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ZERO HUNGRY STRATEGY. Population : 190,7 mi ( 2010) Territorial Extension : 8.511.965 km2 Organization : 26 states, 5.563 municipalities + the Federal District. GDP (2013): US$ 2,07 tr (+ 2,3%) GDP per Capita (2013): US$ 10.328 HDI (2013): 0,730
Population: 190,7 mi (2010) • Territorial Extension: 8.511.965 km2 • Organization: 26 states, 5.563 municipalities + the Federal District. • GDP (2013):US$ 2,07 tr (+2,3%) • GDP per Capita (2013):US$ 10.328 • HDI (2013):0,730 • LifeExpect(2013): 73,4 years • GINI Coefficient : 54,4 (2008) • 51,90 (2012)
Social Policies Protection • The 1988 Constitution is a landmark to Social Policies, becauseintroducestheconceptof Social Security: • Social Security, Health, Social Assistanceandconstructionof a new System of Social Protectioncontributoryand non contributory. • The social policies starts tointegratethe set ofactionswhichensure access to goods, services and income, aiming: • EqualityofOportunities • StruggleAgainstpoverty • Combat Social Inequalities • Improve the Population's Social Conditions
ZERO HUNGRY STRATEGY Income Generation Food Access Family AgricultureEnforcement Civil Societymobilizationandparticipation • The ZERO HUNGRY STRATEGY is an strategy from the Federal Government that started in 2003 to ensure the right for adequate food to people with limited access to this. • With participation of 12 ministries, the Zero Hunger is composed of 29 stocks divided into 4 pivots.
Ministry of Social Development and Hungry Combat • Created in January - 2004, with the prospect of establish an integrated network to social protection and promotion. • Coordinate the actions to food and nutritional security, social assistance, conditional cash transfer and productive inclusion. • The structure of the Public Policies System: • National System of Food and Nutrition Security - SISAN • Unique System of Social Assistance - SUAS
Social ProtectionandPromotion Network The State, as responsible to implement public policies to guarantee a new opportunities level, ensuring rights to life, education, food, health, job and environmental sanitation.
MDS Regional Development Health Education System ofRights Foresight Culture HumanRights Sport Job
Social Policies FoodandNutritionalSecurity CashTransfer Social Assistance CRAS [FamilyAttentionProgram] “Bolsa Família” Program FoodBank Conditionalities IndianIdentity ProYoung – Teenager program ComplementaryActions ContinuingBenefitConveyance- BPC Cisterns UniqueRegister Consad BPC in Schools CommunityKitchen EventualsBenefits ProductiveInclusion FoodDistribution Social aidService– kidsbetweew 0 – 6 FoodandNutritionalEducation Partner and Productive Inclusion Social assistance Service– ElderlyandDisabled People DirectFoodAcquisition - PAA Popular Restaurant P E T I EvaluationandInformation Management UrbanAgriculture CREAS SENTINELA [Social Protection to Childs and Teenagers Victims of Violence, Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and their Families Service] Tutoring, EvaluationandInformation Management Social Protection to Teenagersin Fulfillment of Social Educative Measures Service ElderlyIdentity
National System of Alimentary and Nutrition Security SISAN Established in 2006 by Food and Nutrition Security Bill (LOSAN), SISAN councils reúneaçõesintersetoriaiscentradasnagarantia do direitohumano à alimentaçãoadequada. The system integrates all policies that make safe the population´s access to food with quality, regularity and appropiate amount. The state is committed with production, marketing, and food supplying and also with promotion of nutritional education, access to water/food and others actions.
Food and Nutritional Security • FamilyAgricultureFoodAcquisitionProgramme(PAA) – Guaranteetheaccess to foodwiththenecessaryquality, regularityandamount to populations in riskareaandpromotethe social inclusion in thefieldthrough the strengthening of family farming. • purchase of foods produced by the small family farmers, with auction dismissal. • The acquired foods are destined to people who are living an insecure alimentary situation as well to school feeding program. • Part of these foods stuffs are destined also to the Federal Government's strategic stocks.
Food and Nutritional Security Food and Nutritional Security Equipment Network • Popular Restaurants: 90 units operating (73 municipalities – 123k meals /day). • Communal Kitchens: 407 units operating(87K meal / day). • Food Bank: 67 units operating(66 municipalities – 39.000 tons/year). • Popular Markets and trades: 160 units operating. Guarantee to Water Access: • Cisterns in no Semi-Arid: since 2003, were built 241.000 units with resources from MDS; • Capacity till 16,000 litters (8 months for family with 5 people – 600k cisterns).
NationalSecretariatofSocialAssistance • Unique System of Social Assistance – SUAS • Consolidate the Social Assistance like state policy, that ensure the rights. • Goals: identify the social problems, focusing the necessities of each municipality, enlarging the efficiencies of the social resources and the social covering. • Primaryfocus in families laces, membersandindividualswiththeterritory as organizationbasis. • organizes services, programs, projects and benefits, rendered by a government net and no government
NationalSecretariatof Social Assistance • Basic Social Protection • Social Assistance Reference Centers– CRAS: • Public state bodies, located in social vulnerability areas • First space of individual protection/socialization and strengthening the family authonomy. • The main service in CRAS is the Family Attention Program – PAIF; • Other Services: Basic Social Protection to Child and Teenagers, Teen ProJovem, Social Protection to elderly and disabled people.
Sistema Único de Assistência Social - SUAS Basic Social Protection PreventiveCharacterand Social Inclusion RiskofVulnerabilityScale CRAS
NationalSecretariatofSocialAssistance Special Social Protection • Supportpeople in personaland social highvulnerabilitysituation • Social AssistanceReference – CREAS; • Co funding of 1054 CREAS, attending1.230municipalities • Main services oferted by CREAS: • Special Social Protection Service to childs and teenagers victims of sexual abuse and exploitation (and their families); • Social Protection to Teenagersin Fulfillment of Social Educative Measures Service. • Social Protection to Childs and Teenagers Victims of Violence, Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and their Families Service
Sistema Único de Assistência Social - SUAS Special Social Protection HighVulnerability: Personaland Social HighComplexity MediumComplexity RiskofVulnerabilityScale CREAS
Sistema Único de Assistência Social - SUAS Special Social Protection Basic Social Protection HighVulnerability: Personaland Social PreventiveCharacterand Social Inclusion HighComplexity MediumComplexity RiskofVulnerabilityScale CREAS CRAS
National Secretariat of Citizenship Income • Bolsa Família Program • Articulatethestrategyof social developmentandfightagainsthunger, focusingthepoorfamilies in allmunicipalities.e. • Benefitdirectly more than 11 millionfamilies, integratingthepromotionandprotection network • Strong federativeandintersectorial connection: monitoringtheareasofhealth, educationandwelfare, in additiontocomplementaryactions • Three Articulated Dimensios • Immediatereliefofpoverty, by cash transferdirectlytopoorandextremelypoorfamilies; • Contribute to overcome the poverty´s cicle between generations, troughtthe conditionalities in the areas of health and education; • Developmentoffamilyhabilitiesby “complementaryactions”. • 3 types of benefits: Basic, Variable, Básico, Teenager • MediumValueofthebenefit: R$ 85,78 – U$ 40.00 • MaximumValueofthebenefit: R$ 200,00 – U$ 90,00 • Budget (2013): R$ 23,9 billions = US$ 10,26 billions (around 0,5% PIB)
National Secretariat of Citizenship Income • ComplementaryActions- Integrationbetween “Bolsa Familia” andotheractionsthatmaydevelopthefamilieshabilities: • Literacyandincreaseeducationlevelstoyoungsandadults; • Professional Training for Generating Jobsand Income; • Access toenergy(social energy fare and “Light for all”); • Bank InclusionandOrientedMicro-Credit; • Articulationwiththenationalhousingpolicy • Implementationstrategy- DecentralisedExecution • Formalization of decentralized management with states and municipalities - 99,93% of the municipalities signed the agreement. • Creation of financial incentives to decentralized management – Decentralized Management Index to municipalities(IGD) and states(IGDE) • Budget of and IGDE: R$ 280 million.
National Secretariat of Citizenship Income UniqueNationalRegister for Social Programs CADÚNICO • Registration of information on the families with monthly income of even ½ minimum wage per person, being for the beneficiaries' of some programs selection, for instance like PBF. • The objective is that the information on the registered families serve with the tool of planning of the public politics in all of government's spheres, contribute to the social control • It allows the generation of a national only number of identification for the social programs (NIS), avoiding duplicities;
National Secretariat of Evaluation and Information Management SAGI Evaluation • Examine theefectivenessofprogrammesandactions; • Improveprogrammesandactions , • Subsidizestheplanning, programanddecisiontaking. Tutoring • OrganizationofIndexBasis; • Developmentof Social Index; • DevelopmentofInformationalTools; • Tutoringbyresearches.
FOOD SECURITY • In semiarid, between 1996 and 2005, thechildmalnutritionwasreduced in 63%. Theimpactof “Bolsa Familia” was 30% in general and 65% in childsbetween 6 and 11 months.(2005) • Themain use ofthisbenefit is withfood: • 86% betterfamilynutrition • 73% greatervarietyoffood • 93% kidswith 3 or more meals/day • Between 1990 and 2007, thebrazilianGlobal HungerIndex (GHI) wasreduced in 45,6%. Thisfactleftthe country ofthegroupofnationswithseriousdietaryproblems. NowBrazilappear in thelistwithlowdietaryproblemsdegree. (Instituto de Pesquisas sobre Políticas Alimentares (IFPRI, na sigla em inglês)
Challenges • Intensifythespeedofpovertyreductionandoftheinequalities in crisiscontext • Strongthenthe social policies institutionality • Strongthenthefederativearticulation • Developtheintersectoriallity • Developthe dialogue withpublicand social agentsinvolved in Social PromotionandProtection Network