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Convection and the Mantle- Section 2 Lets first discuss what heat is:

Convection and the Mantle- Section 2 Lets first discuss what heat is: Heat is the movement or vibration of molecules within a substance. The faster they move the hotter the substance is. It is important to know that heat will always move from warm to cold. Types of Heat Transfer

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Convection and the Mantle- Section 2 Lets first discuss what heat is:

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  1. Convection and the Mantle- Section 2 Lets first discuss what heat is: Heat is the movement or vibration of molecules within a substance. The faster they move the hotter the substance is. It is important to know that heat will always move from warm to cold

  2. Types of Heat Transfer Radiation, Conduction and Convection 16. Radiation- The transfer of heat energy through space. No direct contact with anything. Example: Sun and fire. 17. Conduction- The transfer of heat between objects that are touching. Examples: a spoon in a hot cup of tea. Your hand touching the hot handle of a pot on a stove. 18. Convection- The movement of heat through a fluid (gas or liquid). The movement depends on the temperature and the density of the fluid. Hot substances usually rise and cooler ones sink (Think of a hot air balloon). Examples: Heating water in a pot. Ocean currents. Movement of air through the atmosphere.

  3. Radiation

  4. Conduction

  5. Convection

  6. Convection Currents in the Earth 20. Heat from the Earth’s core cause convection currents in the mantle just like water in a pot on the stove. Hotter substances rise to the surface and cooler ones sink, in this case magma.

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