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Astrology Offline provides you the Best Indian Vedic Astrology service, Online Astrology Services and you will get the Famous Indian Astrologer nearby place
Why do people need to prefer Indian Astrology? Indian Astrology is an ancient concept, as old as time, you can say. It is an important aspect of our lives – our past, present, and future. It is nothing but Vedic Astrology. To a great extent, astrology is used to forecast and predict future events and can also be used as a medium to get rid of any kind of disaster-related to planetary positions. The concept that planetary bodies in the solar system can provide a vision of the future has fascinated people for a very long time. Our interests with Astrology ranges from a general look at a newspaper’s zodiac signs section to doing important decisions in life-related to the marriage, finance and career and also prediction on health. It is known that many successful people have asked astrologers to help make decisions in their lives. Astrology is nothing but the prediction for your future from your past and present. People who believe in Karma will go for Astrology Predictions. Why because Today Karma is your Tomorrow fate. If you are confused like Does this help to guide am I going in the right path? Yes. Astrology will helpful for your question, it will also help to correct our mistakes in your future life. In present, you can correct on time, past mistake you won't repeat it. The oldest and Traditional and Best Astrology is our Vedic Astrology.
If you consider the basic difference between Western and Vedic astrology is each system's choice of Zodiac. Western astrologers use the Tropical Zodiac, where the beginnings of the twelve signs are defined by the Sun's possible orbit around the Earth means the onset of the four seasons, when the Sun crosses the Equator and its uppermost and lowest points. Indian or Vedic astrologers, use the Sidereal Zodiac, which is based upon the physical positions of the planets in the sky. They choose a starting point for the beginning of Aries and proceed in equal 30-degree segments for subsequent signs. While planets in signs are used widely in Western astrology as the major definer of the expression of a planet. If you consider 12 houses in the Horoscope also, most modern Western astrologers use one of the many house systems that place the degree of the Ascendant as the beginning of the First House, with either unequally or equally-sized houses. Vedic astrologers, by and large, use Whole Sign Houses, where the Ascendant can fall anyplace in the First House, and each house comprises all of one sign. If you consider about Planets and Sign rulerships, Western astrologers use major planets including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and several characteristic rulerships of Aquarius to Uranus, Pisces to Neptune, and Scorpio to Pluto. Vedic astrologers, attach to the apparent planets, these through Saturn, using traditional rulerships, of Aquarius to Saturn, Pisces to Jupiter, and Scorpio to Mars. If you consider Aspects, Orbs, Aspect Patterns & Chart Shape, Western astrologers use a variety of aspects, always including the five Ptolemaic aspects, with tight circles of 10 degrees or less, determined by the type of aspect. Planets only aspect other planets and angles. Vedic astrologers use different approaches, each planet associated with all planets in the same house, and aspects of the opposite house and any planets in that house. Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter also have extra special aspects to both planets and houses.
What is Vedic Astrology? Everyone has understood of astrology. In western astrology, it is all about sun signs. Vedic Astrology is different. Here we discuss what is Vedic Astrology and how does Vedic Astrology differ from the Western Astrology. You might know what Vedas are, they are the oldest inscriptions known to exist and dates at least 5000 years back. These Vedas have a wide ocean of knowledge of both the material and spiritual kind. In that Vedic literature, it talks a lot about astrology and the knowledge of it has been passed on from generation to generation since time ancient. Vedic Astrology existed way before the other astrology around the world, and preferably, it was the Indian Vedic Astrology that spread to cultures like Persian, Greek, Chinese, and Babylonian. If you want to understand the difference between western astrology and Indian astrology, we must analyze the following: First, Indian Astrology/ Vedic Astrology is technical termed as a “sidereal system”; western philosophy, on the other hand, is termed as “tropical”. In the sky, there are planets of the Zodiac signs such as Aquarius, Virgo, and so on. The actual astronomical planets are on what Vedic Astrology is based on, but Western Astrology follows a fabricated zodiac that slowly moves backward in space as a function of time. For example, at the beginning of the Western imaginary zodiac, the first point of Aries is at 6.25 degrees of the planets Pisces and known as “the Age of Pisces”. This point moves in a backward motion at a rate of 1 degree per 72 years when it enters the planets of Aquarius, and this will be the Age of Aquarius, which is a popular age in that astrology. But this when moving at a motion of 72 years per degree of 6.25 degrees, it will take 450 years before the Age of Aquarius hits in. But the western new age community has already reported today’s era as the Age of Aquarius, which any Vedic Astrologer would not. Second, Indian Vedic astrology is being practiced since the time traditional and has been ongoing as an unbroken chain of tradition passed on to generations.
But Western Astrology is dim, it had disappeared during the Dark Ages (500- 1000AD) and only activated during the Renaissance period, and then again, fall out to the Age of Reason. It again ceased until the late 19th century. Today’s western astrology is only 150 years old at the most maximum. The knowledge would, therefore, be less reliable in comparison to really old Vedic astrology. Third, Indian Vedic Astrology comes from Vedic thoughts and philosophy since it is rooted in the Vedas. What it means is that the rules involve the Vedic philosophy and the practitioners must be conventional to be the life of a Vedic Brahmana. Western Philosophy is lively, in a sense that, anything goes with the Western astrology. There is no real philosophical school that carries western astrology. This philosophical school coupled with a spiritual lifestyle is important to guide others properly by developing the divine vision and ability. Now since we have clarified the differences, we must look into the Indian Vedic astrology. Before that, you know that the birth chart or the horoscope is a symbolic depiction of Earth, planets, stars at the time of one’s birth. It’s in the enthusiasm by which God communicated the will and destiny of the person. Fate, Free Will, and Indian Vedic Astrology It is said that Indian / Vedic Astrology of life is an interchange of both destiny and free will-fate being the response to our prior action of free will. What it signifies is that a person has his own free will that he can. Decide between any two options given the circumstances, but we must receive the reaction of the choice. That response may be right away, or it could be delayed to thousands of lifetime. That is how it is. Chana Kya Pandita states, “Just as a calf can find its mother in a herd of 10,000 cows, in the same way, your reactions will find you.” Thus, karma prevails, and with a karmic reaction, a new environment is given with more choices upon which one can exercise free will. When one child is born in the world, based on the birth time, they will know the astrology of the child. It depends on science also why
because will predict using Signs is nothing but planets. Using this we can predict the child's Mental and Physical capacities, Profession, Education, Marriage and their Child, etc. More type of Astrology is there. Our Indian Astrology is one of the traditional types of Astrology in the World. A lot of Astrologers are from India and are the best for Indian Astrology and Horoscope Astrology. They having some separate communities, now they are doing worldwide by Online and Offline Astrology. This is not only for Particular religion, community and particular people. This is common for all people who are all believing Astrology. For that, we will go for pandits, they will do some Pooja’s, and they will tell the solution to the problem. Pandits are also available all over the world. They know very well about astrology and their solution. All pandits specialized in some specific Poojas and another type of solution for the problem. Now Psychic reader also there to solve your problem mentally in an easy way. Psychic reading is now trending on this generation because they are having so much stress in their minds. It will helpful for each success in their lives. Indian Vedic astrology is more advanced compared to Western Astrology, thus it can be very powerful and accurate yet a bit more complex. Nakshatras (Starts Sign), Dasha System and Divisional Charts in our Indian Vedic Astrology give a much deeper insight. When compared to the western system, Indian Vedic astrology seems upright because it relies on more accurate Astronomical principles. It shall be retained in view that planets are moving in the sky as per the Nirayana system. Indian Vedic Astrologers not only evaluate the Natal chart but also the dashas, the periods of different planets transiting through different signs and their impact in real- time. Also, Indian Vedic Astrology is based on Moon sign over the Sun sign. Sun changes its sign in around a month while Moon changes its sign in 2.25 days, which
is why predictions based on Moon are more close and accurate since our moods and circumstances vary frequently. Secondly, the moon reflects the mind and sentiments, our temperament, thus interpreting the moon’s placement leads to more relevant predictions and analysis. Vedic Astrology hence is equipped with more precise and detail-oriented tools and the methods of predictions than Western Astrology, thus more reliable. As the planetary movements shift, the Universe expands, and nothing is still, Indian Vedic Astrology is believed to be more stable and reliable. The zodiac signs and planets usually have a similar investigation and typical meanings in both the systems but Indian Vedic Astrology has more precise calculations and detailed methods concerned, thus more secure. The Tropical or Western chart can provide only a frank explanation. Though, Western Astrology is worth exploring too. If people searching for Astrology Solution for their problem they need Best Astrology. Find out Best Astrologer in the world is difficult, also if we search Famous Astrologer nearby place means very difficult. Now we don't worry about this, Astrology Offline is one of the Best Astrology Site in the world for a one-stop solution to finding Astrologers nearby place. Astrology Offline is the Best platform for Astrologer who willing to develop its service worldwide. People can find you easily within a minute. Astrology Offline is a business directory offline Astrologer Service Provider's guide that provides information about business in the categories of Astrology. This helps small business network with other local businesses and reaches local customers through a simple call. Astrology Offline is the one best Place for Astrology Services for Astrologer and people who need the Best Astrology Service in a nearby place. We will provide Best Services like Horoscope by date of birth, Kundali matching, Horoscope matching, Newborn baby astrology, Black magic removal specialist, Love
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