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08.30 GENERAL SESSION: ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS AND SATISFYING LOCAL INVESTOR APPETITE. Moderator: Ricardo Fernandez, Director, CREDIT SUISSE, (52-55-5283-8927, ricardo.fernandez@credit-suisse.com ) Panelists: Tonatiuh Rodriguez, Director de Inversiones, AFORE XXI,
08.30 GENERAL SESSION: ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS AND SATISFYING LOCAL INVESTOR APPETITE Moderator: Ricardo Fernandez, Director, CREDIT SUISSE, (52-55-5283-8927, ricardo.fernandez@credit-suisse.com) Panelists: Tonatiuh Rodriguez, Director de Inversiones, AFORE XXI, (52-55-5488-5550, trodrigu@aforexxi.com.mx) Luis de Garay Russ, Director de Análisis de Renta Fija, GBM, (5255-5480-5727, lgaray@gbm.com.mx) Lee Meddin, Deputy Treasurer and Global Head of Structured Finance, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION, (202-473-3992, lmeddin@ifc.org) Manuel Arcos, Asset Manager, METLIFE, (52-55-1226-0515, marcos@metlife.com.mx) Jorge Galindo, Chief Financial Officer, SOCIEDAD HIPOTECARIA FEDERAL, (52-55-5263-4580, jgalindo@shf.gob.mx)
Latin American ABS Market Overview • The asset-backed securities (“ABS”) market for Latin America totaled US$15.3 billion in 2006 Market Distribution (US$ in billions) Source: CS and Moody’s
Mexican Local Debt Market Dynamics: Demand • Strong growth of Mexican institutional investors supports demand for a new issuances Institutional Investor’s AUM (1) (1) Source: Banxico
Mexican Debt Market Dynamics: Supply Coupon Type Currency Tenor Ratings Source: BMV, CS, Banamex Amount Outstanding as of October 25, 2007.
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08.30 GENERAL SESSION: ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS AND SATISFYING LOCAL INVESTOR APPETITE Moderator: Ricardo Fernandez, Director, CREDIT SUISSE, (52-55-5283-8927, ricardo.fernandez@credit-suisse.com) Panelists: Tonatiuh Rodriguez, Director de Inversiones, AFORE XXI, (52-55-5488-5550, trodrigu@aforexxi.com.mx) Luis de Garay Russ, Director de Análisis de Renta Fija, GBM, (5255-5480-5727, lgaray@gbm.com.mx) Lee Meddin, Deputy Treasurer and Global Head of Structured Finance, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION, (202-473-3992, lmeddin@ifc.org) Manuel Arcos, Asset Manager, METLIFE, (52-55-1226-0515, marcos@metlife.com.mx) Jorge Galindo, Chief Financial Officer, SOCIEDAD HIPOTECARIA FEDERAL, (52-55-5263-4580, jgalindo@shf.gob.mx)