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Prosjekter under utvikling i det norske Smart Grids – senter. NTNU/SINTEF Juni 2010. Outline. The Norwegian Smart Grids centre Overordnet struktur (EEGI) – prosjektoversikt Kort beskrivelse (ingress) av de enkelte prosjekt The Norwegian Smart grids / renewable energy laboratorium.
Prosjekter under utvikling i det norske Smart Grids – senter NTNU/SINTEF Juni 2010
Outline • The Norwegian Smart Grids centre • Overordnet struktur (EEGI) – prosjektoversikt • Kort beskrivelse (ingress) av de enkelte prosjekt • The Norwegian Smart grids / renewable energy laboratorium
Det norske Smart grids - senteret i et nøtteskall Mål: • 202020 – for ikke å snakke om 2050! • Det finnes ingen ”one size fits all” Smart grid • Norsk industri i verden Middel: • Bygge landslag • Ta rollen til en nasjonal teknologiplattform Smart grids • Styrke relevansen av FoU og utdanning, og være et veksthus for morgendagens arbeidskraft (MSc, PhD) • Synliggjøre nasjonale industrielle fyrtårn i verdensmarkedet • Et nasjonalt laboratorium for utvikling, testing og verifikasjon av Smart Grids teknologi med verden som marked.
Organisering The Norwegian Smart grids Center … Project 1 Project 2 Project N National Smart grids laboratory
Utgangspunktet • Stor aktivitet innen bl a: • Avansert overvåking og styring av nett • Planlegging og styring av leveringskvalitet • Håndtering av distribuert produksjon • Vindkraft (on- og offshore) • Samspill med nettkunder – AMS • Energilagring inkl. elbil • Nye komponenter – komponentteknologi • Stort potensiale for samarbeid i et nasjonalt senter for Smart Grids • Kun nye prosjekter under utvikling omtales i det følgende.
+ Smart Grids – en omfattende greie… http://www.majoreconomiesforum.org/the-global-partnership/smart-grids.html
Strukturering av prosjektideerBruker EEGI som template - vi må uansett være koordinert mot EU.Nasjonalt Smartgrids-laboratorium håndteres spesielt.
Videre følger en tentativ gruppering av prosjektideer ihht EEGIs struktur. NB! Tar forbehold om at enkeltprosjekt kan være feilplassert.
Transmisjon og marked • ”Balansetjenester - Europa” • KMB og EU-prosjekt under utvikling • KMB Optimal Power Network Design and Operation • Smart Grids: Markedspotensiale, produkt og tjenesteutvikling samt brukeraksept • ERA-NET Smartgrids: Prosumers' impact in a SmartGrid
Distribusjon og sluttbruker • KMB Smart integration of converters for fortifying weak distribution grids and optimizing system operation • KMB Electrification of Transport – Large scale PEV impact on the Distribution and Transmission Networks (ETDN) • KMB Smart asset management - evolution towards active distribution networks • KMB Case-based Reasoning (CBR) approach to network operation
Cross-cutting-/ integrasjonsaktiviteter • BIP Condition monitoring of power grid components • KMB Sustainable Electricity Grids (SUSGRID) - A need for new multi-level regulation designs.
De enkelte prosjekt - transmisjon og marked • ”Balansetjenester - Europa” (Audun Ruud/Magnus Korpås/Kjetil Uhlen) • KMB og EU-prosjekt under utvikling • KMB Optimal Power Network Design and Operation (Morten Hovd/Kjetil Uhlen/Asgeir Tomasgård) • The focus of this KMB will be to improve the design and operation of electrical power transmission systems through the use of advanced control and optimization techniques to both transmission system design and operation. The overall objective will be to ensure security of power supply in the face of uncertainties on both the supply and demand side, while optimizing economic efficiency of the system focusing on capacity utilization and transmission losses. Significant contributions towards this objective will reduce investment cost in new transmission capacity as a consequence of making better investment choices for capacity expansions and new capacity. In addition it is expected that more flexible operation and better integration between the physical system and the market may in some cases reduce the need to invest and thus also reduce the environmental impact of transmission lines and the political controversies surrounding their construction. Increased flexibility in operation will accommodate the more challenging scenarios that is expected in the future due to more variable power production from wind power and small-scale hydroelectric plants. • Smart Grids: Markedspotensiale, produkt og tjenesteutvikling samt brukeraksept (Øystein Moen, Marianne Ryghaug, Audun Ruud, Hanne Sæle, Stig Ottesen) Hovedmål • Effektivisere kraftmarkedet ved å stimulere til økt fleksibilitet på etterspørselssiden , redusere topplast • Utfordringer: hvordan få til et fleksibelt sluttbrukermarked?, Industriell verdiskaping? • Demand side management: • Business models, contract structures and price structures for dynamic interaction between the producer, transport provider and end user. • Better integration of supply and demand side in order to take of peak loads on production and transport. Better capacity utilization by smoothing demand. • ERA-NET Smartgrids: Prosumers' impact in a SmartGrid (Stig Ottesen) Objectives for the project: • To define and study the role of prosumers in the future power market. • To develop simulation models and analyze technical and commercial impact from prosumers, given different constraints and stimuli, business models and various combinations of distributed energy resources • To analyze different trading strategies covering inter- as well as intra-trading • To analyze the relation between the prosumers and technical and commercial aggregators (TVPP and CVPP) including operational criteria • To analyze the value chain prosumer-VPP-market • To extract constraints, rules and relationships that can help design and optimize the Smart Grid of tomorrow, the definition of new market mechanisms, trading instruments and grid management facilities to achieve optimal use of resources, high regularity, acceptable price levels and stability of supply as well as sustainable growth for the European countries
De enkelte prosjekt – distribusjon og sluttbruker • KMB Smart integration of converters for fortifying weak distribution grids and optimizing system operation (Magnar Hernes) • To provide a complete set of tools for optimizing the future smart distribution grids by introducing converters, energy storages and other new promising active components • KMB Electrification of Transport – Large scale PEV impact on the Distribution and Transmission Networks (Helge Seljeseth) • The project main objective is to understand future impact of a large scale deployment of plug-in electric and hybrid-electric vehicles on the electrical networks and give recommendations for regulators, utilities and equipment manufacturers. Impact is referring to power flow, voltage quality, power demand, power component loading, reliability and costs. • KMB Smart asset management - evolution towards active distribution networks (Dag Eirik Nordgård) • Management of urban MV/LV Distribution grids • Keywords: • Smart maintenance (asset utilisation – maximisation of asset life) • Smart renewal (‘end-of-life’ or other triggering events) • Smart grid development (where to adapt new technologies) • How can smart grid technologies and methodologies impact on asset management decisions concerning: Investments, Reinvestments, Maintenance • KMB Case-based Reasoning (CBR) approach to network operation (Pinar Öztürk) • Har notert meg to-tre aktuelle problemstillinger alle avhengig av tilgjengelige måledata i dagens og fremtidens nett. • 1: styring og kontroll av nett mtp a) laststyring distribusjonsnett b) reduksjon av peak forbruk c) bedre utnyttelse/ styring av prod kapasitet. • 2: vedlikehold og driftsplanlegging • Tema vil uansett knytte seg til automatisk styring og kontroll og nett herunder beslutningstøtte og erfaringsgjenbruk.
De enkelte prosjekt – cross-cutting/integrasjon • BIP Condition monitoring of power grid components (Lars Lundgaard) • Goal: Develop methods and systems for continous monitoring and condition assement of electric power apparatus • Report on latest available sensors and instrumentation for monitoring of power grid components. • Give recommendation of which data that should be stored and how it is possible to make unified models for risk assesment for relevant components as breakers, cables, transformers, lines etc. • Establish pilot cases with integration of a selection of promising monitoring techniques and communication to a control center. • KMB Sustainable Electricity Grids (SUSGRID) - A need for new multi-level regulation designs (Audun Ruud). • Nettreguleringens logikk - eller mangel på sådan? • Sammenhengen mellom direkte og indirekte regulering, planprosesser (NUP, KSU etc), konsesjonspraksis og konkret nettrealisering. • Hvordan få nettreguleringen til å sikre et robust kraftsystem? • Hvordan sikre større samfunnsaksept for nettrealisering for et robust kraftsystem?
National Smart Grids laboratory • Smartgrids/renewable energy lab er en bærebjelke i realisering det nasjonale Smart grids-senteret • Noen ideer om utvikling følger • Videre bearbeiding skjer av NTNU (v/Halsten Aastebøl) i tett dialog med SINTEF (v/Knut Samdal)
~= ~= ~= ~= ~= ~= ~= ~= ~= Laboratory supply (400 V) HVDClink Line emulator == == == == ~= =~ =~ =~ == =~ == =~ =~ Line inductance model DC bus ~~ ~~ ~~ == AC bus AC bus DC bus Super capacitors ~~ Electrolyser Induction gen. PM generator SVC Fault emulator Compensator R-load R-load Load Line inductance HVDClink Fuel Cell AC bus Flexible RLC line model MV line protection Fly wheel Power generation R-load Motor drive Laboratory supply ~= Synchronous gen. ~ Energy storage Small hydro power gen. DC bus Controllable load ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Controllable load Flexible RLC line model Convertercontrol R-load Device testing Line emulator =~ Converters A Norwegian National Smart Grid & Renewable Energy Laboratory • Why invest in laboratories at SINTEF/NTNU? • Valuable contribution in research - Some things can only be tested in the lab • Basic infrastructure and common resources available in present laboratories • Multiple users (SINTEF, NTNU) involving various groups and disciplines • Serves relevant research topics (Offshore wind, Renewables, Smart Grid) • Investments for the future - Step vice investment plan 1. Measuring equipment & Data loggers, Converter modules with control 2. Line equivalents, Flexible load unit, Generation, Infrastructure for flexibility 3. Storage, Communication & Automation, System control & Intelligence, 4. Cable emulator, Regeneration of load power Result Flexible, User friendly, Easy data collection & control • Sources for funding • KMB project investments, Direct funding from research council, Others • Information: AN 10.12.XX, Astrid Petterteig (Astrid.Petterteig@sintef.no)