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Basic FBA to BSP: Evidence of Efficient Training of School Personnel. Sheldon Loman, PhD Chris Borgmeier, PhD . Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, Ph.D., BCBA-D. www.basicfba.pbworks.com. Who’s here? . Administrators? Teachers? Paraprofessionals? Behavior Specialists?
Basic FBA to BSP: Evidence of Efficient Training of School Personnel Sheldon Loman, PhD Chris Borgmeier, PhD • Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, Ph.D., BCBA-D www.basicfba.pbworks.com
Who’s here? • Administrators? • Teachers? • Paraprofessionals? • Behavior Specialists? • Higher Education Members? • Other related services? • Others?
FBA is…. • an empirically supported practice that has been demonstrated to improve both the effectiveness & efficiency of behavioral interventions in schools • Blair, Umbreit, & Bos, 1999; Carr et al., 1999; Ingram, Lewis-Palmer, & Sugai, 2005; Lee, Sugai, & Horner, 1999; Newcomer & Lewis, 2004.
Since 1997 FBA has not been implemented widely in schools. Not due to lack of knowledge, but to practicality of use Challenges schools face today are not finding what works, but implementing what works. Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005
Concern Basic Message: Any time you feel overwhelmed the answer is likely to include investing in the training of others. • As schools adopt Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports, the behavior specialists in the district are often overwhelmed with requests to conduct functional behavioral assessments and building behavior support plans.
District Behavior Support Specialist Train and coach PBIS at all three tiers Support Teams building behavior support plans from Assessment information Train 1-2 people per school to conduct “basic” FBA/BSP
A Proactive Approach to Behavior Support Planning Majority of problem behaviors that teams encounter do not require comprehensive FBA-BSP(Loman & Horner, in press) Using simplified FBA-BSP procedures that “match” the level and intensity of problem behavior Provide FBS at the first signs of persistent problem behavior Basic FBA: Behaviors and Maintaining Functions are Easily Defined and Identified Complex FBA: Behaviors and Maintaining Functions Vary, and are not Easily Defined and/or Identified
Current Issues and Needs in Your District… • Do people already know how to do FBA in your schools? • Can a district leader teach FBA/BSP procedures in a reasonable amount of time? • Are the basic FBA/BSPs developed by school personnel valid for improving student behavior? • Do our school teams understand the CRITICAL FEATURES of function-based interventions ? • Do we have materials that are practical and effective for use by district specialists?
We hope you will learn to… • Identify the research-base for the use of a practical approach to training school personnel to conduct FBA/BSPs • Identify the procedures for school district behavior support specialists to use in training school personnel to conduct practical FBA/BSPs • Identify a process for creating capacity in schools to support the development and implementation of function-based interventions
“Scaling Down to Scale up” • Scott, Alter, & McQuillan (2010) • In order for FBA to be applied in typical classrooms we need to simplify the practices associated with effective FBA • It is essential to use straightforward language, rationale, and examples of how FBA can be applied in the context of classroom
“Work Smarter NOT Harder…”By using the 4 P’s • Proactively build capacity- Train 1-2 school personnel in each school with a “flexible” role to conduct FBA/BSPs for students with mild/moderate problem behaviors • Parsimonious tools- Use simple tools and terminology that are relatable to school personnel • Practical Trainings- Provide short training sessions that teach “less more thoroughly” based on established instructional practices • Prioritized follow-up- Through use of quick in-training assessments to determine those participants that will require more follow-up coaching
Format of Basic/Practical FBA Training Sessions Objectives Review Activities Checks for Understanding Comments/ Questions Tasks Key Points Available at: www.basicfba.pbworks.com
Basic FBA Training Series • 4 training sessions on conducting functional behavioral assessments (FBA) for students with mild to moderate behavioral problems in schools. • The training series teaches participants to conduct interviews and observations in such a way as to precisely determine the relationship between student problem behavior and the context: • What the problem behaviors are. • When, Where, & Why a student’s problem behaviors occur. • A summary of this information will help an individual student team develop effective behavioral supports that: -prevent problem behaviors from occurring -teach alternative behaviors -& effectively respond when problem behaviors occur.
Basic FBA processD.A.S.H. Define behavior in observable & measurable terms Ask about behavior by interviewing staff & student -specify routines where & when behaviors occur -summarize where, when, & why behaviors occur See the behavior -observe the behavior during routines specified -observe to verify summary from interviews Hypothesize: a final summary of where, when & why behaviors occur Session #1 Session #2 Session #3 Session #4
Basic FBA vsComprehensive FBA Focus of this training series
Session #1: Defining & Understanding Behavior • Overview of the Practical FBA training series and introduces concepts, examples, and practice opportunities for participants to learn how to: (a) Define behavior (WHAT), (b) Identify events that predict WHEN & WHERE the specific behavior occurs (c) Identify the function of behavior (WHY), and (d) Construct functional behavioral summary statements TASK: Find someone at their site whom they may conduct a practice interview with next week.
Always start with the Behavior 1- Once you have defined the behaviors (the What) 2- & know the Where & When the behaviors occur #2 (Routine & Antecedents) 3- Then want to find out WHY (the outCome of the behavior…what happens right afterwards) 2 Antecedent/Trigger: When _____ happens…. 1 Behavior: the student does (what)__ 3 Consequence/OutCome ..because (why) ______
Create a Hypothesis Statement for Johnny’s Behavior After interviewing Mr. Smith and conducting several observations of Johnny in the third grade classroom, the team determined that during less structured class time (free time, cooperative group art projects, etc.), Johnny tears up his paper and stomps his feet. After Johnny engages in this behavior his peers laugh at him. Routine: During __(some routine e.g.: _______________ Third grade classroom Consequence/OutCome: “Because..” Peers laugh at him Therefore, the function of the behavior is to: get/avoid Peer Attention Antecedent/Trigger: “When ..” Behavior: “Student does..” Less structured class time Tears up paper & stomps feet
Session #2: Investigating Behavior • Review content from the first session • Instruction, modeling, and practice opportunities in conducting FACTS interviews with staff and students (modified from Borgmeier, 2005) • Practice constructing behavioral summary statements from each interview. TASK: Complete a practice FACTS interview with a staff member at school site.
Follow-up Make sure to ask follow-up questions in the right column of Antecedents & Consequences section
Select #1 Ranked Answers to Insert into Summary Have Teacher Rate the Statement
Session #3: Observing & Summarizing Behavior • Review content from previous training sessions & practice interviews from week before • Instruction & practice opportunities (using videos) for participants to conduct ABC observations of students within routines identified as settings in which the problem behavior occurs most frequently (based upon the staff FACTS interviews). • Participants practice constructing summary statements based upon data from their observations to verify or modify summary statements derived from their FACTS interviews. TASK: Complete a practice ABC observation at school site.
Videos used in training available from Sopris West: Scott, T. M., Liaupsin, C., & Nelson, C. M. (2005). Team-based Functional Assessment and Intervention Planning: A Simplified Teaming Process. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.
Session #4: Function-based Behavior Support Planning • Review of concepts, skills from first three sessions • Review practice ABC observations & summarizing results • Provide opportunities for participants to practice the skills that they have learned in conducting interviews, observations, and constructing behavioral summary statements • Introduce the Competing Behavior Pathway and ideas for helping individual student support teams in designing function-based behavioral supports.
Add relevant & remove irrelevant triggers Neutralize/ eliminate setting events Teach alternative that is more efficient Add effective & & remove ineffective reinforcers
Examination of Efficacy of Basic FBALoman & Horner (2013) • To determine if staff with flexible roles in schools (e.g., counselors, administrators) can be trained to conduct FBA for students with mild to moderate behavior problems (i.e., students with recurring problems that do not involve physical aggression or violent behaviors). • To determine the efficacy and acceptability of Practical FBA methods and tools with school personnel.
Methods: 3 Phases of the Study Phase 1- Practical FBA training on FBA tools & methods provided to 12 school professionals. -Pre- & Post-Tests of FBA knowledge Phase 2- 10 of the 12 Trained participants conducted an FBA according to procedures they were taught for one student within their school. -Using Practical FBA tools: interviewed, observed, and hypothesized summary of student behavior. Phase 3- Functional analyses conducted by researcher to test each participant’s hypothesis/summary statement -Experimental manipulations to determine the efficacy of the Practical FBA training .
Results: Phase 2 Acceptability Ratings Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree N=10
Participant 2Hypothesis: Access Adult Attention All 10 of the FAs confirmed the Hypothesis Statements
Contributions of Study • Use of Basic FBA v. Comprehensive FBA • Proactive, Parsimonious, Practical • School personnel can conduct “valid” FBAs for students with mild to moderate behavioral problems. • Usefulness & acceptability of training/tools • Utility of FACTS interview tool, but implications of essential direct observation validation • Ideas on how to organize personnel within a school/district to implement best practices
How hasPractical FBA been used? • Designed to be used by someone well-versed in FBA and behavioral principles (e.g., behavior specialist, school psychologist) to train school personnel. • School Districts have trained instructional assistants, teachers, principals, vice principals, counselors, and specialists from elementary, middle, and high schools. • Many places in the U.S. and Internationally are using Practical FBA to train school personnel to conduct FBA.
From Basic FBA to Practical Training on Function-based Interventions The most important purpose of conducting FBA is to inform the development of Behavior Support Plans that directly address the FUNCTION of student behavior
FBA-BSP in Schools: How are we doing? • Growing body of research showing that FBA can be effectively conducted by typical school personnel • (Crone, Hawken, & Bergstrom, 2007; Dukes, Rosenberg, & Brady, 2007; Loman, 2010; Maag & Larson, 2004; Renshaw et al., 2008; Scott, Nelson, & Zabala, 2003) However… • Schools continue to struggle to utilize FBA information to build BSPs • (Blood & Neel, 2007; Cook et al., 2007, 2012; Scott & Kamps, 2007; Scott, Liaupsin, Nelson, & McIntyre, 2005; Van Acker, Boreson, Gable, & Potterton, 2005)
In One Hour Can We Train You to Identify Effective Behavioral Interventions for Challenging Students? • Borgmeier, Loman, & Hara (under review)
Participants (n=361) • NorthWest PBIS Conference Attendees • Oregon (n=150 & n=51) • Washington (n=46) • Vancouver, British Columbia Training (n=22) • School District in Washington (n=20) • Portland State University Students (n=72)
RACER Critical Features of BSP Replace problem behavior by teaching a socially acceptable, efficient behavior that allows student to obtain the pay-off/function Antecedent strategies to directly address triggers to prevent problems & prompt replacement behaviors based on the function of behavior Correct behaviors by quickly & effectively redirecting student to replacement behavior Extinguish behaviors by ensuring that problem behaviors do NOT pay off for the student (i.e. does not result in the function of behavior) Reinforce replacement & desired behaviors based on function/pay off for the student
Pre-Test/ Post-Test Design 1 hour training + 15 min for Pre & Post-test
Consequence Intervention: Reinforcing Positive Behavior Steps in Identifying Reinforcers? Critical features of Reinforcers? 1. Identify an intervention to Reinforce the Alternate Behavior • Is reinforcer valued? (start w/ function of behavior) • b) Are expectations & timeframes reasonable for the student? Yes or No? Why? 2. Identify an intervention to Reinforce the Desired Behavior