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Ancient Americas Incas. - Inca Empire started in 1440s when an Incan man, Pachacuti , began conquering all of the tribes living around him -Capital was Cuzco in the Andes Mountains of South America
Ancient Americas Incas -Inca Empirestarted in 1440s when an Incan man, Pachacuti, began conquering all of the tribes living around him -Capital was Cuzco in the AndesMountains of SouthAmerica -Incas adapted to life in mountains by building bridges to connect mountains and allow passage over valleys http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pachacutec_statue,_Aguas_Calientes,_Peru.jpg
-Bridges allowed for protection from outsiders because the Incas could simply burn the bridges and isolate themselves -AmazonRainforest was on east side of the Andes Mountains and the desertcoastline was on the west sides of the Andes Mountains. This provided naturalprotection from outsiders. -12million people lived in the IncaEmpire -Inca Empire created by conquering smallertribes. The Incan army was the largest and best army in the region.
Incas day 2 A llama photobombed this picture of Machu Picchu. http://i.imgur.com/bvQLRyE.jpg
-Incas built 24,800 milesof roads with rest houses along them for travelers. No commoners were allowed to use the roads; only nobles, warriors, traders, and llamas could travel the roads. -They had no writing system, but their culture became incredibly developed without it -Incas watched plays that were funny, tragic, and often told the story of their history -Llamas were OUTRAGEOUSLY important. They were used for everything: their wool was spun into to thread and used to make clothing, they helped carry trade goods, they were a source of food, and they were a major part of Incan culture. -Incas were polytheistic. They believed their gods lived in the mountains and that some mountains were gods. Monthly festivals were held to celebrate the gods. -They believed in an afterlife and mummified their dead.
*How did the Incas provide for themselves and their society? *Explain how the Incas developed a unique style of agriculture to deal with mountain terrain.
Incas day 3 -Incas used terrace farmingbecause they did not have a lot of room to farm in the mountains. They carved “steps” into the side of the mountains to create extra land to farm on. -They also created canals to help water the crops they planted -3 main crops were corn, potatoes, quinoa
-Traded a lot using their roads and used llamas to help them carry their goods. They did not use money so they bartered. -Crops were used to pay taxes to the government -Most valuable trade item was cloth made of wool from llamas and alpacas Inca tunic made with wool. -Grew a lot of food to have extra in case of an emergency. They freezedried the extra food. -Freeze drying process of the Incas a. Leave food outside to freeze b. Stomp on the food to remove the water and moisture from the plant c. Leave food in the sun to dry
Incas day 4 Inca Wealth •Francisco Pizarroheard stories of the wealth Hernan Cortes gained when he conquered the Aztecs. •In 1524 he began a series of expeditions to conquer the Inca Empire in South America. •On his third trip, the Inca Emperor Atahuallpa agreed to meet with Pizarro.
A Deceptive Plan •As Pizarro arrived at the meeting, Atahuallpa was taken prisoner by the Spanish. •In return for his freedom, Atahuallpa promised Pizarro a large room filled with gold. •Even though he kept his word, Pizarro had the Inca Emperor killed. •By 1532 the Spanish had conquered the Incas and taken control of their land. Contact with Europeans •Even though Spanish soldiers were better armed, weapons were not the only cause of death to Native Americans. •Disease carried by the Spanish like smallpox, an airborne virus, spread quickly throughout native groups. Smallpox •Of all human infectious diseases, smallpox is believed to have resulted in more human deaths throughout history than from any other. Death usually occurred between 10-16 days of being infected.
Spain Grows in Wealth •Almost at once, ships began to carry gold, silver, and precious stones from the Americas back to Spain. •Spain became the richest and most powerful nation in the world during the 1500s.