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Der Obertongesang aus Tuwa

Explore the unique world of Tuva, its geographical and cultural richness, the mesmerizing Xöömei singing tradition, styles, techniques, and accompanying instruments. Discover the timbral listening experience and the unity of sound in Tuvan music.

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Der Obertongesang aus Tuwa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Der Obertongesang aus Tuwa

  2. Inhalt • Tuwa: kurzgefasst, geographisches und kulturelles • Xöömei: • Tuwinische Wahrnehmung des Klangraumes • Gestaltung • Stile/Arten • Technik • Begleitende Instrumente

  3. 1. Tuwa – Geographische Lokalisation

  4. 1. Tuwa – Steppe und Wüste

  5. 1. Tuwa – Taiga und Tundra

  6. 1. Tuwa – Nomaden und Tiere

  7. 2. Xöömei –a. tuwinische Wahrnehmung d. Klangraumes • Timbral listening „If you pick up snow, pack it into a snowball and throw it, it goes in a single direction and, depending on the force of your throw, it can go quite far. But if you scoop up some loose snow and toss it, no matter how much force you exert, the snow just scatters. Sound is like that. In European music, sound is packed compctly into discrete pitches, with the fundamental frequency and overtones all perceived as one. But Tuvan music is like loose snow, and overtones are like the snow spray.“ • Einheit des Klanges

  8. 2. Xöömei – b. Gestaltung • 2 Systeme: - timbre-centered system - pitch-centered system • Time • Musik des Alltags

  9. 2. Xöömei – c. Stile/Arten • Sygyt • Xöömei • Kargyraa (double phonation) • Borbangnadyr (Triller) • Ezenggileer (pulsierend) • Chylandk (Kombination) • Dymzhuktaar Hörbsp.:Xöömei – Kargyraa – Kargyraa m. Borbangnadyr – Kargyraa – Sygyt – Kargyraa – Sygyt – Xöömei m. Ezenggileer – Chylandyk – Chylandyk m. Borbangnadyr – Kargyraa m. Enzenggileer

  10. 2. Xöömei – d. Technik • Grundsätzliches Prinzip • Vokale • Lippenobertöne, Zungenobertöne

  11. 2. Xöömei – e. begleitende Instrumente (Auswahl) • Khomus (Maultrommel) • Igil („Pferdekopf-Fidel“) „You will find my remains under the steep, overhanging cliff. Hang my skull on an old large tree. Make a musical instrument from the wood of that tree, and call it ‚igil‘. Cover the igil with skin from my face; mke the strings and the bow from the hair of my tail. When you start to play the igil, my double will come down from the Upper World.“

  12. Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

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