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Join the North Carolina Institute for Development Professionals to improve compensation for early childhood educators. Discuss current landscape, set goals, and create action plans for equitable pay.
North Carolina Institute forChild Development ProfessionalsTransforming NC’s Early Childhood Workforce The mission of the Institute is to promote the implementation of a comprehensive professional development and recognition system that links education and compensation for the child care workforce to ensure high quality care and education services for children and families.
AGENDA • Introductions of Task Group Members • Purpose of the Task Group • The Current Context for Improving Compensation • Beginning Vision of Equitable Compensation for the NC Early Childhood Workforce • Current Early Childhood Workforce Compensation • Plan for Moving Forward · • Define a 10-year vision for your workgroup content area. What is the ideal that you want to happen? • · Do a SWOT(C) analysis within your group to give your group a collective understanding of the landscape (current conditions) in your content area. • · Looking at both your vision and your current landscape, what are 3-5 lofty but achievable goals our workgroup will tackle in the next 5 years. • · Create an action plan with strategies to achieve those goals. • Communication (email, text, meetings, Pages, Facebook) Margaret
Purpose of CompensationTask Group To develop a vision, goals and action strategies to improve compensation for early childhood teachers, family child care providers and directors.
Current Context for Improving Compensation • On-going workforce data – state and national • IOM report that includes compensation recommendations. • Increases in Quality Set Aside in CCDBG • Community groups focusing on minimum wage increases that include child care • What else from your perspective?
Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation www/iom.edu/Birthtoeight Suggested citation: IOM (Institute of Medicine) and NRC (National Research Council). 2015. Transforming the workforce for children birth through age 8: A unifying foundation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Full report can be found at: http://www.childcareservices.org/2014-north-carolina-workforce-study/
Beginning Vision of Equitable Compensation for the NC Early Childhood Workforce From your perspective and experience, what are key aspects of a vision of what equitable compensation would look like in North Carolina?
Plan for Moving Forward • Define a 10-year vision for your workgroup content area. What is the ideal that you want to happen? • · Do a SWOT(C) analysis within your group to give your group a collective understanding of the landscape (current conditions) in your content area. • · Looking at both your vision and your current landscape, what are 3-5 lofty but achievable goals our workgroup will tackle in the next 5 years. • · Create an action plan with strategies to achieve those goals. Meeting Times and Communication THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION!!