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Case #. DFR Files Utilized. Old Result. New Result. Old |Error| (miles). New |Error| (miles). Quantities matched. Load power updated by the user. A. 1. Event 676 Event 680. 4211-4281 and 50.0% from 4211. 4211-4281 and 5.6% from 4211. 0.40. 0.80.
Case # DFR Files Utilized Old Result New Result Old |Error| (miles) New |Error| (miles) Quantities matched • Load power updated by the user A 1 Event 676 Event 680 4211-4281 and 50.0% from 4211 4211-4281 and 5.6% from 4211 0.40 0.80 Ckt. 84 (4111-4110) and Ckt. 86 (4411-4281) current Test results • Interface • Fault data inputted by the user Tuning static model 2 Event 679 4278-4746 and 55.2% from 4278 4278-4746 and 56.1% from 4278 1.10 1.05 All recorded currents and voltages B C D 3 Event 627 4062-4492 and 55% from 4062 4036-4492 and 60.8% from 4036 4.20 0.46 Ckt. 03 (4278-4710) current F Obtaining the bus numbers of all monitored substations E 4 Event 316 4055-4234 and 45.5% from 4181 4055-4234 and 53.7% from 4055 0.60 0.3 Currents in all affected branches Central Office Obtaining the generator bus number in the substation based on the above information 5 Event 365 4416-4530 and 60% from 4416 4416-4530 and 74.1% from 4416 5.70 2.57 All currents and voltages 6 Event 439 4415-4729 and 2.0% from 4415 4416-4530 and 64.4% from 4416 5.20 4.71 Westfield Ckt. 81, external Using a specified “search depth” to obtain a list of the load bus numbers • Line data updated by the user 7 Event 474 4416-4729 and 51.2% from 4416 4416-4729 and 56.8% from 4416 0.70 0.94 All monitored voltages Obtaining the generator parameters by invoking the IPLAN program “gen_loadbus.irf” 8 Event 581 4416-4729 and 54% from 4416 4530-4679 and 0.3% from 4530 4.80 3.02 All monitored currents and voltages Tuning the selected generators and loads data based on a specific strategy 9 Event 805 5915-9073 and 86.6% from 5915 5915-9073 and 78.0% from 5915 15.0 7.20 All monitored currents and voltages, external Calculating load flow using updated system model 10 Event 860 4058-4270 and 69.8% from 4058 4058-4270 and 26.9% from 4058 2.90 1.41 All monitored currents and voltages, external N Convergent? 11 Event 250 Event 252 4270-4485 and 89.6% from 4270 4270-4485 and 15.0% from 4270 3.00 1.46 All monitored currents Calculating the fitness value using • Test report 12 Event 865 Event 875 3390-4401 and 81.3% from 3390 3390-4001 and 81.3% from 3390 5.80 5.81 Currents on affected Ckt. 98 13 Event 867 Event 876 3391-4676 and 2.26% from 3391 3391-4401 and 46.3% from 3391 4.91 2.13 All currents and voltages Generating enough models? N • Generator power updated by the user 14 Event 870 Event 877 3391-4401 and 95.9% from 3391 3391-4401 and 21.5% from 3391 7.27 0.48 All currents and voltages Picking the minimum fitness value and obtaining corresponding index of updated model 15 Event 872 3390-4401 and 82.0% from 3390 3390-4401 and 27.4% from 3390 5.81 0.14 All currents Obtaining a list of the parameters for selected system model Save the selected model End Transmission line Fault Substation DFR Communication link (DFR Data) DFR raw data DFR Assistant DFR data COMTRADE format Faulty branch and fault type Interpretation file Information file entered by the user Unsynchronized phasors and pre-fault breaker status PSS/E Load Flow Program Tuning static system model System model file in PSS/E format DFR data synchronization Obtain a list of faulty branch candidates PSS/E Short Circuit Program Apply the GA Output: Fault location and fault resistance Accurate Fault Location Using Modeling and Simulation Dr.Mladen Kezunovic and Dr. Ali Abur • Status • User interface is developed • Static system model is tuned under the situation of no additional field data available • Testing using fault cases and a new version of software is completed • Design and user document is developed • Process of Converting PSS/E data into CAPE is initiated • Future work • Completing process of converting PSS/E data into CAPE is initiated • Investigating software performance with CAPE data • Customizing the software so that it can be used with CAPE • Finishing the Final report • OBJECTIVE • ESTIMATING THE FAULT LOCATION FOR THE CASE WHERE ONLY DATA FROM DFRs SPARSELY LOCATED AT SUBSTATIONS ARE AVAILABLE • SOFTWARE TESTING USING FAULT DATA COLLECTED FROM DIFFERENT UTILITY SYSTEMS • EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF FAULT LOCATION SOFTWARE