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A Primer on The University Budget Fiscal Year 2012-13

A Primer on The University Budget Fiscal Year 2012-13. 2012-2013 Budget Summary (Operating Budget) $ Millions. Total Budget $ 2,347. Academic Core $ 1,231. Academic Enhancement $730. Self Supporting $386. 2012-2013 Total University Sources (Operating Budget) $ 2,347 Million.

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A Primer on The University Budget Fiscal Year 2012-13

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  1. A Primer on The University BudgetFiscal Year 2012-13

  2. 2012-2013 Budget Summary (Operating Budget) $ Millions Total Budget $2,347 Academic Core $1,231 Academic Enhancement $730 Self Supporting $386

  3. 2012-2013 Total University Sources (Operating Budget) $2,347 Million

  4. 2012-2013 Total University Uses (Operating Budget) $2,347 Million

  5. 2012-2013 Academic Core Sources (Operating Budget) $ Millions Academic Core $1,231 State General Revenue $295 Tuition $592 Indirect Cost $74 Other** $70 AUF* $176 R $17 NR $7 NR • *AUF includes annual payout (varies annually), $17M for FY 12-13 as a result of an increase in the payout rate that may not recur to FY 13-14 and $7M in lieu of resident undergraduate tuition increases for FY 12-13 and FY 13-14. **Other includes Budgeted Balances, Intellectual Property Income, and Administrative Fee, etc.

  6. 2012-2013 Academic Core Uses (Operating Budget) $1,231 Million

  7. 2012-2013 Academic Core Salaries & Benefits (Operating Budget) $756 Million

  8. 2012-2013 Academic Enhancement Budget (Operating Budget) $ Millions Academic Enhancement $730 Contracts & Grants* $472 Other $58 Gifts $200 Other includes budgeted balances, Library Resource Sharing Project, and income collected for specific academic purposes (Executive MBA, Field Trips, Orientation, Application, & Library fees, etc.) *Indirect Cost of $74M is included in the Academic Core

  9. 2012-2013 Self Supporting Budget (Operating Budget) $ Millions Self Supporting $386 Other $105 Auxiliary Enterprises $281 Auxiliary Enterprises include: Intercollegiate Athletics: $137M Housing & Food: $77M AT&T Exec. Ed & Conference Ctr. $28M Erwin Center: $22M Parking & Transportation: $17M Other include: Continuing Education, Performing Arts Center, UIL, KUT, McDonald Observatory, Accelerated Schools, Option III programs, Dana Center, LBJ Wildflower Center, etc.

  10. Academic Core Budget

  11. FY 2012-13 to FY 2016-17Academic Core Projected Budget Sources$Millions

  12. FY 2012-13 to FY 2016-17Academic Core Projected Budget Forecast $ Millions

  13. 2012-2013 Budget Academic Core Budget $ Millions

  14. 2012-2013 Budget Academic Core Budget $ Millions

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