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1997-02 TRANSFERS TO THE WTC SYSTEM. Total Transfers 1997-98 6,005 1998-99 5,396 1999-00 6,444 2000-01 6,886 2001-02 6,871. There was essentially no change in total transfers between 2000-01 and 2001-02. 2001-02 TRANSFERS INTO THE WTC SYSTEM. Other Wisconsin 2%.

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  1. 1997-02 TRANSFERS TO THE WTC SYSTEM Total Transfers 1997-98 6,005 1998-99 5,396 1999-00 6,444 2000-01 6,886 2001-02 6,871 • There was essentially no change in total transfers between 2000-01 and 2001-02

  2. 2001-02 TRANSFERS INTO THE WTC SYSTEM Other Wisconsin 2% WAICU 7% WTCS 24% Out-of- State 23% UW 45% Annual 2001-02 Transfers = 6,871 • The largest share of transfers comes from the UW System, 45%. • UW transfers over the past five years have consistently been just under half of the total transfer students.

  3. 2001-02 UW TRANSFERS TO THE WTC SYSTEM • There was a degree of underreporting of transfer students in 1998-99.

  4. 2001-02 UW TRANSFER STUDENTS BY RECEIVING INSTITUTION 2001-02 Total = 3,091 • Milwaukee accepted the highest number of UW transfer students (739). • Eleven WTCS districts reported 100 or more transfers from the UW System.

  5. 2000-01 UW TRANSFER STUDENTS BY SENDING INSTITUTION 2000-01 Total = 3,091 • Transfers from the UW-Milwaukee (519) equal 77% of the 672 transfers from the two-year UW-Colleges combined.

  6. 2001-02 HIGHLIGHTS • The total number of transfers remained essentially the same (-15) from 2000-01 to 2001-02 while UW transfers declined slightly (by 72 students). • At 45 percent, UW transfer students are just under half of the total. • The decline in UW system and total transfers from 1997-98 to 1998-99 is apparently due to under reporting. • The UW-Milwaukee is coming to rival the two-year UW Colleges combined as a source of transfer students, 519 to 672.. • The Milwaukee Area district accepted the largest number of UW transfer students (739). • Twenty-seven percent of UW transfer students reported they had completed four or more years of college..

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