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SOCIAL IMPACT ENTERPRISE . Double Impact at WIZO January 20, 2014. Woman in Jobra , Bangladesh. A VISION. Prof. Muhammad Yunus. GRAMEEN BANK CHRONOLOGY. 2007 $ 6.4 B 7.4 B Borrowers. 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. 1983 28,000 Borrowers 98% Repaid. SOCIAL BUSINESS IMPACT.
SOCIAL IMPACTENTERPRISE Double Impact at WIZO January 20, 2014
A VISION Prof. Muhammad Yunus
GRAMEEN BANK CHRONOLOGY 2007 $ 6.4 B 7.4 BBorrowers 2006 Nobel Peace Prize 1983 28,000Borrowers 98%Repaid
SOCIAL BUSINESS IMPACT SOCIALentrepreneurship that uses the power ofBUSINESS to solve SOCIALproblems
WHY SOCIAL BUSINESS It provides non-profit organizations with an economic model to attain their goals, while reducing dependence on philanthropic bodies and government offices.
IT IS HERE TO STAY • 2008 economic crises • Philanthropy monies greatly reduced • Governments reducing budgets • Growing competition for diminishing resources • Younger generation not committed to traditional philanthropy
SOCIAL BUSINESS HAS A DUAL PURPOSE Generating income in the marketplace Creating social value and impact while
THREE GOLDEN RULES Double social impact Involve the disadvantaged as an integral part of the business operation (training and work) Sustainable business model Added value for WIZO
Social Business’ Value for WIZO Self-financing of projects Enlarges social influence Invigorates WIZO brand Connects new generations to WIZO
WIZO can do this! WIZOhas the strengths and infrastructure WIZOis already investing in social impact WE CAN DOUBLE THE IMPACT ASPECT – THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN
WE DID IT BY… Using CREATIVE THINKING tools for generating Ideas SYSTEMATICALLYdefining a well thought out process Having a STEERING TEAM examine proposed ideas
WE DID IT BY… Three criteria : Cover expenses and create 3-5%profit in the long term Exploit and use WIZO’s infrastructure and… Benefit WIZO’s brand worldwide.
SOCIAL BUSINESS INCUBATOR Development Opportunities Values Innovation Scalable Mentorship Working Space Capacity Building Financing Sustainability Social Impact Income Generation
Co-working space empowers self-employed women to succeed by providing a modern workspace, a collaborative community, accessible services and group benefits, whiledelivering mentorship and building capacity CO-WORKING ENVIRONMENT FOR WOMEN
Double Social Impact Incubator- promote a wide range of sustainable business models in existing or new social activities using our infrastructure. These will create an initiative pipeline. The incubator enterprise will be aimed at disadvantaged Populations Co-working Space- empower women and connect them to WIZO by mentoring or volunteering Business Model Incubator – each chosen initiative will generate income and profit, co-working space – women will pay for use. ForWIZO Integrates entrepreneurship into WIZO social activities Brand development New generation of volunteers May by adopted by WIZO federations worldwide
WIZO MARKETwill sell organic products that are produced in the youth villages via Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) business model WIZO MARKET
Double Social Impact • Children from youth villages & local kids at risk will work in farming • They will have the social support system needed to succeed • They will be paid or receive group pay (driving license ,trips, etc.) • Business Model • Expanding the organic produce to at least 7 acres in min. 2 villages • Selling the products using CSA model • Educational and practical experience for the nearby community • (Tending land, seasonal harvesting, workshops for schools) • ForWIZO • Expanding existing agriculture activities in the youth villages • Promote health and environmental awareness • Exposing the villages to the community and all other WIZOactivities
INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMPS ATWIZO YOUTH VILLAGES • CENTRALIZINGall local summer camps under WIZObrand, using our facilities • WIZO’sstudents will be TRAINED AND EMPLOYED during the summer • THEME SUMMER CAMPS: ”Green” Camp, “Social Involvement” Camp, “Bar/Bat Mitzva” Camp
Double Social impact Children from youth villages will be trained and able to work The camp theme will include WIZO’s values of volunteering & social responsibility Connecting Jewish youngsters to Israel, Israelis and to WIZO Business Model Based on campers’ fees & existing facilities ForWIZO Spreading WIZO’s values Leveraging WIZO’s reputation, infrastructure and knowledge Connecting WIZO with its Federations & new generations
Return on Investment Social Return on Investment
WE CAN DO EVEN MORE WIZO has already done it! WIZOdaycare network is a social business & creating more social businesses e.g. WIZO second-hand stores “Bigudiot”
WIZO will be the first large non-profit organization in Israel to integrate and lead social business entrepreneurship within it’s strategy for future development. IT IS A PRIMARY ADVANTAGE THAT CREATES VALUE
We can use our creativity We can use our innovative thinkingWe can spot opportunities and leverage them We can add value We can increase impact We can connect worldwide We belong to a start-up nation, why not use it? WIZO always progresses and adapts to change
THANK YOU! www.anatbenbarouch.com w