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ArmaVita Digital is a Houston SEO company with search engine optimization experts on staff that will help you to make sure that this will be a norm for your companyu2019s website.<br>
How SEO will Change in2019 As we move through the first half of the new calendar year, you should be asking yourself a couple of important questions about your online marketing efforts. For example, you could ask, “Is SEO going to change in 2019?” Experienced observers of the industry say SEO has changed each year for the past decade, in small but significant ways. It’s probably going to change in new and significant ways in 2019, aswell. Onceyou’velearnedaboutthetruth,it’sessentialtoknowhowSEOwillchangein2019:- To answer this million-dollar question, you can begin with the specific elements of search-engine optimizationthatarealreadyinuseandwillgrowinimportanceastheyeargoeson. Because there are millions of active websites “out there” you must do all you can to be found easily.It’s as simple asthat. And given the numbers are massive (150 million sites and growing) the search algorithms are going to bemorecomplex,andmoredemandingofWhite-hatSEOmethods. Focus on WhatMatters Some of the important factors you and your SEO Companyshould address are voice search, mobile use, video content, as well as artificial intelligence. One recent study indicated that 20% of all searches are now conducted by voice. This percentage will increase to 50% in the next two years, according to estimates.
Voice search has reached the “user-friendly” stage in development, so it’s imperative you address it in yourSEOprogram.In fact, wordssuchas“Siri”and“Alexa”arecommontermsamongconsumerstoday. Voicesearcheswillbeconversationalinawaythatseparatesthemfromtheclassictyped,in-textsearch. At this point, you should be thinking about factoring in voice search strategy as part of your marketing endeavor. On theMove Searchesmadefromamobilephonehaveoutpacedvoicesearchinthepastcoupleofyears,anelement that you must address while creating and curating content. Google has, in fact, completed updates to makemobile-friendlinessofsitesarankingfactorforthemtoappearinsearchresults. Because about half of all search content is delivered via smartphone or tablet, it’s important to work with your SEO expert to address this ranking factor. For your small business, this means optimizing contentformobileusersaswellasmakeyourwebsitemobile-friendly. When you are working with content creators or developing your own content, remember thatthe traditionalstrategiesinSEOwon’tnecessarilydelivertheorganicresultsofthepast. Let’s GetTechnical Quality content is still going to be a driving factor in SEO success, but you will need to focus on the technical status of pages as well. What does this mean? As the old TV show stated, “I’m glad you asked thatquestion.”
Inbasicterms,youshouldgiveincreasedattentionto alltheelementsofyoursitesthat are not content. This is not SEO focused on keywords. It’s a complex process you should prepare for by working with specialistswhocanreviewandaudityourcontent,andoptimizeittechnically. Peoplewithevenapassinginterestincomputertechnologyandrelatedfieldshaveheardaboutartificial intelligence(AI)forseveralyears.InthediscussionofSEOsuccess,it’s importanttounderstandthatAIis already a factor you should be aware of. Google, for example, uses this technology to imitate human behavior,gettingvaluableinformationbyimitatingengagementofa“live” person. If the AI process determines your site is quite usable, you will probably move up in the search engine rankings. Site owners, sellers, and service providers should understand that AI, rather than scaring you away,shouldmakeyoufocusmoreonyourperfectprospects. AdditionalIdeas/Conclusion As the year progresses, and as your business moves into 2020, you’ll probably find organic listings will gradually be replaced by a growing number of paid ads on search pages. As an SEO marketer, you’ll probablyhaveto“stepupyourgame”sotospeak.