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Figure S1 : Example of referral pathway for antenatal women with HBV( HBsAg positive)

Figure S1 : Example of referral pathway for antenatal women with HBV( HBsAg positive). Antenatal clinic ( ANC) Booking bloods after verbal consent. Virology HBsAg+, confirm results, serological markers of infection, viral load ( HBV DNA). Pharmacy Supply vaccine/ HBIG to ANC/ neonatology.

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Figure S1 : Example of referral pathway for antenatal women with HBV( HBsAg positive)

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  1. Figure S1 : Example of referral pathway for antenatal women with HBV( HBsAg positive) Antenatal clinic ( ANC) Booking bloods after verbal consent Virology HBsAg+, confirm results, serological markers of infection, viral load ( HBV DNA) Pharmacy Supply vaccine/ HBIG to ANC/ neonatology Virology results emailed /posted /telephoned Antenatal Team Advice for mother and baby documented in birth plan( vaccine, HBIG) Neonatology Letter of referral • Maternal referral to Hepatology/ specialist services for screening of other viruses, antivirals, screening of family etc • Inform GP Vaccination +/ HBIG to the baby Refer to GP/ community services/paediatrics for follow up upto 1 year

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