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a study on perceptual compensation for / /-fronting in American English. Reiko Kataoka February 14, 2009 BLS 35. PERCEPTUAL COMPENSATION FOR COARTICULATION.
a study on perceptual compensation for / /-fronting in American English Reiko Kataoka February 14, 2009 BLS 35
PERCEPTUAL COMPENSATION FOR COARTICULATION • Perceptual compensation for coarticulation: an effect of context-moderated perception that compensate for coarticulatory influence of the speech sounds. • Perceptual correction (Ohala 1981: 182) Failure to compensate , erroneous compensation misperception • Why care perceptual compensation? • To understand how humans achieve faithful sound transmission • To understand how misperception could occur sound change
EXAMPLES OF PERCEPTUAL COMPENSATION • F1 of precursor influences [i]/[e] decision (Ladefoged & Broadbent, 1957) • Speech rate influences [i]/[u] decision in [w_w] context (Lindblom & Studdert-Kennedy, 1967) • Influence by: • adjacent segment: Mann & Repp, 1980; Lotto & Kluender, 1998; Beddor & Krakow,1999; Harrington et al., 2008 • Lexical status: Ganong, 1980; Elman & McClelland, 1988 • Precursor sentence: Ohala & Shriberg, 1990
PREVIOUS STUDY ON ALVEOLAR / /-FRONTING (OHALA & FEDER, 1994) Stimuli: [i] – [u] continua (with following [də] or [bə]) Factors: • Alveolar, Bilabial • Acoustic or Noise Findings: 1) Listeners compensated for coarticulatory frongting in alveolar context. 2) Listeners did so both in Acoustic and Noise contexts Vdə Vbə
HYPOTHESIS • H1: The /i-u/ boundary would be more leftward for alveolar context than for bilabial context. • H2: The similar boundary shift would occur both in ‘Acoustic’ and ‘Noise’ conditions. • H3: The boundary discrepancy would become progressively greater as speech rate increase from slow to medium to fast. • Exploration: • H4: Whether vowel perception is influenced by presence or absence of precursor sentence. (acoustic mode vs. speech mode?) • H5: Whether Reaction Time (RT) for /u/-response is influenced by context or not. (perceptual contrast?)
STIMULI 10 equal-step /i/ - /u/ continuum (Praat) • Separate a source from natural utterance. • Apply a filter (5 peak fequencies and bandwiths) • Duration = 100 msc • Formant (Hz) bandwidth (Hz) • F5 4500 250 • F4 3500 200 • F3 2319 150 • F2 1200 100 • F1 375 50
STIMULI 10 equal-step /i/ - /u/ continuum (Praat) cont. • Variable F2 and F3 F3 2969 Hz ----------- 2319 Hz (0.18 Bark) F2 2372 Hz ----------- 1200 Hz (0.5 Bark) • Vowel duration: 100 msc (also 80 msc and 120 msc) • Amplitude contour first and last 15 ms • F0 contour: 130 90 Hz F3: 2969 2888 2808 2732 2658 2586 2516 2448 2382 2319 (Hz) F2: 2372 2201 2042 1895 1759 1632 1513 1402 1298 1200 (Hz)
STIMULUS CVC Add onset and coda to the vowel Alveolar: [dit] – [dut] Alveolar in Noise: [NiN] – [NuN] Bilabial: [bip] – [bup] Bilabial in Noise: [NiN] – [NuN] (Vowel onset to C2 release = 170 msc)
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN • w/o Precursor: Stimulus presented in isolation • Task: two-alternative forced-choice between /i/ and /u/ • w/Precursor: Stimulus presented after “I guess the word is _____” • Trials: 10 tokens x 4 repetition = 40 trials per cell • Block: Context – blocked Acoustic vs. Noise – mixed; Fast, Medium, Slow – blocked Listeners: Native speakers of Am-Engl. (n=32: 18F, 14M; 19-49 yrs old) H2 Q1 H3 Q2: RT H1
THIS IS HOW THE EXPERIMENT GOES (1) Acoustic Noise Press [1] Press [5] for for ‘deet’ ‘doot’
THIS IS HOW THE EXPERIMENT GOES (2) Acoustic Noise Press [1] Press [5] for for ‘beep’ ‘boop’
THIS IS HOW THE EXPERIMENT GOES (3) Fast Medium Slow Press [1] Press [5] for for ‘deet’ ‘doot’
RESULTS: NOISE VS. ACOUSTIC * CONTEXT Percentage of /u/-Response by Context and Condition Noise Acustic /u/-Response (%) Stimulus Step Number Stimulus Step Number
RESULTS: NOISE VS. ACOUSTIC * CONTEXT (RT) Reaction Time for /u/-response 710 684 694 643 Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) N: [t=-0.69 (31), p=0.499] R: [t=-1.60 (31), p=0.123]
RESULTS: PRECURSOR * CONTEXT Percentage of /u/-Response by Condition and Context /u/-Response (%) t=2.68 (31), p=0.012 * t=0.91 (31), p=0.371
RESULTS: PRECURSOR * CONTEXT (RT) Reaction Time for /u/-response 755 694 695 643 Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) Without: [t=-1.6 (31), p=0.120] With: [t=-2.26 (31), p=0.031] *
RESULTS: SPEECH RATE * CONTEXT Fast Medium Percentage of /u/-Response by Context and Condition /u/-Response (%) /u/-Response (%) Slow Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) Slow: [t=-0.078 (31), p=0.938] Medium: [t=2.684 (31), p=0.012] * Fast: [t=4.657 (31), p<0.001] * Stimulus Number
RESULTS: SPEECH RATE * CONTEXT (RT) Reaction Time for /u/-response 755 695 634 661 667 611 Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) Slow: [t=-0.157 (31), p=0.876] Medium: [t=-2.257 (31), p=0.031]* Fast: [t= 0.686 (31), p=0.498
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONS • No compensation when consonantal contexts were replaced by white noise and “assumed” contexts were given visually. • Degree of boundary shift varies across stimuli and experimental condition: • Greater shift with precursor sentences than without it. • Progressively greater boundary shift as speech rate increases • Reaction Time for /u/-response • Significant context effect (A <B) in majority of conditions • Degree of Compensation for coarticulation may be influenced by speechlike-ness of the stimuli. Compensation is triggered when linguistic expectation plays a role in perception. • Compensation could be incomplete. • Perceptual Compensation may be related to contrast enhancement. • On the linguistic theory of sound change: Assimilatory sound change by incomplete correction?