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This event presents three project ideas focused on mine wastewater treatment, recovery of valuable metals from mining waste, and a product-centric approach to raw material flows. VTT, the largest applied research institute in Northern Europe, is seeking partners for collaboration.
NORDMIN Brokerage Event – Project Idea Presentation 13.11.2013 Margareta Wahlström VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
VTT- Technical Research Centre of Finland • Largest applied research institute in Northern Europe: ca. 3000 personnel, 316 M€ turnover (2012). See: http://www.vtt.fi/?lang=en • Waste technology and hydrometallurgical group: > 20 persons involved in works related to mining operation EU affairs and international collaboration: • EIT KIC, EIP RM, Spire, CRM Innonet(substitution of critical raw materials), ERA MIN, ERECON, international programmes • Secretariat for Europeanstandardisationwork, CEN/TC 292, WG8: Waste fromextractiveindustry • Partner in AERTO network (Value fromwaste) • Active participation innational strategyplans for sustainableminingindustry, expertinvolvment/support to the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Employement and the Economy on miningissues
Idea 1: Clean water - Mine wastewater treatment • Background: Mine waste water contains e.g. nitrogen (from explosives/cyanide leaching) and metals. These constituents have environmental impacts and potential reuse value in the process or as products. • Idea: Novel electrochemical methods, sorption etc allow enrichment and removal of specific metals or ions using moderately low energies. This could allow for enhanced treatment while recovering resources. • Impact: Reduction of the environmental impact of mine waste water and production of side stream products and clean water. • Established consortium: Water expertise cooperation with University of Queensland, PhD candidate from VTT • Looking for partners: On mining drainage and ww management, reuse, and productization for internal or external use. Laboratory testing 93% N-removal with 100% capture
Idea 2: Recovery of valuable metals and safe management of mining waste in artic areas • Background: Large amounts of metals left in tailings and deposits, varying concentrations. Techniques for metal recovery from low grade ores/tailings needed. Reduced risk for acid mine drainage • Idea: Mapping of technological solutions, safe management and recovery of valuable metals from tailings by integrated recovery concepts • Impacts: Reduction of environmental impacts, reuse of treated waste and recovery of residual metals effectively and cost-efficiently for resale • Looking for partners with knowledge in techniques for metal extraction and recovery and solutions for utilisation of residual waste Fig. Bioleaching experiment with tailings
Idea 3: A product centric approach has effective impact on raw material flows and usage • Background: A product centric approach has effective impact on raw material flows and usage, driven by resource scarcity and environmental aspects. It is a solution provider for waste minimization and material substitution. • Idea: In this proposal starting from multiple raw material streams (including side streams and waste streams) lean methods together with powder metallurgical product concepts are combined with economical case studies. (Piloting through powder technological routes.) • Impacts: Beside the reduction of waste and energy consumption, the possibility of finding new solutions for substitution scarce or critical raw material is possible. • Looking for partners ex. having side or waste streams and end-users. Fig 1. Agglomerated particles for ceramics, hard metals and composites. Fig 2. Fused & Crushed particles for composites. Fig 3. Gas atomized particles for metal alloys and further consolidated into composites.
Examples of VTT projects on mine water, hydroprocessing, mine closure • Arsenic removal from mine waste water: laboratory validation • Nitrogen removal methods from mine waste waters: a comprehensive study of options • Treatment of acidic mine waters using sulphate reducing bacteria • Watertreatment, membranetechnologies • Bioprocessing of materials/wastewaters, biosorption • Bioleaching/hydrometallurgyas a treatment technology for metal containing low grade ores, tailings, waste (electronics) • Leaching and recovery of REEs, e.g. liquid-liquidextraction • Hydrometallurgydevelopment, e.g. leachingof gold usingalternativemethods • Electronicswaste, WEEE processing • Stability of residues • Sustainability and LCA • Mining closureguidelines • Measurement and control; mineralprocessing, water • Utilisation of minewaste • Safe management and characterisation of minewaste
Contacts: • Waste/water management: Margareta Wahlström, tel. +358 40 584 7390, email: margareta.wahlstrom@vtt.fi • Hydrometallurgical processes: Päivi Kinnunen, tel. +358 40 178 0127, email: paivi.kinnunen@vtt.fi • Powder metallurgy and powder technologies/a product centric approach: Päivi Kivikytö-Reponen, tel. +358 40 483 5785, email: paivi.kivikyto-reponen@vtt.fi