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The PMI Washington DC Chapter

The PMI Washington DC Chapter. Speakers: Karen A. Pica – Director, Federal Acquisition Institute Jesse Stewart - Professor of Program Management in the Defense Systems Management College Scott A. Wortman - Director of the GoLearn Program

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The PMI Washington DC Chapter

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  1. The PMI Washington DC Chapter • Speakers: • Karen A. Pica – Director, Federal Acquisition Institute • Jesse Stewart - Professor of Program Management in the Defense Systems Management College • Scott A. Wortman - Director of the GoLearn Program • Gary R. Sutter, Ph.D. - Provost of Grantham University “Federal Acquisition Workforce Policy and its Implications for the Project Management Community” December 19th, 2006 PMTools Meeting Sheraton Premiere Hotel, Tysons Corner, VA

  2. The PMI Washington DC Chapter • Topics to be Covered: • Overview of Federal Workforce Acquisition Policy • Implications and Impact on Project Management Community • Addressing the Training Needs • Perspective and benefits of Higher Education Acquisition Management Curriculum “Federal Acquisition Workforce Policy and its Implications for the Project Management Community” December 19th, 2006 PMTools Meeting Sheraton Premiere Hotel, Tysons Corner, VA

  3. Federal Acquisition Institute Karen A. Pica Director, Federal Acquisition Institute 703-805-2300 www.fai.gov

  4. Federal Acquisition Institute • FAI charged by OMB Office of Federal Procurement Policy with developing capabilities of acquisition workforce members in civilian agencies. • Definition of civilian agency acquisition workforce broadened by Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003 and OFPP Policy Letter in April 2005. • FAI developed recommendations for Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers via interagency working group over 22 months.

  5. Federal Acquisition Institute • Goal of certification program is to facilitate recognition of critical program and project management skills across the entire federal spectrum. • Certification will represent attainment of key program and project management skills required at various points in one’s federal career. • The federal certification covers essential skills recognized by managers across the government, agencies retain authority over assignment of program managers and the discretion to require supplemental training or experience for agency needs.

  6. Federal Acquisition Institute • Certification recommendation includes training and experience components. • FAI will administer program framework with agencies determining eligibility and issuing certificates. • FAI building “training blueprints” based on competencies for agency and vendor use. • FAI targeting delivery of training in 4Q07.

  7. Federal Acquisition Institute questions@fai.gov 703-805-2300 www.fai.gov Thank you

  8. Project & Program Management: DoD Overview Jesse Stewart December 19, 2006

  9. DoD Project & Program Management Overview • Human Capital & Career Development • Certification • Program Management Metrics

  10. DoD Human Capital • AT&L High Priority Goal • Assessment and Development of Workforce • Driven by Fact of Life Demographic Changes • Smaller Workforce • Aging Workforce • Increasing Job Complexity • Stable to Increasing Acquisition Workload

  11. DoD Career DevelopmentLeadership Emphasis • DoD Statutorily Required to Emphasize Career Development • Defense Acquisition Workforce Act • Long Standing Program Management and Contracting Requirements • Applied Across Large Workforce • Best Qualified Principle for Job Assignment

  12. COMPONENT Workforce Count as of September 30, 2005 NAVY/ USMC AIR FORCE OTHER DoD ARMY TOTAL Career Fields Program Management 3,784 3,550 3,180 513 11,027 SPRDE - Systems Engineering 11,139 16,886 5,561 223 33,809 Contracting 8,019 5,070 5,843 5,521 24,453 Life Cycle Logistics 6,128 4,206 1,414 80 11,828 Production, Quality & 2,287 2,032 311 4,671 9,301 Manufacturing Facilities Engineering 4,851 3,505 0 0 8,356 Business, Cost Estimating & 4,352 1,840 1,460 101 7,753 Financial Management Test & Evaluation 2,461 2,453 1,783 54 6,751 Other Career Fields 5,682 2,953 4,479 5,514 18,628 Total 48,703 42,495 24,031 16,677 131,906 Source: Defense Manpower Data Center

  13. Leadership Development • Embedded in Overall Career Development • Education • Training & Certification • Experience • Career Progression Based on Performance • Demonstrated Leadership Significant Factor • Performance Evaluation System Supports Program Manager Selection

  14. Sector Leadership Summary In recognition of our success in achieving an innovation and far-reaching training transformation, DAU not only earned accreditation, but also won over 12 separate corporate university awards, AND has been recognized by many as one of the best “corporate universities” in the world. This is especially noteworthy for a government organization to compete with the best private sector organizations and win! In addition, DAU was recognized as having the best Leadership Development program in the military government sector for 2005 and 2006.

  15. Competencies Personal Leadership Using Sound Judgment Adapting Inspiring Trust Leading Courageously Leading People/Teams Inspiring & Empowering Influencing & Negotiating Fostering Collaboration Building Relationships Fostering Communication Leading the Institution Demonstrating Vision Shaping Strategy Aligning the Organization Driving Transformation Thinking Across Boundaries Enduring Competencies OccupationalCompetencies PM Skills Intra-functional broadening Acquisition Skills PM Skills Cross-functional Broadening

  16. PM Career Path Military Dpty to SAE, Commander of Acquisition Command, PEO Executive Development SES/GO ACAT I PM DPTY PM DPTY PEO FEI (civilians) GS-15 06 SENIOR STAFF 20+ years PMT 402 Senior Service School PMT 401 ACAT II/III PM DPTY PM DEPT HQ GS-14 05 Grad degree CMD HQ 12-20 years service ACAT III/IV PM DPTY PM PMT 352 Intermediate service school/staff college PMT-250 GS-12/13 04 Breadth & Depth IPT lead/project officer/staff officer BS/BA ACQ 201 ACQ 101 Functional courses Basic/advanced officer skill training Job/functional proficiency Acq Commands/Matrix support/R&D centers GS 5-11 01-03 0-12 years service

  17. Program Management Career Track (Additional Specialized Training Available) Required by Public Law For PM/PEO Positions Mandatory Certification Courses Meets statutory requirement for PEO/ACAT I/II PM & Deputy PM (10 USC 1735) Level II certification Level III certification Level I certification ACQ-101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management ACQ-201 Intermediate Systems Acquisition Course PMT-250 Program Management Tools Course PMT-352 Program Management Office Course PMT-401 Program Manager’s Course PMT-402 Executive Program Manager’s Course • Knowledge based • 11 functional areas • Internet • GS 5 - 9 • O1 - O3 • Application/ knowledge based (cost/sch/perf) • Tracks DoDI 5000.2 • Internet/class-room • GS 9 - 12 • O3 - O4 • Tools based • Modules • Business areas • Tracks DoDI 5000.2 • Internet • GS 12 - 13 • 03 - 04 • Case/scenario based • Critical thinking/problem solving • Application of knowledge (cost/sch/performance) • Tracks DoDI 5000.2 • Internet/classroom • GS 13 - 14 • O4 - O5 • Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving • (cost, sch/ perf) • Business acumen • Case Based • Classroom • Potential ACAT I, IA, II, & lll PMs, Dpty PMs & other senior acq mgrs PEOs & ACAT I, IA, II PMs & Deputy PMs 26 hours internet 36 hours internet 1 week classroom 80 hours internet 50 hours internet 6 weeks classroom 10 weeks classroom 4 weeks classroom Mandatory for most career fields Mandatory for PM career field only

  18. AT&L Fulfillment / Alternate Certification Process Track 1 DAU Training Level I Level II Level III Functional Competencies Track 2 Personal Experience Employee Supervisor & Employee Assessment Gap IDP Level I Level II Level III Track 3 Professional Association Certification / Other Courses Gap IDP Level I Level II Level III Competencies-Based Certification Program

  19. PEOXXX PROGRAM SUCCESS PROBABILITY SUMMARY ProgramAcronymACAT XX Date of Review: dd mmm yy Program Success COL, PM Program “Smart Charts” INTERNAL FACTORS/METRICS EXTERNAL FACTORS/METRICS Program Requirements (3) Program Resources Program Execution Program “Fit” in Capability Vision (2) Program Advocacy Program Parameter Status (3) Budget DoD Vision (2) OSD (2) Contract Earned Value Metrics (3) Program Scope Evolution Manning Joint Staff (2) Contractor Performance (2) Transformation (2) Interoperability (3) Contractor Health (2) Fixed Price Performance (3) War Fighter (4) Joint (3) Army Secretariat Program Risk Assessment (5) Army Vision (4) Sustainability Risk Assessment (3) Congressional Current Force (4) Testing Status (2) Industry (3) Legends: Colors: G: On Track, No/Minor Issues Y: On Track, Significant Issues R: Off Track, Major Issues Gray: Not Rated/Not Applicable Trends: Up Arrow: Situation Improving (number): Situation Stable (for # Reporting Periods) Down Arrow: Situation Deteriorating Technical Maturity (3) Future Force International (3) Program Life Cycle Phase: ___________

  20. Acquisition, Technology, and LogAcquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPerformance Learning Model Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPerformance Learning Model Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPerformance Learning Model isticsPerformance Learning Model Acquisition, Technology, and LogAcquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPerformance Learning Model isticsPerformance Learning Model Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPerformance Learning Model AT&L Performance Learning Model 24/7 Learning Assets for the Classroom and the Workplace Training Courses - DAWIA Certification, assignment-specific, and executive & leadership courses – in the classroom and online • AKSS - Online gateway to AT&L information & tools • ACC - Online collaboration communities tailored to your needs • Virtual Library - Keeping you connected to research tools when you are not on campus • Consulting - We come to your workplace to assist you • Targeted Training - Tailored learning for your organization • RDT - On-site and online training on the latest AT&L policies • CL Modules - Online modules to help you earn continuous learning points • Conferences • PEO / SYSCOM • Business Manager • DAU Acquisition Community Conference

  21. DoD PM Development • Career System Based on Acquisition Needs • Performance Based • DAU--The Corporate Standard • Standard Training and Education Introduce Critical Thinking and Executive Development • Multiple Sources for Specialized Training • Metrics & Governance for Projects and Programs • Internal and External Attributes • Requires Trained Workforce to Manage Programs—Smart Buyers

  22. Questions? Jesse.Stewart@dau.mil 703 805-4614

  23. GoLearnGoLearn Help Line 202-606-8008; Email: GoLearn-info@opm.gov Scott WortmanDirectorOPM GoLearn Program Office December 2006 www.fai.gov

  24. About GoLearn • Program Office within the Office of Personnel Management – an EGOV program • Delivering L&D solutions to over 1 million Federal employees and government contractors • Knowledge experts - Servicing 24 of 26 scorecard agencies, plus most large independents • Expanding LMS to deliver broader Human Capital Management Solutions • Competencies, Succession Planning, Workforce Performance Management, Talent Management, Human Capital Strategy • GoLearn holds contracts with over 50 vendors delivering comprehensive HCM solutions • Infrastructure, Systems, Applications and Integration • Training Content & Degree Programs • Consulting

  25. Agriculture Commerce Defense (DFAS, DISA, MDA) Education Energy HHS DHS HUD Interior Justice Labor State Transportation Treasury Veterans Administration USAID EPA Corps of Engineers GSA NARA NASA OMB OPM SBA Smithsonian SSA Our Results24 of 26 Scorecard Agencies1+ Million Government Users GoLearn Scorecard Agency Customers Bold = Enterprise LMS Implementations

  26. How Systems Support our Clients • Track Training • Manage Certifications • Prescribe Training, Certifications and Curriculums • Competency Management • Skill Gap Assessment • Link/map Gaps to Learning Interventions • Performance Management • Tie Organizational & Program goals to employee performance • Link performance Gaps to Learning Interventions • Report & Manage Training Requirements & Needs • Measure Results and Adjust

  27. GoLearn Offering that Support/Augment FAI • GoLearn holds contracts with over 17 training content providers offering COTS products • GoLearn Training Content Offerings (sample) • SkillSoft & Books24x7, NETg & Safari, Corpedia, RGILearning, • Project/Program Management (aligned to PMBOK) • 143 courses across multiple curricula including Test Prep • 329 Book titles in Books 24x7 • 3971 Books in Safari with applicable content • Contracting & Acquisition • 306 courses • 132 book titles in Books 24x7 • 5584 Books in Safari with applicable content • Academic Degree Training • GoLearn offers certificate and degree-bearing college course offerings from several accredited institutions: • Grantham University, Regis University, Apollo Group (University of Phoenix), Thomas Edison State College, and ADNAC (a conglomerate of accredited universities)

  28. Next Step • Consolidate Catalogs to leverage distributed content • Integration with leading content providers and Content SME’s • Track through Home LMS and report to disparate reporting databases • Consolidate heterogeneous catalogs into central catalog than leverage across government • Integrate training content and map training to competencies • Push vendor communications to develop offering that support government training requirements • Develop specific training to support competencies • Augment governmental content offerings • Continue the transformation of L&D across the Federal sector! GoLearn Help Line 202-606-8008; Email: GoLearn-info@opm.gov

  29. Grantham University Dr. Gary Sutter, Provost 800-955-2527 Ext. 252 Sutterg@grantham.edu

  30. Grantham University – Recognizing the Needs of the Federal Workforce • Demand for higher educational requirements continue to increase • Federal workforce expanding its electronic environment • E-Learning is the preferred method of training

  31. Grantham University – an OPM GoLearn.gov Online Degree Provider Grantham University offers degree programs in all areas as outlined in the 2002 President’s Management Agenda (PMA) • Web Technology • Information Systems/network security • Project Management • Administration and Management • Leadership

  32. Grantham University Degree Programs

  33. Grantham University Degree Programs

  34. New MS Acquisition Management Degree • Designed to meet the needs of the federal acquisition workforce • Eligible Acquisition workers can achieve an MBA degree with a total of 36 SCH • Nine (9) SCH may be accepted for transfer in the form of academic credits, Challenge Tests validating experiential knowledge, and ACE evaluated training Master’s Degree for AT&L Workers

  35. American Council on Education Blacks in Government Defense Acquisition University Federally Employed Women GoLearn United States Distance Learning Association Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

  36. Questions and Comments “E-Learning is the preferred vehicle for the U.S. government future.” For more information about Grantham’s federal programs and strategic alliances, contact: Dr. Gary Sutter, Provost 800-955-2527 Ext. 252 Sutterg@grantham.edu Valerie M. Beall, Director of Business Development Arlington, VA 703-778-8507 Vmb@granthameducation.com

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