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Want to be an Entrepreneurship Champion? Enter the California SAGE Tournament! What is SAGE?
Want to be an Entrepreneurship Champion? Enter the California SAGE Tournament!
What is SAGE? SAGE’s primary target audience is high school students. It is an international network that links entrepreneurial high school student organizations, like DECA, FBLA, JA, Virtual Enterprise, economics classes and FFA, to mentors/business consultants from local universities, community colleges and businesses. Mission: To advance entrepreneurship education and community service-learning across the world, emphasizing ethical business practices, social responsibility, civic engagement and environmental awareness. Vision: Creating pathways to better futures through sustainable entrepreneurship and community service programs.
Why Is This Project So Important? • The human and physical resources available at most colleges and universities are underutilized in terms of helping high school students achieve entrepreneurship skills, financial literacy, and knowledge of international trade. • This is why we encourage all universities (especially those with SIFE teams) across the world to find at least one high school to mentor.
Why Is This Project So Important? • Financial concepts and entrepreneurship are not taught well in the high schools. • Also, a recent Gallup survey found that, even though 70% of high school students want to start their own business, more than half acknowledged that their understanding of business issues is poor.
Why Is This Project So Important? • A recent poll of 800 students conducted at the International Business Student Exposition and Career Opportunity Fair, showed that an understanding of the global workplace/culture was the area in which students thought they were least prepared for in the working world. • As today's youth become the leaders of tomorrow, it is vital for them to learn how trade affects many aspects of their lives. But the subjects of entrepreneurship and international business are not generally included in the high school curriculum; the subject is largely absent from our schools.
Beyond the Classroom • Employers are looking for students who can lead projects in unstructured settings • They want students who can present well, both in writing and verbally • University students make outstanding business consultants for younger students • Students don’t take a “test” at the end of the year; they make a “presentation” to an influential panel of judges • This is a prime example of learning by doing (i.e., experiential learning and project-based learning)
States with SAGE Programs • California • New York • Pennsylvania • Idaho • Texas
A Successful Model:“California SAGE” • In California, we have conducted a California SAGE program for several years. • In order to expand this program to other regions, we have created the SAGE network, of which California SAGE is now a part. • In 2002-2003, a total of 23 high schools competed. • Nine more countries started SAGE in 2003-2004, including China. • We are now expanding throughout the U.S. and the world! (six states and at least 12 countries)
How does a high school get started? • Read the SAGE Handbook (download from SAGE website) • Determine how best to implement SAGE into your high school • Curricular (e.g., economics class or Virtual Enterprise class) • Co-curricular (e.g., DECA, FBLA, Rotary Interact, TSA, FFA)
A Curricular Example: Economics Class Mission: To help students learn how macro- and microeconomics operate in a free market economy Vision: Helping today’s students achieve success through economics education and student leadership development.
A Co-Curricular Example: DECA Mission: • To enhance the co-curricular education of students with interests in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. • DECA helps students develop skills and competence for marketing careers, build self-esteem, experience leadership and practice community service. • DECA is committed to the advocacy of marketing education and the growth of business and education partnerships. Vision: To help students grow and develop through business education.
Another Co-Curricular Example: FBLA Mission: To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Vision: Helping today’s students achieve success through business education and student leadership development.
Opportunity Knocks If we combine missions; Your curricular/co-curricular programs and SAGE would be known as partners in the education of business students throughout your state, the US, and the world, by: • Extending each organization’s reach into the community; • Involving university and college students and business consultants and mentors; • Promoting business education; • Increasing communications between high school students, their college mentors and the business community; • Allowing for friendly, healthy competition
In their annual report and verbal presentation, how effective were the students in demonstrating that they: Completed at least one entrepreneurship project (10 points) Completed at least one community outreach project? (5 points) Included at least one type of “global” component in their project(s) (5 points) SAGE Judging Criteria (9 Total)
In their annual report and verbal presentation, how effective were the students in demonstrating that they: 4. Understand the importance of civic engagement in a democratic society (5 points) 5. Understand the importance of being responsible stewards of the environment (5 points) SAGE Judging Criteria 4-5
In their projects, how effective were the students in: 6. Utilizing at least one or two college “mentors” (5 points) 7. Utilizing a Business Advisory Board (5 points) 8. Utilizing mass media (5 points) 9. Assessing the results of their projects (5 points) SAGE Judging Criteria 6-9
Other Benefits for Your Students • Network with other students and businesses • Earn state-wide recognition among other high school business organizations…Show them why your students are the best! • Enhance practical presentation and other business skills • Enjoy the friendly competition
California SAGE: What we have planned for this year • At least a $3,000 prize pool; date: April 1-2, 2005 • Special Competitions* Best Entrepreneurship Project Best Community Service Project’ Best Global Project Best Environmental Project Best Civic Engagement Project Best Use of Mass Media *Categories are tentative and we welcome category ideas for special competitions
USA SAGE and SAGE World Cup • The winner of the California SAGE competition is eligible to compete in USA SAGE Competition on August 11-12, 2005 in San Francisco • The winner of the USA SAGE competition represent the US compete in the SAGE World Cup Competition on August 13-14, 2005 in San Francisco • In 2006, we plan to have the World Cup outside the U.S., in the Philippines, Poland, Mexico, or China!).
Which Countries Currently Offer SAGE? • China 3rd Place in 2004 • Kyrzystan 2nd Place in 2004 • Philippines World Cup Champions 2004! • Poland • Mexico • Russia • South Africa • United States • Tajikistan • Ukraine
For More InformationContact: Dr. Curt DeBerg SAGE Founder California State University, Chico College of Business Chico, CA 95929-0011 530-898-4824 cdeberg@csuchico.edu