JUCHE RELIGION By vassie woods
Juche is a religion founded in 1995 by North Korean president Kim II-sung. He was born into a normal Christian family with his grandfather being a pastor. He liked the spiritual empowerment and wanted the attention to be directed towards him,so when he became dictator he used Christianity for the model of his new religion Juche.He replaced the father, son, and the holy spirit with him being the father, his son Kim Jong-iI being the son and his wife Kim JongSoko being the holy spirit. Many groups of religion including Christians tried to stop him with protests but were either shot or sent to concentration camps. THE BEGINNING
Some believe Juche isn’t a religion but more of a combination of philosophy, and educational strategy.Their religious practices that say korean people are the masters of koreas revolution. Others believe it’s a religion that teaches when the people of Korea die they will be reunited with Kim II-Sung and will be with him forever. There are also opinions that think Juche is a cult to promote Kim II-Sung’s family/ideas. THE MEANING
Juche requires worshipers to bow at a portrait of the three kim’s daily. They have to place the painting on their best wall in their home and neglecting proper care of the portrait is charged as a capital crime. Koreans who ran back into burning houses to save the portrait were praised. RITUALS
Juche has 24 million adherents making it the fifth worlds largest religion after Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. There are no current existance of diety and no holy books. North Korea today is the dominant location for Juche religion and an anti-Christian theocracy. Anyone having a bible could be executed. Juches strict rules force Christian groups in Korea to smuggle bibles in large quantities. 1995 TO PRESENT
“Juche Religion” billionbibles.org.2013.web.3 Feburary 2013 • “religions” find the data.org.n.d.web.31 January 2013 • “Religion library:Juche” patheos.com.2013.web.3 February 2013 • “Stalin Leninmao”youtube.com.18 March 2008.web.3 Februrary 2013 annotations