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The Piano

The Piano. by Aidan Gibbons . Power Point created by Nicolai Rees. Go to Slide Show mode [f5]and then click above to play video. Watch and re-watch the film The Piano by Aidan Gibbons.

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The Piano

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Piano by Aidan Gibbons Power Point created by Nicolai Rees Go to Slide Show mode [f5]and then click above to play video

  2. Watch and re-watch the film The Piano by Aidan Gibbons. Find a partner and discuss how the film-maker (Aidan Gibbons ) used colour, light, sound and camera angles to tell the narrative. Write your findings below.

  3. Who are the Characters? Characters

  4. Write a question to ask the main character about his life Answer the question as if you were the main character

  5. Write a question to ask the main characters friend about his relationship with the main character Answer the question as if you were the main characters friend

  6. Write a question to ask the main characters wife about her relationship with the main character Answer the question as if you were the main characters wife

  7. Write a question to ask the main character about his youth Answer the question as if you were the main character

  8. Write a conversation about this key point in the film using speech punctuation. Compose sentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact.

  9. Using the provided images create a storyboard and narration for this section of The Piano. Watch this part of The Piano again. Copy each image to a new slide and write an appropriate paragraph of your narration onto that slide. Narration must be written in third person. Compose sentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact.

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