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Highland High School. Parent Information on Course Selection. Present general information regarding course selection for our 9 th , 10 th and 11 th grade students. Discuss the Course Selection Process
Highland High School Parent Information onCourse Selection
Present general information regarding course selection for our 9th, 10th and 11th grade students. Discuss the Course Selection Process Highlight any new requirements and changes to the course selection process (aka registration) Tonight We Will….
January 18th: Students will receive a credit check, a Counseling & Course Selection handout, the course selection form, and a master list of courses offered by grade level. All students will receive this in their 1st hour class. (if your child does not have a 1st hour class, they can pick up their info in the counseling office with our counseling receptionist) January 22nd: Current Junior class presentation January 23rd: Current Sophomore class presentation January 24th: Current Freshman class presentation Student Portal Opens January 22nd - Students may begin to enter course requests Student Portal Closes– February 3rd - Deadline for course requests to be entered. Week of February 4th – 22nd Course Advisement – Students will meet with their counselor to receive advisement and to confirm course selection. Course Selection Time Line
Students in GPS high schools will not receive a Course Description Book. They may be viewed online at the HHS website (link on home page) or at www.gilbertschools.net With your son or daughter, please take time to review the information in the Course Description Book. It will assist in determining if your child is eligible to take a course or has completed district graduation requirements. Course Description Book – Online Only
Read the Course Description Book for information regarding the following: • Fees • Prerequisites • Course description • What it may count as (ie CTE/Fine Art, science, math, computers, etc.) • If the class is offered for dual credit • EVIT information Course Description Book
Pages 3-13: This section of the book contains general information regarding NCAA Eligibility, Dual Enrollment information, Charts for graduation requirements as well as Reference charts for class offerings and what credits each class constitutes (ie computers, economics, etc) Page 72 Honors and AP English Summer readings Page 74 – 76: Online Course Info & Offerings Page 78 – 82 EVIT Course offerings Important Pages in the Course Description Book
Gilbert Public Schools Graduation Requirements Arizona University Entrance Requirements 22
Fine Art classes include: Fine Arts – Performing, Fine Arts – Visual, & Dance (2nd year of PE if one is a dance class). CTE classes include (formally titled Vocational) : Agriculture, Business, Family & Consumer Sciences, Industrial Education and EVIT. *A 4th year in Student Council, ROTC, or Sports Training may substitute for one credit of the CTE/Fine Art requirement. Note: These classes would not meet university fine art requirements. What are Fine Art/CTE Credits
Senior English Government & Economics Math Elective or Missing Required Course for Graduation Elective or course needed for post secondary plans Elective All seniors must be enrolled in a minimum of four credit earning classes, regardless of credits needed for graduation. We encourage seniors to attend a full day, to better prepare for their post secondary plans. If a senior desires release time, a release time form must be signed by parents. . A Typical Senior Schedule
Senior English: Senior English IV, English 101/102 or AP English. Note, English 101/102 are dual credit classes and students must pay community college tuition if they plan to enroll in this class. Tuition is paid at the beginning of the semester and students must test into this class during the spring of their junior year. Government: Students may select from Government, We the People, or AP American/AZ Government. Also, the 4th year of ROTC will meet the Government/Economics Requirements Economics: Students may elect to take one of the following: Ag Business & Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Stock Market, AP Economics, Cooperative Learning Classes (work study) or the fourth year of ROTC Math: 4 years of Math is a graduation requirement. Several math options are available. Note: students must complete MT 6 or Algebraic Functions 1 to graduate from GPS. Senior Registration – Required Senior Classes
English III, AP English III or Block English (optional 2 hour block of English/History) American History, AP American History, Block History Math Topics or Algebraic Functions I Science Elective or PE or Computers Elective : Please note CTE /Fine Art requirements are being met A typical Junior Schedule
English II, Honors English II or Block English (2 hour block of English/World Studies) World Studies, AP World Studies or Block World Studies Math Topics Science Elective or PE or Computers Elective (Please note CTE/Fine Art Requirements) Note: 10th grade students may not be a student aide (increasing the importance of wisely selecting electives to meet post secondary goals) A Typical sophomore schedule
My Child will be bringing home a Credit Check form. how do I read this and utilize it for registration?
If 4.0 credits of English are required and I have earned 3.0 and am currently enrolled in .5, how many credits will I need next year? So, after this year how many credits will I need? 16.0 + 3.5 = 19.5 then 22-19.5=?
It is very important that your son/daughter complete the registration paperwork completely and accurately. Student requests drive the master schedule. Please note that elective changes will NOT be allowed if your student receives the elective/alternate classes they requested. It is imperative that your students wisely select the courses that they are requesting for next year. All Students must enter their requests, online via the Infinite Campus Student Portal no later than 2/3/13 Important Registration Information
STUDENTS MUST ENTER THEIR COURSE REQUESTS VIA INFINITE CAMPUS STUDENT PORTAL. The Infinite Campus Portal will be available to all students from January 22, 2013 thru February 3, 2013. Your child will receive a handout on how to enter the data from home. On the HHS website will be the written directions as well as a video demonstrating the data entry. Entering Course Requests From Home
Students will be able to receive data input assistance (if needed) during open door counseling: • 4th hour: 10:30 – 11:00 • 5th hour: 12:00 – 12:30 • Your child will meet one on one with their counselor during course advisement during February. • During Advisement times, students will need to bring their completed and signed course selection form. • We suggest that students create a list of questions to bring to their advisement time. • Unfortunately, other appointments at this time are not available. • Therefore, student attendance is important during the course selection process.
New Next Year: AP Physics C – Course number SC143A & SC143B Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Calc AP Computer Science – Course number BT200A & BT200B Additions to senior level courses
Cost $160 per semester ($25 fee for cancelled or class change requests) Summer school June 3 – June 27that HHS – students must provide their own transportation to summer school. Registration will be available online only at www.gilbertschools.net Summer School
Correspondence/ONLINE Guidelines • Students should meet with their guidance counselor prior to registering for any correspondence/ distance learning/ on-line classes for approval. • Students may come into counseling during open door lunch or get the paperwork before or after school. • Please be aware that online, distance learning courses may NOT meet NCAA eligibility requirements.
The Highland High School Website Counseling link will contain the PowerPoint Presentations that your child will view this next week, all handouts they will be receiving on Friday, as well as the video on how to enter the course data. Course Information/flyers may be found on the HHS website and are a great source of information. Take time to review these with your child, as they may discover a class they would like to take. Remember that the Course Description Book may be found online at the Gilbert Public Schools website: Additional Information