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Yhteistyössä Suomen Olympiakomitea ja Adecco Finland. Lue Olli-Pekka Karjalaisen kokemukset Athlete Career Programme -ohjelmasta.
Lue Olli-Pekka Karjalaisen kokemukset AthleteCareerProgramme -ohjelmasta "After a very successful path in athletics, I had to stop and think about what I want from the rest of my life. As you can imagine, all tools helping this process are very warmly welcomed. I undertook tests and consultations to understand the skills I had or needed to develop to further my career." Slide 4
Urheiluakatemiat ja Adeccon toimipisteet Urheiluakatemiat Adeccon toimipisteet: Helsinki-EspooVantaa Tampere Turku Oulu Jyväskylä Vaasa Kotka Hyvinkää Rauma Lohja
Adeccon toimipisteet Hyvinkää Seppo Seunavaara seppo.seunavaara@adecco.fi Jyväskylä Tea Heinola tea.heinola@adecco.fi Kotka Marita Parikka marita.parikka@adecco.fi Oulu Helen Vesik helen.vesik@adecco.fi Rauma Eerika Jantunen eerika.jantunen@adecco.fi Tampere Tiinaleena Anttila tiinaleena.anttila@adecco.fi Vantaa Tiia Tynys tiia.tynys@adecco.fi HKI/Espoo Suvi Ikola suvi.ikola@adecco.fi Turku Ella Faltersack ella.faltersack@adecco.fi Vaasa Minna Niemi minna.niemi@adecco.fi Urheiluakatemiat löytyvät alla olevasta linkistä http://www.sport.fi/huippu-urheilu/urheiluakatemiat Adecco – Urheiluakatemia verkosto
Extended services to the Sport Academies Services to the Sport Academies: • Service portfolio communication to the Sport Academy Coordinators • Potential Assessment to the Sport Academy Coordinators • Personal feedback discussions • Tools for Personal Development Plan • Follow-up Discussion • Single Point of Contact in local Adecco Banch • Adecco contact directly to the athlete who is recognized to need of assistance • Career Seminar + CV clinic 1/year • Local visibility and athlete stories