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Test your social skills with realistic scenarios and learn proper behavior in different situations. Improve your communication and interaction skills by making the right choices.
1. You are walking down the hallway towards another student. What should you do? A. Look at the ground and keep walking. C. Make eye contact, smile, and say hello. D. None of the above. C. Make eye contact, smile, and say hello B. Make eye contact.
2. Your friend leaves you a message asking what homework they missed at school. Should you… A. Ignore the message, they probably got the answer from someone else. C. Wait to tell them until the next day. D. None of the above. B. Call them back with the information they asked for. B. Call them back with the information they asked for.
3. You are invited to a friends birthday party. How do you let them know you are coming? A. By sending an RSVP letting them know I will be there. C. I’m not going so I don’t have to tell them if I will be there or not. D. None of the above. A. By sending an RSVP letting them know I will be there. B. We are friends, they just know I will be there.
4. Grandma give you a pair of fluffy, pink, bunny slippers for your birthday. How do you say thank you? A. By finding something you like about them! C. Say “thank you, but I’m not 5 Grandma, I just turned 12!” D. None of the above. A. By finding something you like about them! B. You don’t say thank you because you don’t like the gift.
5. You see Mrs. Smith is walking into the school with her hands full while you are out at recess. You should… A. Keep playing with your friends, some one else will help her. C. Stop what you are doing and go open the door for her. D. None of the above. C. Stop what you are doing and go open the door for her. B. Pretend like you didn’t see her.
6. A new student started school this week. You’ve noticed them sitting alone during recess. What should you do? A. Invite them to come play with you and your friends. C. Ignore them. If they wanted to play they would come ask. D. None of the above. A. Invite them to come play with you and your friends. B. Go introduce yourself, then return to play with your friends.
7. You are going to the movies with your friends but you just got done with football practice! You should… A. Change your clothes. C. Go straight to the movies with your friends without showering or changing your clothes. D. None of the above. B. Hurry home to take a quick shower and change your clothes. You’ll be sitting next to people for 2 hours! B. Hurry home to take a quick shower and change your clothes. You’ll be sitting next to people for 2 hours!
8. You studied really hard for Mr. Johnson’s history test last week but didn’t get the score you wanted. What should you do? A. Pout and complain. You deserved a higher grade. C. Be happy and congratulate yourself for giving your best effort! Then ask your teacher for future study tips. D. None of the above. C. Be happy and congratulate yourself for giving your best effort! Then ask your teacher for future study tips. B. Give up! Why study, it didn’t help you get an “A” anyway.
9. Your teacher tells the class that you can sit by anyone you want for the day. Which of the following would be the best thing to do? A. Quickly find your two best friends and take a seat so no one else can sit by you. C. Find a new friend to sit by! Get to know them by asking questions. D. None of the above. C. Find a new friend to sit by! Get to know them by asking questions. B. Stay in your same spot. It’s hard to choose the right people to sit by.
10. You see an adult with an APA “visitor” badge who looks lost in the hallway, you should… A. Introduce yourself then ask if you can help lead them where they need to go. C. Tell them to go to the main office for help. D. None of the above. A. Introduce yourself then ask if you can help lead them where they need to go. B. Mind your own business. Someone else will help them.