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Carlos Casasús Board CLARA CEO CUDI

Developments in Research and Education Networks in Mexico and Latin America. Carlos Casasús Board CLARA CEO CUDI. In summary…. Global economic environment has slowed us down, but Major developments are continuing. CLARA. Started in J u ne 2003 Non profit corporation based in Uruguay

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Carlos Casasús Board CLARA CEO CUDI

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  1. Developments in Research and Education Networks in Mexico and Latin America Carlos Casasús Board CLARA CEO CUDI

  2. In summary… Global economic environment has slowed us down, but Major developments are continuing

  3. CLARA Started in June 2003 Non profit corporation based in Uruguay 16 countries are members

  4. The scenario during 2008 • RedCLARA Network currently connects 12 countries • All links at least 34 Mbps, • New funding, ALICE2, has been contracted. 4 year poject. • 12 million euros provided by EC • 6 million euros provided by LA NREN´s • CLARA has taken over from Dante the management of contracts for the regional network • The link to Europe is co-funded by GEANT and CLARA

  5. The WHREN/LILA Project WHREN: Western Hemisphere Research and Education Network LILA Links Interconnecting Latin America IRNC Project funded by NSF and leaded by FIU and CENIC in the US. CLARA, CUDI, RNP, ANSP from Latin America Acquired IRU of Dark fiber Tijuana-San Diego. Running GbE on top of it. (to Pacific Wave) 2.4 Gbps Sao Paulo-Miami shared with CHEPREO & ANSP (to Atlantic Wave)

  6. Red CLARA Marzo 2010 Porto Alegre

  7. RedCLARA 2011 • Link to Europe should increase to 2.5 Gbps (Sao Paolo prefered) • Will be in the market for IRU’s: • Panama-Miami, • Panama- Santiago (west coast) and • Panama- Mexico (Central America)

  8. Red CLARA 2011 Tapachula Porto Alegre

  9. Regional developments

  10. High capacity link between Argentina and Chile Agreement between CLARA-InnovaRed-RNP, AugerAccess and Silica Networks has allowed the first 10 Gbps “lambda” between Buenos Aires and Santiago

  11. Proyecto Argentina-Chile Córdova Rosario Santiago Buenos Aires Mendoza Malargüe

  12. 50 km The Auger Observatory • ~ 3000 Km2 covered • 160 cosmic ray detectors • 24 telescopes in 4 buildings Malargüe

  13. 6 Telescopes (30°x30°)

  14. Mercosur Proyect Brasil will contribute US$ 10,000,000 over 3 years to finance conections in the Mercosur region, in addition to ALICE 2 funding

  15. Mercosur links • Buenos Aires- Porto Alegre is now funded • Brazil’s contribution has allowed a deal for a fiber link between Asunción and Sao Paolo • Working on the Uruguay link (Montevideo- Rivera- Porto Alegre) Asunción Porto Alegre Buenos Aires Montevideo

  16. EVALSO project (Enabling Virtual Access to Latin American Southern Observatories) Install FO from Antofagasta to Cerro Paranal Sinergy with REUNA. Will share capacity Possibility of reaching Peru. Capacity sharing agreements to reach Arica. IRU´s are available to reach Peru, Ecuador and Colombia

  17. ESO – Cerro Paranal The Very Large Telescope (VLT) • UT 1 (Antu) – May 1998 • UT 2 (Kueyen) – March 1999 • UT 3 (Melipal) – January 2000 • UT 4 (Yepun) – September 2000

  18. Fibre from Antofagasta to Santiago 566Kms 333Kms : 1373Kms Larga Distancia : 115Kms Tramo Local 474Kms

  19. Developments in Mexico • The Mexican government has announced its intention to undertake a major connectivity project • Increase the capacity of the Mexican NREN • Provide connectivity to a majority of public school buildings (≈ 200,000) and health centers (≈20,000)

  20. Major policies Develop the backbone Build a Wimax distribution network

  21. Develop the backbone • The Mexican government owns and operates the electric grid. • The Comisión Federal de Electricidad has 22,000 kilometers of OPGW fiber throughout Mexico • The ministry of Communications and Transport has announced that it will contract capacity with CFE to create a National Network for Broad Band promotion Points of presence of the CFE fiber network

  22. 40 links to major cities of at least 1 Gbps are planned for 2010 1 Gbps. links from Mexico, Guadalajara, Monterrey and Ciudad Juarez already in place

  23. The backbone will serve multiple stakeholders National Backbone 10 Gbps MPLS DWDM CUDI (200 Universidades) Voz Datos Video EDUCATION (150,000 Escuelas) Can impact connectivity of 30 million citizens HEALTH ( 30,000 Centros de Salud ) LOCAL GOVERNMENTS STATE NETWORKS Servicios

  24. The Wimax distribution network

  25. Use existing infrastructure. Tabasco University 10 Enlaces locales en Villahermosa. Velocidades típicas de 45 Mbits/seg 27 km 90 Mbits/seg WiMax 280 km total 45 Mbits/seg 25 km 45 Mbits/seg 20 kms 27 km Backbone CUDI (Internet 2)

  26. In a typical state you can connect most of the schools and health centers using existing radio infrastructure • Cobertura Total (30 radio-bases) • Los círculos de cobertura son ilustrativos y están sujetos a las condiciones de la línea de vista entre el sitio remoto y la radio-base así como a la condición del espectro radio eléctrico. • La ubicación de las radio-bases de la UJAT es con base en aproximaciones, por lo que debe ser confirmada dicha ubicación por parte de la Universidad.

  27. Costs • Less than 2,000 US dollars per connected site

  28. Frequency assignment The Mexican government has assigned the 3.3 Ghz band for the deployment of state run health and education networks 18 states will start deploying state and education networks during 2010

  29. Additional CUDI infrastructure initiatives Dark fiber is beign acquired to establish a 10 Gbps link between Ensenada and California A 1 Gbps link from Mexico City to Chicago connecting the HEP community to CERN is in the planning process for

  30. Central America • Plan Puebla Panamá( building an electrical network with 36 fiber OPGW) has been interrupted by political and economic events in the region. • However comercial providers are now in a position to quote IRU´s. CLARA currently negotiating quotes • CUDI is soliciting a border crossing permit in Guatemala to connect Central American links into Mexico INFORMACION CONFIDENCIAL

  31. The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI)(http://documents.eu-eela.org/record/1119/files/) The GISELA (Grid Initiatives for e-Science virtual communities in Europe and Latin America) has been presented to the FP7. Very high evalution

  32. ccasasus@cudi.edu.mxhttp://www.cudi.edu.mx

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