Assistance Program? • Typical measures include: • Heating system diagnostic testing, repair, tune-ups, and replacements • Duct sealing and insulation • Reducing air infiltration to acceptable levels • Attic insulation • Dense pack sidewall insulation • Other measures as identified, including electric baseload measures
Weatherization Program Mission To reduce the energy costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety.
Diagnostic Tools:Blower Door • Blower door test identifies air leakage • Panel with fan is placed in a doorway to de-pressurize home • Exaggerates leakage so it can be measured
Diagnostic Tools:Blower Door • Gauges indicate level of air leakage • Used with other devices to locate leaks
A heating system technician tests the efficiency of the furnace using the Bacharach 300 Digital Combustion Analyzer. Diagnostic Tools:Combustion Analyzer • Tests heating system for efficiency and safety • Analyzes composition of flue gases • Indicates inefficient combustion, hazardous by-products (e.g., carbon monoxide)
Diagnostic Test:Carbon Monoxide • Identifies CO from stoves & furnaces • Important health and safety test • Effective tool for client education
Diagnostic Tools:Pressure Pan and Manometer • Leaky ducts can increase costs by 10-30% • While blower door runs, pressure pan placed over air register
Energy Efficiency Measures:Insulation • Potential areas for insulation include attic, ceilings, floors, and walls
A technician installs insulation by dense packing cellulose into the sidewalls of a home to not only insulate but also air seal. Energy Efficiency Measures:Insulation Blown insulation most effective
Energy Efficiency Measures:Heating System • May need tune-up or basic repairs • Can replace hazardous or inoperable furnaces • Due to funding limitations, leveraged resources often used to replace heating systems • Unvented space heaters pose large health and safety threat
Energy Efficiency Measure:Duct Sealing and Insulation • Duct system may need sealing and/or balancing • Duct tape should NOT be used • Apply mastic • Ducts in unconditioned spaces should be insulated
What Results? • Average annual energy savings = $358* first-year savings per household • Returns $1.53 in energy-related benefits for every $1 invested in the program • Avoids 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions for every home weatherized • Creates 52 direct jobs for every $1 million of funding • Diagnostic approach and program technology has influenced residential energy efficiency in all housing stock and income brackets * Calculated January 2007 based on 20-year EIA annual price projections discounted to present value.